Dream about being underwater with tons of sharks

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Dream about being underwater with tons of sharks

Post by Sladejake » Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:04 am

I had a dream, the entire dream was underwater in the ocean, and in this dream I had a shark submarine that I would climb into which was armed with machine guns that would shoot at the sharks that would come around my submarine.
Cause there were seriously schools of sharks. I mean tons. They weren't actively trying to attack me. Just if I was close they would try to bite my submarine.

I remember I got out of the submarine and I couldn't breath and I kept going to the surface for air. And the sharks were starting to swarm and surround the submarine. I luckly, desperate for oxygen, got into the submarine and then I woke up

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:13 pm

Nothing to do with your specific dream or you personally but this triggered a thought. I had once been talking with a sleep therapist (she does sleep-research and clinics etc) and she mentioned that many of her patients with different degrees of sleep apnea and breathing irregularities often dreamt of drowning type dreams and other anxiety dreams. She also mentioned that it is a fairly common condition and highly correctable. But only if one gets tested for it, etc.

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Post by Sladejake » Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:49 pm

Well thanks for you reply. But this is the only dream that I had a hard time breathing. But I do kind of have some anxiety dreams. But I don't think it's related to breathing irregularities. Like I said, this is the only underwater dream I have had.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:28 pm

Most people have anxiety dreams from time to time. Not to worry!  :smt015

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:50 pm

Sharks are similar to lions and alligators in that they represent many kinds of situations that we would rather avoid. Is there someone ruthless or difficult who you would rather not meet or have to interact with? However, sharks are a hidden danger - we do not know exactly where the attack will come, so sharks tend to represent our doubts and uncertainties. You may be trying to resolve relationship problems, linked to poor communication and emotional unresponsiveness. Either way your mind is focusing upon unseen dangers and consequences.

Symbolic Keywords and phrases commonly associated with dreams of sharks include.....

- "very nervous" (you are very nervous of something - as nervous as you would be of a shark)
- "avoiding at all costs" (you avoided someone yesterday in the same way that you would avoid a shark).
- "dangerous emotional waters"
- "hesitant... expecting the worst"

If you dream that you are suffering from asthma or choking and/or have some difficulties with breathing and/or to breath then the dream indicates unsafe surroundings and changeability. This dream wants to show you that you feel the tension and stress around you. You are not able to concentrate on important things and feel out of control.

To dream that you are underwater suggests that you are being overcome with emotions and are in over your head regarding some situation. You need to gain greater control of your life. To dream that you are breathing underwater symbolically represents a retreat back into the womb. You want to return to a state where you were dependent and free from responsibilities.

Perhaps you are feeling helpless, unable to fulfill your own needs and to care for yourself. Alternatively, breathing underwater is analogous to being submerged in your own emotions. It is better if the water in your dream is clear and calm, and not muddied or turbulent.


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Post by Sladejake » Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:24 am

Yeah there is a person that is very difficult to work with, musically that is. And everyone wants me to work with her. And she's just extremely frustrating and I'm trying to come up with ways of finding a way to communicate with her. But it's always just he way or the highway. So I'm just trying to avoid her.

And being overwhelmed by emotions. I was in a very, very deep depression the other day that lasted a couple days. Which I was supprised that it only lasted briefly. And I was very anxious and such. So I think that's what that would explain. But how do you think I should deal with this person?

She talks to me like an idiot and she's a big perfectionist. And she has a constant need for validation. She...just doesn't know herself yet. She's 21, a lot older than I am. But for her not knowing herself yet, I can't blame her. I don't either. But she makes it really difficult for others. Just asking for your input.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:42 pm


Some perfectionists only set unrealistically high standards for themselves, but they do not expect those same high standards from the people around them. Unfortunately this particular woman is one of those perfectionists who are so performance driven, that she expects equal perfection in all people whom she comes in contact with.

It is thought by psychologists that this is because the perfectionist is both angry and frustrated when in her own eyes she fails to live up to the exceptionally high standards which she has set for herself (this is inevitable, as the standards were unrealistically high in the first place), but instead of getting angry and frustrated with herself she projects or transfers those same feelings onto innocent people like you, making her feel that she is better than you are which helps her negative feelings about herself to gradually go away.

This makes her feel better, but it can make her an unpleasant person to be with, and even worse if you actually need to work closely with her. You are probably not going to significantly change this aspect of her personality that much, as it may have been there at birth and she has had plenty of practise since then.

I feel that the best which you can hope for is to help her to get this habit more under her control. You cannot directly change her personality. For it is her feeling of not being in control of her own emotions and not being perfect, which are fueling her antisocial behaviour.

If you can somehow (easier said than done) comfort and assure her that you both admire and respect her many achievements in the field of music, and that her mistakes and failures do not automatically make her a failure but are actually a valuable and important part of her learning to become a better musician, her anger and frustration may over time fade into the background, meaning that people like you will no longer be a target for her now greatly reduced feelings of anger and frustration and not liking herself (which is normal for perfectionists).

Do you understand what I am saying above, and if so are you willing to give this approach a fair trial during the period of the next few weeks to months?

You said that " everyone wants me to work with her". If you could help her to bring this negative habit more under her control, the really important question is do you want to work with her enough to want to try this, before giving up.

Waiting for your response,

EoT  :smt004

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Post by Sladejake » Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:54 pm

Yeah I understand completely. So basically validation will make her feel more secure? Which will dial down her feeling of needing control if she feels like people appreciate her abilities?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:15 am


You have an excellent understanding about what I was trying to explain to you.

That is exactly what I am suggesting would be the most likely approach to be successful in dialling down her own feelings of insecurity, and in turn also significantly downgrading her almost pathological need to always feel superior to everybody else, and to always be in complete control of any given situation.


EoT  :smt020

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