Really weird dream about a robber, etc

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Really weird dream about a robber, etc

Post by EdwardC » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:17 am

These are two dreams which are really weird and very difficult to describe. The first I had in the morning, the second when I was sleeping in the afternoon.

In the first dream, I was with a girl and we were running, and we were in a house, and we reached the end of it, towards the back, and there were two or three women there and they were washing clothes. We entered the corridor like space where they were and they screamed and ran away, and closed the door from the outside so we couldn't escape. I was trying to find a way out, and in an adjoining room to the right of the small corridor, there was another room with a man, an actor, sleeping inside. Near the window, there was another man, and I shoved him out of the window, and he started falling, and the sleeping man woke up and he was going to attack me and catch me but I said that if you want to save the other man, you will have to help us. Then I saw that the house we were in was at a great height, and the man I had pushed out was still falling. We immediately got into a plane, I don't know how, and then we flew below the man who was falling from the height, and he crashed on the body of the plane and this way we saved him. Then the plane we were travelling in had three engines, one on the left and two on the right, and the man was on the farther right engine and that part detached without any problem and he separated while we flew on. Then I was near a building, a small one, and there was a woman with me, and I don't know what we were doing but then the woman pointed to the distance and a nuclear explosion had taken place, and a large cloud of sand was quickly moving towards us. We went and stood behind a shed or some such thing, and then cloud reached us and enveloped us. Then everything changed, and I was a woman, and I was the actress Diane Kruger, and I was moving down a corridor. I had been accused of a robbery or some thing, and as I moved down the corridor I saw sights, like people on both sides of the corridor who were really strange and had been jailed. When I reached the end of the corridor, I was jailed in the room at the end of the corridor, in the center, not on the right or left, and it was a small room but there was a man with a blade who was coming towards me to kill me, and I said that I didn't do anything, he is the man who did it, and then I saw a door towards the left and I went in and there was an even smaller room there and there was a man there who was not dangerous and who probably beckoned me inside. This is where the dream ends.

In the second dream, I was with my family, and we were descending the slope of a mountain. There was a sharp decline at one point, and I went to the edge, and then my sister followed, but her foot splashed into a puddle a little distance from the edge. Then my father followed, and his foot also splashed into the same puddle. There was a slide or stairs in front of me, using which I could go down. To our left, there was another such slide, and there was a man there, and he used the slide. I was told, I think by my father, that that side would be easier, so I went there and slid down using the slide. I then continued downwards while I told my father to stay where he was and he decided to sit there. Then I continued forwards, and after reaching the end of the slope, went on, and there was a gate like thing built into the mountain in front of us, and there were other boys with me, and we went in. Then we passed through various rooms and courtyards and there was this feeling that someone's marriage was going to take place here. At the same time, this whole place was also some pilgrimage place of some sort. I reached the end of the passage onwards, and found myself on the terrace of a house, and there were others with me, and we were on a house on a river bank and a fast river was flowing by with mountains on the other bank as well. The river was flowing between mountains and I was on a house beside it, and there were other houses there as well. Then I started the journey back through the rooms and courtyards and on the way, two things happened. I was between two houses, and there was a vast space between them, and there was a dog and I was afraid of this dog. It came after me, and I managed to enter a room and barely managed to close the door. Then another thing was that there was a tower like building in the middle of a vast space, and there were robbers of some sort near it, with some women milling around as well.

Then I reached the slope on which my father was sitting, but I had lost my shoes on the way. Then our family again started towards the house on the river bank, and my father told me that there was hidden gold in a shaft in the house, on the terrace, and if we got that, we wouldn't have to work for the rest of our lives. We had bags with us, and we reached a  point where there was a robber man with his band of robbers, and they were people who would illegaly transport us to the river side house. They checked our baggage and said that no guns would be allowed. Then the main robber was going to transport our baggage first to a house on the other side, and there was an incline on this side with a gap in between and then the incline continued on the other side, like a little bridge that has its middle missing. I sat on the rear seat of the bike behind the main robber, and to my left and right were more robbers, although where they were sitting or standing I don't know and they had some of the bags, and then another robber came and put a large hat on the main robber's head and it covered my head as well but the main robber said that it should be only on his head and so the other robber adjusted the hat. Then we were off and we raced at full speed up the incline and then we were in the air for two seconds and then on the other side of the incline. There we deposited the bags. I also pointed to the house terrace with the shaft where the gold was, and to the building with space around it, where now there were many women with guns, going around. On the way back we were on foot, and only the main robber and I were there. We were talking and I said one or two times 'if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you' and I asked him some questions, if I remember correctly one of the questions was whether the main robber thought what he was doing was ethical. Then we were back at a house from where we had started, and the robber told me to be quiet and all of a sudden opened a door on the first floor even though we had been standing on the ground floor a second earlier, and there were four or five other men in that room and they were smoking and chatting, and they dispersed when the main robber entered. That is all I remember of this dream. It is the main robber that really interests me. Even in the dream, he had a certain personality, and he was the center of attraction.

I cannot make head or tail of these dreams. I would really like to know what they mean.

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Post by MuDDld » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:24 pm

I don't know what to say about the first dream, but I think the second dream is about losing something and finding it back.

Just a little bit here. When you dream about a robber, either it means someone has stolen something, like your success from you. Or else you've lost something which you value. Does this make sense? You descended the slope, into the unconscious, where you went through a lot of rooms representing different aspects of your psyche, and then you reached a river, which was fast flowing, representing your emotions. There were mountains there, which shows you have a wish to rise higher.

Can't be very sure, but the loss of shoes could mean you have lost your bearings. Your father, who represents the higher self, asks you to find a treasure, meaning some part of you that has been lost. Then the robber enters the picture. Maybe he represents someone you know, whom you don't like because that person steals something from you, something that you think belongs to you? Like a worker at the workplace who gets the praise for work that you do? The robber is given a hat, which means he is given credit. A motorcyle has to do with balancing, which the robber can do. Is the co-worker or whoever it is who steals the show, if there is one, able to make everyone happy? There are other robbers, meaning people who help him do this. You are moving towards the treasure, and the robber is supposed to help you reach there. There are also women with guns, meaning you have to be on guard. These are just guesses, you should wait for some other person with experience to come and comment.

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