incredible blue orb picks me up

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incredible blue orb picks me up

Post by Knippy » Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:26 pm

This dream has stuck with me, and I keep coming back to it.

I was hiking through a desert canyon, and I could see people at a distance trying to encourage me to get to them.  Each time I thought they were in my sight, or a close distance something would pop up and block my view.  First it was a big tuft of wheat or brush.  I walked around it, saw the people again and tried walking forward towards them, then a boulder popped up to block me.  I was able to walk around the boulder, even though I was incredibly annoyed.  As I approached the people I noticed that I came to the edge of the canyon, and all that separated me from getting to them was a crevice about 3 ft wide.  I looked down and all I could see was black space.  I began to get very dizzy and scared.  The people kept yelling for me to come to the other side, but I was just too scared and too dizzy....and I was starting to feel sick.  

Then this incredibly beautiful blue swirling orb appears to my left.  I have never seen such a blue.  My dizziness went away, and my fear went away.  The orb spoke to me, although it wasn't really speaking, and told me to trust it.  The orb told me to let it pick me up and carry me, that I would be safe.  Then it basically swallowed me up, but left my legs dangling outside of it.  (I felt like something was holding me under my arms).  The orb carried me through space, and darkness then dropped me off at the bottom of some dark place.  There were men, or demons, or bad people....not really sure.  They came after me, tried pulling me apart.  I fought, pushed, hit...whatever I could do to get away.  I was scared again, thought I would be killed.  Suddenly steps appeared, and I went up them.  As I exited this area, the blue orb was there to pick me up again.  This time it dropped me off in an open air amphitheater and people started throwing large objects at me.  Hammers, mallets, shoes, rocks...I was able to dodge some of them, and others I was hit by. I felt like I was fighting again for my life.

I  managed to get out of the theater, and a woman in a white dress...she seemed fairy like picked me up and took me to a safe area.  Told me to remember she would always be there for me.  Then the blue orb arrived again, picked me up and took me back into the sky...this is when I woke up.

I cannot describe the beauty, love, energy of this orb.  When I woke up, I still felt like something was holding me underneath my arms.  

Any thoughts?

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Post by Rook » Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:57 am

Hi Knippy

Here is my basic overview of what the dream is trying to say:

You are striving for a goal, related to people somehow, perhaps family/social success?  Or perhaps it is coming to your full Self with all the components that make you working together and knowing your Self wholly and in unity?  Not sure, the people as the goal is a key.

The other key is the environment, the desert canyon.  The desert being sort of lifeless and not growing.  Stagnantation.  You are in a state lacking (personal or social?) growth perhaps?  Not making friends or not experiencing things that make you grow.

Whenever you try to reach out and achieve this goal there is an obstacle that gets in the way.  It sounds like it could be something related to fear?  Is there some fear of meeting new people, engaging in social interactions that are holding you back perhaps?  I wouldn't say such would be abnormal.  I could have had this dream myself.

From this dream content I am guessing you are male?  The ball, and the woman at the end speak to me of the unconscious self.  This often expresses itself as an unknown person of the opposite sex but who has a loving nature to it.

The ball tells you to trust it and exudes a lot of love and care for you.  And yet it drops you in a bad situation, in the dark with people trying to tear you apart.  A place of fear.  It left you there and you had to fight to get away.  You were provided with stairs.  Again the ball drops you this time in the theatre where you are centre stage and people are throwing objects again, and again you must fight.

You are left again to escape for yourself.

Finally you come to the anima figure (inner emotional self), who cares and lets you know she will always be there for you.

What this tells me is that you are unconsciously being pitched into difficult situation, likely social situations (getting to the people, being the centre stage of the theatre).  You have to fight through this, perhaps confronting a fear (of being judged? - objects thrown at you).  How do you feel about public speaking?

The dream content suggests to me that you are being pitched into social situations for your own good, to overcome this barrier/fear that is blocking you from getting to the group of people (becoming socially active?).  I think it is not an easy task, but something that will likely benefit you in the long run.

Does that make any sense?

Sweet dreams,

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