Dream about a stomach ache.

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Dream about a stomach ache.

Post by Sladejake » Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:26 pm

I had a dream that I was in a house. The house wasn't mine and it was a very dirty. And this obese woman was showing me around her house. And we were in the kitchen or something. And my stomach started hurting.
It wasn't hurting in my walking life, that would have woken me up.
But I was saying that my stomach hurt. And she said "Awwwww, your stomach hurts?" And then she gave me this black pill, she said it would make me feel better. So I took it and I did.

The next part was where I was in this shower with my clothes on and my mother came into the shower. But she started laughing and left cause she thought that she was going to be pregnant. And then I woke up.

Very interested to hear your interpretation of this bizarre dream.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:35 pm


The dream could still be predicting that you will soon be experiencing problems with your digestive system, but usually it means that there is something in your waking life that you cannot  "stomach" or that you have difficulties accepting and dealing with (digesting).

Often these are feelings which you have suppressed for various reasons over an extended period of time (this is all sounding rather familiar), which are now interfering  with your ability to function in a way which is psychologically healthy.

Your own mother being seen as pregnant in your dream strongly suggests that the nature of your relationship with her has symbolically given birth to the current emotional problems to which this dream refers.

Your relationship with her is also a valuable opportunity for you to learn to deal with your feelings in a more effective and balanced manner in the future.

Pregnancy in a dream also points to these feelings being mainly of a sexual nature, but I am sure that you have heard this all before, because this information has already been revealed to you in several earlier dreams which both Rook and myself have helped you to interpret on this forum.


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Post by Sladejake » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:31 am

Thank you so much for your reply. Yeah I guess my dreams and interpretations are pretty redundant. But I'm curious what you mean by soon experiencing problems? What kind of problems do you think they would be? And do my dreams give you insight as to when?

I also had this terrifying dream last night. Of me being in the kitchen and there was this enormous cockroach on the wall. I mean it was huge...And I was trying to kill it. And it retaliated and flew at my face and started hissing. I covered my face with both of my hands and I woke up and my heart was racing. What does this cockroach resemble that could give me insight into what I fear so much?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:31 pm


Could you please keep it to one dream for each thread, and all of them seem to be stuck on the same theme anyway?

I feel that we are effectively therefore interpreting the same dream over and over again. And not getting any further towards understanding their meaning as a result.

This is a dream interpretation and not a reading, so I cannot help you any further by telling you the exact nature  of any problems which you are likely to experience, or the timing involved.

Although I strongly suspect that they would be problems in dealing with your feelings mainly concerning your relationship with your mother, which is a recurring theme in so many of your dreams.

And if it were a reading you cannot add new questions once the reading has been gjven.

Readings cannot  be simply reopened, based upon what consitutes a new request.


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Post by Sladejake » Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:53 pm

Okay...I understand. But do you not want me to post my dreams anymore? Cause it seems that I have some sort of inability to understand anything. I mean I have been trying to fix my relationship ship with my mother and it really only gets worse. It's just very complicated because of past experience when I was younger. But I do appreciate the amount of detail you put into the interpretations. I really do.

And I have been trying to comprehend. I've kind of let my guard down a little bit. But understand that I had to get drunk in order to really talk about my feelings with anyone cause it's just so hard for me. So it's nothing against you and it's not like I don't appreciate your advice or anything. It's just, I'm making small ripples instead of waves you know?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:22 am


Posting your dreams here for interpretation is what this forum was designed for, so please do not stop.

Dream themes which keep repeating themselves usually mean that the messages are not getting through, or are being ignored.

But in your case as you have already said you are both getting the message and are doing whatever you reasonably can to try to fix your relationship with your mother, which is what is causing these repetitive dreams in the first place.

So it is not because you lack any ability to understand why you keep having these dreams, but at the same time there seems to be little useful purpose served by continually telling you something which you already know.

Not every dream which you have is going to be directly related to your relationship with your mother, but many probably will.

Keep posting your dreams here one per thread, but if either Rook or myself feel that a particular dream is almost certainly to do with your mother, we will simply say so instead of giving you a lengthy interpretation which is only likely to make you feel more frustrated about continuing to have them when you are doing your best to fix the problem.

We already realise that the situation with your mother is complicated because of past experience when you were younger (we had parents too), and we also recognise how much you appreciate the detail of our interpretations. You have always been polite and are always willing to learn, and we admire your courage in difficult and sensitive circumstances, and want to be able to help you in any way that we are able.

Which is precisely why we do not want to make things even more difficult for you than they already are by pushing interpretations onto you which are only likely to make you feel as though we think that you do not understand the problem, or that you are not doing anything to try to fix it.




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Post by Sladejake » Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:00 am

Yes! Thank you! Understood.

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