Secret Passageway

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Secret Passageway

Post by Birdy » Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:13 pm

My dream started out being about this old, crazy, religious lady. It was clear that this woman represented me. This woman was clever, and sly, for she wasn't really that religious, she was going to denounce her religion at just the right time and it would accomplish something. In real life, I became religious about a year ago, but I secretly don't really believe in it anymore.

We were on a playground. There were lines of people my age, getting on the swings. I was going to get on the swings. I don't remember if I did or not.

On the other side of the field, there were tons and tons of students, all with musical instruments in some sort of band. These were serious musicians. I had some sort of musical instrument, I don't remember what it was now, but someone asked to borrow it and I gave it to them. When they gave it back, it was a different, cheaper musical instrument and I was upset. I was with my dad in the field. This was a problem a lot of musicians there were having, and it was a serious problem, because they were serious musicians.

There was a house, perhaps my house, with a secret passageway in it. We were venturing down the secret passageway, a little bit at a time. We would venture some, then come back, then venture a little bit farther, than come back again. Something about the secret passageway was scary, like there was fear that you may never come out. However, it was beautiful. There was a part of the passageway, which while I had seen it before, I didn't realize how beautiful it was until my second time looking at it.

We had to venture through the passageway, to solve the crazy religious lady mystery, or get back the missing musical instruments. We got almost to the end, and there was a man guarding the end. We were asked questions, and had to answer 3 out of 4 correctly. The first question I was asked was, how many syllables are there in one word? I had to answer quickly, and I wasn't thinking well, so I just said "one." That was incorrect. There can be any number of syllables in one word. But it was okay, I was allowed to get one wrong.

We never finished the journey. We never passed the guards at the end, I woke up first.

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Post by Birdy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:04 am

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I think when I let someone borrow my musical instrument, they didn't even give me an instrument back. Instead they gave me a cheap mask, like a kid would wear.

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Post by Rook » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:45 am

Hi Birdy

An interesting dream. You already clearly have the context in the religious lady who is going to renounce her religion, and her symbolism of spiritual mystery.

The dream seems to illustrate that the religion does not satisfy your spiritual needs to a high enough level, seen in the symbol of the unsatisfactory musical instrument that is returned. You are more serious than this.

Perhaps you need learning and understanding of these mysteries (the student) that you aren't getting with organised religion, their focus being what you need to do and not the why that is necessary for your spiritually curious drive, a trait and experience that I share with you.

What you need to do? Search within your own house (own self) for the secret passageway of your own personal (hence secret) journey of discovery. The image re y of this journey, moving along the passage a little before turning back, then returning again and going a little further, and each trip everything seems more beautiful, this matches my experience of spiritual development.

I also find that as I go along signposts and helping hands appear as if like magic.

I suspect gnostic principles are your thing more than religion.

A good dream.

Sweet dreams and happy journeys,

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Post by Birdy » Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:17 am

Thank you for your interpretation! It could very well be about spiritual development I didn't think of that.

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