Repeating Dreams of Hiding and Running

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Repeating Dreams of Hiding and Running

Post by Kimbee » Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:23 pm

I don't normally worry about my dreams or think too hard about them, but recently I've been having a lot of dreams that follow the same theme. I feel anxious during the dream, and even when I wake up I have a feeling of uneasiness. Because of this anxious feeling, I've been wanting to talk to people about them.

If anyone could share their thoughts, I'd be really really grateful.

The dreams usually have myself and a friend or family member in them, though sometimes we're different "characters". We're hiding and on the run from an organization or a larger group. It almost feels like I'm a spy and I know something I shouldn't or the organizations are trying to stop me from doing something. I often hide in a secret room (once it was a spare room in a hospital/old folks' home, another time it was in an underground tree house behind a magic wall) and I live in that secret place for a little while, but I'm often found out.

The first dream was in the Hospital/Old Folks' Home and it was me and my friend Z. My father, who was also a spy, had a room in this home and after going into the hospital to get some documents, me and Z had to find a place to hide because there was a lockdown. So we went into this room (a bed, a tv, and a bathroom) and began to live there. In the first version of the dream, we forgot to pull the curtains closed before turning on the lights, so a man looked out his window and saw us.

We stayed there for several nights, watching tv on low volume and using a really old laptop, and eventually I got impatient and started venturing out and telling people I was visiting. Z got really angry at me because she thought this would ruin our cover. Eventually, there was a knock on our door, asking if we knew about two young girls that were hiding out, and we pretended not to be home. I woke up shortly after that, with her still knocking on the door.

The next dream was in a forest, and me and a group of three other people were surrounded by people that used to be our friends. We end up running away at full speed and trying to find a place to hide. We crawl into some space beneath some roots and into a wooden crawl space/maze. There was a wooden wall that was magic (appeared to be solid, but you could walk straight through) and we hid in the rooms just beyond it. There was an open wall that led from our space to the outside, but we didn't go too far out because we didn't want to be seen.

Again, I stayed in this place, living as normally as possible, for several days. Eventually the people chasing us started flinging things at the magic wall (fireballs? It's hard to remember), and we had to bounce them back at them. At some point, a man broke through the wall, and it was just as we decided to stab him with a rusty nail (??) that I woke up.

I'm not accustomed to having such vivid dreams or remembering them so well, so this is a little odd. ^^; I've had other dreams that follow these basic patterns, but I can't remember them as well. Thank you for reading up to here! :)

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Post by oriel » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:27 am

are you trying to walk away about something i your waking life?as in you don't want to confront some problems or situations that you end running away from it and it projects in your subconscious mind...

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Post by Rook » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:53 am

I agree, it seems you are hiding from something.  I get the feeling from the repeated larger group symbol it is a social situation you are hiding from.  Possibly related to the people that used to be your friends.  From the first dream it seems like you don't like this split and want to go out and visit those in the group again but this will make one of the other people in your new smaller social group angry?  There is contact between the two groups and fighting going on?

I think you don't like the situation and want to heal it / take care of it (hence the hospital / old age care centre symbol).  Does that resonate?

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Post by Kimbee » Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:18 am

Oriel, Rook, thank you so much for your thoughts!

At first I was having a hard time connecting what you said to my life. I was thinking of my friends, and all of my groups either stay separated or interact pretty seamlessly.

Recently, though, I've started going to the Buddhist temple I've been affiliated with for off and on for the past year and a half. It's the first time I've been able to since April of 2011. My mom is a very devout Christian, and while we've somewhat confronted the fact that I'm Buddhist (a "don't ask, don't tell" type of situation where she thinks what she wants, I think, and I keep everything to myself), we haven't really smoothed it over. I really want to tell her about my volunteer activities and how happy the temple and the people there make me feel, especially when she calls on a Sunday (like today), but I feel too scared to. I don't want to damage our relationship or start a fight. I don't want to feel like she's disappointed in me.

I want to be able to talk to her about this, but she continues to send me emails from popular evangelicals, so I have a feeling she's still hopeful I'll convert back to Christianity. But I never really connected to Christianity, not like with Buddhism, and going to church never made me as happy as when I'm with the community I've established at the temple.

I think this might be what you mean by the small group vs little group? Though it doesn't quite match up with the dynamics...

Do you think this might be the situation it's stemming from? If so, do you have any advice?

Again, I really really appreciate your thoughts so far. In particular, Rook, I like how you thought about the health care/old age symbol and how it dealt with healing a relationship. I hadn't thought of that! I just thought of it as a setting, without really thinking about what it might mean. I wonder if the tree fort represented origin or vulnerability?

Oriel, I'm glad you mentioned how I was running away from a confrontation. The wording made me think of my fear of arguing with my mom.

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Post by oriel » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:33 am

You're welcome! :smt003  I hope things get well with you and your mom.I think the hospital part could be a symbol of  some sort of healing or something with that effect.Maybe it's a spiritual healing in your new found belief.

I think what you need is timing, to tell your mom about it,you're gonna have to tell her about it no matter what anyway or else she might learn about it from a someone else.Maybe she'll get mad but eventually maybe she will understand.Tell her how this community helps you and makes you happy in what you're doing now in your life.

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