Dream about me being kidnapped.

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Dream about me being kidnapped.

Post by MuDDld » Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:46 pm

In the beginning of this dream, I was with my co-workers and we were in a dark room. There were two or three women co-workers, and they had laid out sheets on the floor and were lying down. There were also one or two kids which belonged to the women, and they had brought them to work, which is something they never do. There was a large bed beside them and they were lying on the ground instead, near the wall and window. I was sitting on the bed, when a young girl, a kid, came up from behind and hugged me. Then I found that it wasn't a young girl but one of my colleagues. He was the one hugging me. Then we lay down, some three or four of us on the bed, and one of these collegues, had unbuttoned his shirt and we were lying there talking. It was a carefree time. Then a former boss of ours came up. One of the colleagues whom I secretly don't like went and started talking with the former boss and he was a bit disrespectful to the boss. Then the boss came to me and I talked to him very respectfully. He then asked me to come with him, and we went out and he put his hand around my shoulder, and I found this particular boss to be good in real life. We walked about, outside in the streets, and he asked me what kind of girl I liked. I pretended not hearing what he was saying, and actually in the dream I could not hear what he was saying entirely. He was asking me about marriage, because I am unmarried in real life, and don't wish to marry because of the responsibilities and at the same time also want to marry and have a good time. I kept saying to him that I didn't plan to marry, and he kept trying to convince me. We had reached a house where we were denied entry as we walked to its door. Then we turned back and reached a truck, and it was a truck that transports milk, or maybe something else. We both climbed up the rear side, not on top of the truck, and were talking when the truck's owner came up. I immediately alighted, and told my former boss that they wanted to leave, but my boss was very heavy headed at this point in the dream and just wouldn't come down. The truck guys, who were three or four in number, wanted to leave, but my boss wouldn't come and said that you can do anything you want, I will come down only when I want to. Then one of the truck guys, who was the leader of this group said something like 'is that so?' and then got into the truck and the others also climbed in, and they started the truck and I also climbed up the rear side because they were going to leave and I didn't want to leave my boss behind.

The truck started moving and my boss took out his phone to dial to some police officer whom he knew, who would take care of the truck guys, but he just couldn't dial. Then the truck travelled a long distance, and we were at the rear but were in front, the truck was moving backwards now, so that we could see where we were going. We finally descended some small slopes and turned to the right and reached a crowded bazar. There the truck came to a halt, and my boss was scared now. We were at the rear exit of a hotel, and there a man was applying fire to another man's leg, only it was a hook and not a leg. They stopped when our truck came up. Then we all got down from the truck, and the leader of the truck guys said something and what he meant was that they should take my former boss and cut his leg and cook it and serve it to the customers. I was really scared and I apologized and said to the leader that I had nothing to do with all this, and that I had got down earlier in the beginning, and the leader said that I should step aside, he was not going to do anything to me. So I stepped aside, and then later I was sort of domesticated and had to work in the fields and I was actually laying eggs in the field, I was human but had sort of become a hen. Then I decided that this was enough, and I rebelled, and tried to escape with my boss, whose leg didn't seem to have been cut off because he was running with me, and we were on mountainous area and we reached the end where there was a ocean, we were still on the mountain top, and we stopped there because we couldn't go any forward.

The dream ends here, and I woke up but decided to fall asleep again, and then the dream continued in a different way, with my having become a superhero. The truck guys came back, and I said to them that have you heard of Superman, and Spiderman, and Batman, I am all of these. I had become a hero and was fighting them. This dream ends here.

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Post by Alliss » Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:15 am


I think this dream is a caution against over- identifying with the 'wise man' archetype within your unconscious. The boss represents this archetype, he's wise and powerful, but not as wise and powerful as he believes himself to be.

There's a conflict of opinion surrounding marriage and he's trying to convince you that he's right. I believe the key here is to listen to his words as you would anyone's opinion and choose what suits you and what's rational but not simply accept his word as the ultimate truth. Which seems could likely lead you into trouble.

Over-identification with this archetype can lead to an over-inflated ego (you begin to believe that you're not only a superhero, but you are all the superheroes in one!).
He will lead you to believe that with him, you're already at the top (mountain), therefore, preventing further progress.  Continually question your inner wisdom, because it's not the ultimate truth, only another perspective.

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