Afterschool dream Urgent

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Afterschool dream Urgent

Post by drprpapi23 » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:39 pm

Hi guys im really desperate to find out the meaning of a recent dream. A little backround of me: I've been obseessed with the metaphyics, law of attraction, etc. but in a bad way. Bad in the sense i've been thinking what i DON'T WANT. Things such as fearful thoughts like me dying me doing bad things and everytime i try to ignore it it would try to nip back at me like an energy parasite to the point i've been struggling with this for more than a year kinda like ocd. These past recent days i had enough of it and decided to follow divine will so to speak due to certain serious things of what's going on in world and me getting upset these thoughts trying to feed off me. My decision to dedicate my life to fighting this and following the divine came these past couple days. The dream basically started with me trying to find a way out of school after the school day was done. i went down stairways to go leave down one of the exits which said kindergarden but instead of leaving through it i went upstairs 1 floor up to leave the school through that floor. When i left the school building i tried to find my friends who was going to smoke weed(i smoke weed) but in the middle of trying to find them i had a change of heart and decided to find my way back to school. The important part of the dream i feel like was me trying to find my way back to school but couldn't because i became lost during the way looking for my friends. As i was desperately looking for a way back to the school, the hoody i was wearing got dirty when my hoody sleeve touched what look like dirt or *h!t on the ground while finding my way due to a dirty block. After this i took off my hoody & then proceeded to try to find a way back to school. In the middle of this i woke up and now im trying to find the meaning of all this. I graduated school years ago and been trying to find guidance recently. I pay attention to dreams, signs, or anything around nature thats trying to convey a message since i believe it could be used as a tool of guidance especially since i'm trying to find spiritual guidance recently. I truly appreciate you guys taking the time to read this as it means alot to me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:58 pm


I will look back at this dream as part of giving you a reading on the psychic reading forum.

I feel that they belong together. ... hp?t=83892

Type to you again soon,

EoT  :smt002

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Post by Rook » Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:56 am

Hi drprpapi

I will quickly jump in and give my observations on this dream as well as the series of links provided by EoT - sorry if I hurt your toes here EoT but I feel compelled to say something.

The dream itself seems to have a clear theme to me.  The school I do not believe is representing your actual school, but rather your own learning.

What is the situation of your sphere of learning?  You are lost.  Why?  Because you went off to your pot smoking friends.  Why was this symbol used?  I don't believe this is used just because of your own use of the substance as a social activity.  I suspect it is used in its representation of the loss of logic and reasoning, into the world of being 'high', hallucinations, and all that.

These friends I suspect are representing the websites and ideas you have acquired from your reading about laws of attraction and such on the interenet.  EoT said it best - you need to balance this informaton with your own logic and reasoning.  A mistake I see a lot of people make is that they read something on the net and accumulate it as truth.

An example of what I am talking about here is a story I have heard a number of times; namely that daddy long legs, who crawl all over my home, are the deadliest spider in the world.  But fortunately their fangs are too small to pierce human skin since they mainly eat insects and other nasty spiders like Redbacks (which is incidently why I like having them around my home).  I have had this told to me very convincingly and matter-of-factly from a number of people.  They "know" this as a fact.  Turns out I watched an episode of mythbusters that explored this myth.  First they measured the Daddy Long Legs fangs to see if they could pierce human skin.  Yep, by a relatively fair distance.  Next they explored if the venom was deadly.  They extracted significantly more venom from the daddy long legs than it can store at any one time, let alone what is injected in a single bite.  I can't remember how much.  It was just enough to incapacitate, but not kill, a small mouse.  So that was clearly a myth.  There are heaps of these out there.  What I am trying to illustrate here is that there is nothing wrong with reading about theories on the net, and a lot of them will be presented as fact, not theory, but it is important to be in a state of experimentation with these theories rather than absorbing it as fact.

Otherwise we can get lost, as the dream illustrates, between different facts.  There are two sides to all arguments.  There are people who will tell you that the law of attraction is an indisuptable fact, and others will tell you it is a load of mucky goo that you got on your hoody.  That is, incidentally, what I feel that the stuff you got on the hoody is representing.  Somewhere along the way you have picked up something ugly.  What you have to do is remove that hoody, and then go back to the state of learning, not just through reading, but also through your own life experiences.

The Hoody itself is also an interesting symbol.  I feel that this was specifically chosen as well.  In learning all this information you now have a focused field of view.  The hood blocks your peripheral vision, you are not seeing everything outside of the law of attraction etc that you have been studying.  You need to remove that and see beyond this learning.

Similarly it blocks the true you that is inside from being seen from the outside.  You are identifying yourself with what others have told you what the world is, you have taken what is outside of you and clothed yourself in it, rather than taking what is within you and bringing that to the surface.  You need to shed this to return to the state of learning, to become that adept you want to.  And you have said it yourself, you want to go inside yourself, but in doing this you also need to loosen your views from what you have read, and discover the world for yourself.

In summary the dream seems to show that you were learning but have become lost, and you need to shed the crap that you have taken on (but keep what sits right with you) in order to return to the state of learning that you desire.

Does that make any sense?


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:24 pm

Rook wrote in response to drprpapi's dream interpretation request...........
In summary the dream seems to show that you were learning but have become lost, and you need to shed the crap that you have taken on (but keep what sits right with you) in order to return to the state of learning that you desire.
Hi Rook,

My toes feel perfectly OK and thank you for saving me from having to do a lot of extra work interpreting this dream, on top of giving David a reading.

Your summary is actually so well condensed that I plan to use it (credited to you of course) within the reading, effectively as a starting point from which to gradually help him "shed the crap" and replace it with something much more positive and practical than the huge amounts of worse than useless information which he has collected from the internet over an extended period of time, then magnified through his still undiagnosed mental disorder into something which is preventing him from being able to function effectively in this lifetime.

Many thanks for applying your highly specialised knowledge and experience in the area of dream interpretation to this problem which I feel has been months or even years in the making, and hoping that between us we will eventually be able to free our friend of whatever troubles him. This is very much a case of learning something requiring him to first unlearn what he has used up until now to impose his own artificial sense of order upon his world and his life which both must seem even more disordered, overpowering and above all confusing than they probably do to most other people whom we know.

Please feel free to add your own comments to mine after the reading has been completed.

Thanks again,

EoT  :)

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