Bisexual themed dream.

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Bisexual themed dream.

Post by Alliss » Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:34 pm

Hi all on the dreams forum!
Nice to venture over and meet you all.

Anyway, I'd like some opinions on my newest dream.

I had been staying over at someone's house, along with a small group of my friends/family, I don't remember who specifically.
There were three sisters also staying over, who I didn't know.
One sister was acting rather 'bitchy', then burst into tears. I got the sense that she was grieving for somebody and walked over and hugged her while she was crying to offer her some comfort. She hugged me back, confirming to me that she needed some support and the bitchy attitude had just been a smokescreen. She sobbed even more so I hugged her tighter until she calmed down.
When she did calm down, her hands started heading towards more inappropriate places. Thinking it was accidental, I manoeuvred so her hands couldn't reach. She then manoeuvred so that they could making it clear that it was her intention. So I let her go and stepped back.

Just then my friends walked in and told me we had to leave, the car was on it's way to pick us up. I started walking through the house collecting my things from various rooms. I was in the bathroom getting my toothbrush and things, when the same woman walked in and locked the doors behind her. She walked straight over to me and tried kissing me. Again, I stepped back and was about to explain that I'm not attracted to other women. But when I looked at her, I suddenly realised that I was attracted to her. So, then I initiated a kiss and things got pretty heated but again we were interrupted, this time by her sisters pushing the doors. It was a double door that locked in the middle, so enough pressure would push them open.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:11 pm

It's funny how you get a dream about being bisexual at a point in your life when you can't make your mind up!

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Post by Alliss » Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:19 pm

stephybabes92 wrote:It's funny how you get a dream about being bisexual at a point in your life when you can't make your mind up!
Lol, good point!

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Post by Rook » Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:17 pm

Hi Aliss

Sorry it has taken me a while to get to this.  At first I couldn't get a clear picture of the dream.

The important components for me:

"Someone else's house": Generally houses refer to ourselves, so I thought that perhaps someone else's house would represent someone else?  But this is where I think approaching the dream without preconceptions about symbols is important.  If the meaning doesn't fit likely it is not right, as the dream doesn't seem to point at someone specifically but rather a family/friend house.  Hence what I think we are dealing with here as the overall theme / setting of the dream is, astrologically speaking, the "House of Relationships".

In that regard I feel this dream is referring to your relationships with people in a general sense.

In come the three sisters: This is specifically three, and sisters.  Hence there is some relationship between the three of them.  They are unknown to you.  In the context of the rest of the dream - that of DENIAL of sexual orientation, I believe this is referring to an aspect of yourself that you are in denial about.  It may or may not be sexual in nature, only you will know if the sexual overtone is in reference to sexual orientation itself, or used to generate a response that will help highlight the issue and raise your awareness of it.

I noticed that it is only the one sister you interact with, although there are three of them.  I looked for other symbols of three.  What I came up with was this: there are three different levels of interaction with that sister.  There is the initial level of bitchiness.  Underlying that is a need for comfort (about something lost? - grieving?).  Then as the final level is the sexual interaction that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Before I go into this further there is also the association with threes of a duality that is balanced by a third "middle-path".  I do not see how this fits with the rest of the dream, but I often see things that come in three as being two extremes and the moderate position in the middle.

My initial feeling is that what you are repressing / denying is some "bitchy"-like behaviour.  The second veil / second sister is the need for comfort for "something lost" (grieving).  Perhaps a lost friend or lost relationship that has resulted in the bitchy behaviour?  The third veil / third sister is that it is making you feel uncomfortable - it is invading your "private space"?  This is intentional.

The dream then skips to the bathroom: This is a room of removing unwanted/unneeded material (toilet), cleansing (bath/shower) and reflection (mirror).  Not sure specifically what the dream would be referring to in the use of the bathroom in this example, but you come here to get what you need to "move on".  It is here that the confrontation takes place, and you come to terms with what you have been repressing, acknowledging the source of the issue that makes you uncomfortable, that in turn will allow you to move on from the bitchy aspect that you have been repressing.

Does that make any sense?


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Post by Alliss » Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:13 am

Rook wrote:Hi Aliss

Sorry it has taken me a while to get to this.  At first I couldn't get a clear picture of the dream.

The important components for me:

"Someone else's house": Generally houses refer to ourselves, so I thought that perhaps someone else's house would represent someone else?  But this is where I think approaching the dream without preconceptions about symbols is important.  If the meaning doesn't fit likely it is not right, as the dream doesn't seem to point at someone specifically but rather a family/friend house.  Hence what I think we are dealing with here as the overall theme / setting of the dream is, astrologically speaking, the "House of Relationships".

In that regard I feel this dream is referring to your relationships with people in a general sense.

In come the three sisters: This is specifically three, and sisters.  Hence there is some relationship between the three of them.  They are unknown to you.  In the context of the rest of the dream - that of DENIAL of sexual orientation, I believe this is referring to an aspect of yourself that you are in denial about.  It may or may not be sexual in nature, only you will know if the sexual overtone is in reference to sexual orientation itself, or used to generate a response that will help highlight the issue and raise your awareness of it.

I noticed that it is only the one sister you interact with, although there are three of them.  I looked for other symbols of three.  What I came up with was this: there are three different levels of interaction with that sister.  There is the initial level of bitchiness.  Underlying that is a need for comfort (about something lost? - grieving?).  Then as the final level is the sexual interaction that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Before I go into this further there is also the association with threes of a duality that is balanced by a third "middle-path".  I do not see how this fits with the rest of the dream, but I often see things that come in three as being two extremes and the moderate position in the middle.

My initial feeling is that what you are repressing / denying is some "bitchy"-like behaviour.  The second veil / second sister is the need for comfort for "something lost" (grieving).  Perhaps a lost friend or lost relationship that has resulted in the bitchy behaviour?  The third veil / third sister is that it is making you feel uncomfortable - it is invading your "private space"?  This is intentional.

The dream then skips to the bathroom: This is a room of removing unwanted/unneeded material (toilet), cleansing (bath/shower) and reflection (mirror).  Not sure specifically what the dream would be referring to in the use of the bathroom in this example, but you come here to get what you need to "move on".  It is here that the confrontation takes place, and you come to terms with what you have been repressing, acknowledging the source of the issue that makes you uncomfortable, that in turn will allow you to move on from the bitchy aspect that you have been repressing.

Does that make any sense?

Hi Rook

Nice to meet you and thank you for taking time to look at my dream.

Everything you said makes sense. Your interpretation has brought a lot of clarity for me regarding this dream.

'House of relationships' fits very well, this is a key area of my focus recently.

The sisters being 'unknown' to me is a great observation and I now think that's what they represent, the unknown.
I've been working on integrating parts of my unconscious into consciousness, challenging my own beliefs and attitudes and seeing where I can find 'the middle road', so that part is spot on.

The sisters representing different levels, again an excellent observation. I now believe that the interactions portray the different levels of integration with the unknown. Firstly, appearing hostile and unwelcome before the second stage of understanding. Then crossing the boundaries beyond my comfort zone and finally the 'union', before I move on. The bathroom could symbolise cleansing and discarding old beliefs in order to integrate new ones.
I will consider the other factors (bitchiness, grief, etc) further because I'm still not quite sure where they fit in yet.

Thank you very much, that really helped.


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Post by Rook » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:07 pm

Hi Aliss

Nice to meet you too! :)
'House of relationships' fits very well, this is a key area of my focus recently.
Isn't it interesting that dreams reflect our thoughts and life events so intricately?  It never ceases to amaze me, also in how complex and perfect the use of symbology can be.
Firstly, appearing hostile and unwelcome before the second stage of understanding. Then crossing the boundaries beyond my comfort zone and finally the 'union', before I move on.
A good insight.  Hence the bisexual nature of the dream.  It may be related to something related to feminine as opposed to a masculine trait.  Perhaps this lends itself to the "bitchy" character?  It certainly seems to have some negative connotation about it, so I would be looking at that as something about yourself you don't like / see in a negative light.  There was a specific reason the dream chose a bitchy character, and when you figure it out it will 'click'.

Sweet dreams,

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Post by Alliss » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:09 pm

Rook wrote:Hi Aliss

Nice to meet you too! :)

Isn't it interesting that dreams reflect our thoughts and life events so intricately?  It never ceases to amaze me, also in how complex and perfect the use of symbology can be.
I completely agree. I've only recently begun taking an interest in dream interpretation and I've only understood one dream completely. It seemed every detail was purposefully selected to symbolise the meaning or multiple meanings behind it. I found it very fascinating.
A good insight.  Hence the bisexual nature of the dream.  It may be related to something related to feminine as opposed to a masculine trait.  Perhaps this lends itself to the "bitchy" character?  It certainly seems to have some negative connotation about it, so I would be looking at that as something about yourself you don't like / see in a negative light.  There was a specific reason the dream chose a bitchy character, and when you figure it out it will 'click'.

Sweet dreams,
Hmm, I now wonder if she represents my shadow. Everything about her is my opposite, including her actions. My 'bitchy' side must be repressed, I'm rarely inclined to behave that way. I wouldn't initiate anything so forcefully either.
Also, even having sisters and the whole sisterly relationship is foreign to me.
I'm not sure what else I might be repressing or how it fits with things that I dislike about myself.
The bisexual theme could be literal, btw, it's something I may have 'dug up' recently, but I still believe that the dream has additional meanings too.

A more recent dream involved a hermaphrodite figure, so it seems reasonable that the masculine - feminine traits that you mentioned are a likely factor.

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Post by Rook » Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:59 pm

Hi Aliss

It is likely she represents a shadow aspect of yourself.

I have been thinking about this dream, perhaps we have been too focused on the word "bitchy" and not thinking about what she represents.  I was thinking perhaps she is representative of an emotional shield you put up between yourself and others (which fits the house of relationships).  Could it be due to repressed bisexual feelings that you close yourself off to certain people?

It might also help to analyse what she was doing to make her the "bitchy" character.  If it is an extreme behaviour it might be exaggerated if only to help identify the type of behaviour it is referring to.

Just my thoughts from today.


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Post by Alliss » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:49 am

Rook wrote:Hi Aliss

It is likely she represents a shadow aspect of yourself.

I have been thinking about this dream, perhaps we have been too focused on the word "bitchy" and not thinking about what she represents.  I was thinking perhaps she is representative of an emotional shield you put up between yourself and others (which fits the house of relationships).  Could it be due to repressed bisexual feelings that you close yourself off to certain people?

It might also help to analyse what she was doing to make her the "bitchy" character.  If it is an extreme behaviour it might be exaggerated if only to help identify the type of behaviour it is referring to.

Just my thoughts from today.

Hi Rook

All I remember was the way she was responding and coming across was bitchy. I don't remember anything more specific and I don't think it was particularly extreme.

I'm going to do some serious introspection on all this and see what I discover. Thanks for your insight, it's much appreciated.

Love & Light

Alliss xx

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Post by Rook » Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:44 am

Hi Aliss

I am interested in hearing what you figure out when you have "cut through" this one.


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