LOrd shiva slapped me

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LOrd shiva slapped me

Post by shwetasoni05 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:02 pm

      Few days back I saw lord shiva and dad sitting in room and some discussion was going on with me then suddenly Shivji slapped me very badly. ad saw unknown person of very dark complexion. what does it mean?

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Post by MuDDld » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:09 pm

Can't be very sure, but I think this has to do with some kind of guilt that you're feeling. You seem to have picked a path that you feel is wrong, and that is why you have two authority figures in your dream - your dad and god. It is god who slaps you, which could mean the guilt you feel is over something moral.

Or it could be something that you should be doing but are not doing, and you feel you should do it.

By the way, Lord Shiva is the god of death. Do you worship Him or did he just happen to be there in your dream? Lord Shiva is also the kings of yogis, the ultimate ascetic.

Another thing, you are a girl. Does anyone know what it means if a person dreams of his parent of the opposite sex? Rook?

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Lord shiva

Post by shwetasoni05 » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:41 pm

         Lord shiva came in my dreams many times before also but that time I saw in the form of statue or shivling but this time I saw HIM sitting crosslegs with blue color body. During those days I was doing 16 somvar vrat. But My Dad is facing some health problems from past 3 years. Is there any connection to that. Also I personally feel after my marriage My Dad Will be fine.

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Post by MuDDld » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:25 pm

Is it that your marriage is related to all this? Maybe you don't want to marry and are being forced? Maybe the dream wanted to show your father's displeasure by showing the god slap you? Can't be very sure.

A dream about a god can be purely spiritual dream also.

The colour blue is also a spiritual colour:

see more dream meanings here

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Lord shiva

Post by shwetasoni05 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:18 pm

Its related to my marriage and I want to marry soon but me and my Dad's choice differ a lot. They think that its only because of me my marriage is delayed.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:00 am

MuDDld wrote:Can't be very sure, but I think this has to do with some kind of guilt that you're feeling. You seem to have picked a path that you feel is wrong, and that is why you have two authority figures in your dream - your dad and god. It is god who slaps you, which could mean the guilt you feel is over something moral.

Or it could be something that you should be doing but are not doing, and you feel you should do it.

By the way, Lord Shiva is the god of death. Do you worship Him or did he just happen to be there in your dream? Lord Shiva is also the kings of yogis, the ultimate ascetic.

Another thing, you are a girl. Does anyone know what it means if a person dreams of his parent of the opposite sex? Rook?

Dr. Freud (just kidding!),

Purrhaps it is just about someone else taking over the responsibility? Architypal 'dads' are meant to perform that function, are they not?

Shiva is not the God of death, He is MrityunJaya (overcoming death!) and as the metaphorical allegory tells us when the Great Ocean was being churned vigorously by the Divine and the Demons (like a political Minority party collition, speaking realisitically and analogically!) and the Great Ocean seemed like milk being churned, when the POISON emerged, Shiva consumed it and saved that PROJECT! But the poison turned His throat blue and hence He is called NEEL_KANTHA (One with the BLUE THROAT!).

Shiva is the Divine Icon of "returning back to ATOMS!" so reconstitution may begin again by Brahma and then sustenance by Vishnu!

Trinal logic of Jyotish, but not 1-5-9, but rather all TRINAL orientations as prescribed in Jyotish-101!

Just mentioning it here, but would not be further elaborated since this is not the jyotish area!

Take it or leave it!


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Post by MuDDld » Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:52 pm

Sorry, but I am right about Shiva being the god of death. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the sustainer, and Shiva is the destroyer. How am I wrong here? As far as Mrityunjaya, yes, people who are about to die pray to Shiva, but that is because Shiva is the god of death and can choose to let them live.

I myself live in India.

Could not understand the end of your post. I don't know much about Jyotish. Is Lord Shiva not regarded as the god of death in Jyotish? If you know about Jyotish, can you tell me what Kaal Sarp Yog is, and does?

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Post by Rook » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:09 am

Hard to say how I would interpret this dream.  A lot can be said with a slap.

I do not know how to read the character of Shiva as well, which will influence it. Muddld, this is more your territory.  I would say though, that the slap is either a wake up call or else a demand to step into line with authority.  This in turn could have different readings: that the death of you is slapping you into line, or that you are being slapped into line to bring about necessary change in life (death is often associated with rebirth ie change); or else you are being woken up to changes taking place associated with your father or authority somehow?  Like becoming self-responsible?  Like I said hard for me to interpret.


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