Really weird dream I had last night

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Really weird dream I had last night

Post by starbabi » Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:27 am

To begin, all my dreams are very vivid and feel EXTREMELY real...

Something about this dream really bothered me so I thought it would be interesting to get someone's interpretation of it..

I was in some grungy hospital and I don't know why I was there or why I was getting surgery but I new I needed to get this done. So i had about 4 inches of skin removed from the top of my torso (under breasts) and another 4 inches of skin removed from the bottom of my stomach. So if you can picture chunks of skin removed horizontally along my torso in those 2 areas. Well after I got that done I had to wait to get sewn back together for some reason so I was only supposed to wait in the waiting room for 30 minutes (with these open wounds) but I ended up waiting for 3 hours and was really agitated. This creepy doctor guy finally told me it was my turn to go into surgery and I had a really bad feeling about him I told him I was really nervous but he assured me it needed to be done and that it wouldn't hurt a bit... he said he would even give me some numbing drugs or something that would leave me a little bit conscious.. so he led me to this room and I could see in a little window that there was someone in there getting surgery so i told him I didn't want to look cus it would freak me out.. (there was 2 hospital beds in this giant room) so he led me to the bed and once I got in the bed i felt like I was trapped and that the bed was way to big for me (I almost felt like I was small enough to be in some sort of crib..? ) and then this doctor said this won't hurt a bit and I saw him pick up this huge needle and he stabbed it in my arm and i screamed SO loud in my dream (I might have in real life as well, although I cannot be sure) and he pressed the needle into my left arm and I woke up really fast and my left arm and leg felt SO numb not only in the dream but when I woke up..

So that was pretty much it.. super weird. I always get sensations I feel in the dream on my body that linger after I wakeup which is part of the reason my dreams feel so real to me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:50 pm

Dreams which are unusually vivid and which often seem more real than the external world are called lucid dreams.

It is thought that such dreams come from deeper levels of our unconscious mind, which are not normally accessible during an average nightly dream.

Some sleep experts even say that lucid dreams come from our soul or Higher Self, so they are consequently much more important to have properly interpreted.

They often deal with our deepest core beliefs about ourselves.

A dream only becomes fully lucid when we become conscious in the middle of it, that we are dreaming.

You may or may not have yet experienced a fully lucid dream at this stage. But it sounds like you may be well on the way to having one in the near future.

Could I please ask if you have any special fears or phobias about going to the doctor, or undergoing medical procedures or surgery?

Do you in general dislike or feel embarassed about a part of your body, or your weight?

Do you often suffer from low self esteem?

Answering these questions is optional, but it might help us to sort things out for you more quickly and effectively if you do.

If you regularly feel actual physical symptoms apparently related to your dreams when you wake up from them, then you are also more likely than the average person  to suffer from psychosomatic illnesses and complaints (mind over matter).

Respectfully yours,

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Post by starbabi » Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:02 pm

Thanks for responding EoT.. very interesting information I didn't realize.

I do not have a fear of the doctors, but I do have very low self esteem and have an eating disorder which has been ongoing for many years...I suppose this dream would make sense if I think about it in that sense.  I just thought there may have been more to it especially because I could literally feel this needle in my arm (which woke me up) and felt a rushing/numbing sensation the left side of my body where the liquids were going.

I will have to research lucid dreams more because if this fits my description, then I get them quite often.  Feeling sensations in my body that I get from something happening in my dream happens all the time.

When I have another lucid dream where I feel a repercussion of sensations in my waking reality I will have to post again to see interpretations of that as well!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:26 pm

You are very welcome.
I just thought there may have been more to it
Please do not feel too disappointed.

Wisdom frequently comes to us in small doses, which are easier to digest and process than if it all arrived at the same time.

There is always a lot more to any dream than what there first appears to be on the surface.

Any interpretation of the deeper messages behind a particular dream, will always be frustratingly incomplete.

That is why I hope that other members with dream interpretation skills will also attempt to interpret this dream.

Each of us can only provide you with one or two pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.

It is only when these different interpretations are combined, that the bigger picture of the core messages behind your dream often become more apparent.

There are no right or wrong interpretations. Only ones which seem more appropriate and relevant to your situation. In the end it is your dream, and what we offer you on this forum are only suggestions.

No matter how interesting or dramatic an interpretation may seem to you, if it does not resonate or agree with your own experiences and beliefs, then place it on a shelf for another day when it may suddenly make a lot of sense to you, when it made zero sense before.

Pleasant dreams,

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Post by Rook » Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:12 am

Hi Starbabi

First of all on I will start with your experience regarding the sensations involved here with recieving a needle in your dream and waking with a dead arm and leg.  Now I am not a neurologist/psychologist so this is pure theory on my part and not medical at all, but I see two distinct possibilities.

a) Something has happened to restrict the blood flow to your arm/leg and your brain has taken that and incorportated it into your dream (in my own experience I have had this effect unfortunately in my own dream where my brain incorporated my alarm clock as a telephone in my dream.  I kept hitting the snooze button and then talking trying to answer the "phone" but of course no one talked back.  My dream then incorporated this as a prank caller repeatedly calling and not answering.  This upset my brother who was trying to sleep in the next room but my alarm woke him up every time as well, and because I didn't become fully consious I missed the first half of my lecture at university...)

b) Your brain has interpreted that your arm and leg should be dead from the needle recieved in the dream and has somehow made it so to your body.  I don't know if that's possible, but brains are powerful things and I wouldn't put it past it.

I have had similar experiences to this of my own that I am not sure about - such as dreaming my cat was so annoyed at getting fish that he made me eat it, which was completely gross and I had the taste of raw fish in my mouth when I woke up.  Again I am not sure if I the dream incoporated a bad taste in my mouth into the dream, or I had a bad taste in my mouth because of the dream.

I have also heard on a number of occasions that the dreams which are very important will leave a strong impression in order to get your conscious attention about something in your life that needs your conscious awareness and attention.  It could be that effect coming into play as well potentially, though I have never heard of this being an actual physical sensation (thats not to say that this is not the case).

Moving on to the symbols of the dream itself I can see a strong correlation to your eating disorder.  

To begin with the setting is important.  It is a hospital, that is saying something that needs healing attention and care.  But to delve deeper this is a grungy hospital.  The way I see that is that it is a dodgy dirty hospital?  To me this is screaming of some healing that is being done in a dodgy way.  It is perhaps risky, unnecessary or illegal - in the dream world illegal would be going against what the "government" of your self needs or deems proper - ie it is bad for you.  Despite these warning signs the feeling that this is something you need to do persists.  These negative connotation is also shown in the lack of trust in the doctor and his association as a creepy doctor.  So I think this is the conflict that you have.  There is a feeling of needing to fix something about you but at the same time feeling like there is something wrong about it.

The operation itself - you are having a couple of strips of skin removed around your stomach.  There are a couple of things of note here.  It is the skin being removed, not the fatty tissue.  

From this I could potentially see;
  a) that you are more concerned with the appearance (skin) and not your actual physical
  health (removing fat)
  b) that to make yourself thinner you would have to remove the skin as there isn't actually
 much body fat there

Either, both, or none of these interpretations may apply.  You are the best judge of that, I can only say what I see.

Further on that note is that there is a wait afterwards for the stitching back up to occur that leaves you feeling agitated.  Perhaps this "operation" that you are performing on yourself is not showing results, leaving you feeling agitated about the situation?  This is perhaps fueling your need to continue the improvement in your physical improvement, fueling your eating disorder rather than recognising that the eating disorder is not delivering the changes in your body that the eating disorder is fueled by (which should cause changes from the eating disorder rather than fueling it).  I am not sure I have explained this well.

Please provide feedback if this is on the right track or not, or if I need to provide a better explanation?

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Post by starbabi » Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:46 pm


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me!  It is amazing how spot on you were about many things.  You pointed out a lot that is making me realize a lot about myself- and what I need to improve on.  To me, this was actually a positive read because I know I need to acknowledge many things about myself in order to move forward.

I'm truly blown away about how accurate you were, especially within your last few paragraphs-as it is extremely relevant to me.

It's amazing how dreams can give you subtle hints on how to improve your waking life, and equally amazing that you can decode it with such accuracy!

Thanks again!

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We are ALL amazed!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:54 pm

I am not sure I have explained this well.
Rook, :smt109

I am sure that you did explain it extremely well.

I am absolutely certain that there would be very few if any people on this site who believe for a moment that you have any significant problems in explaining your interpretations in an understandable but at the same time compassionate manner, to those of our valued members whom you are trying to help.

While Starbabi's positive and complete feedback was much appreciated and very informative, it really only confirmed (not that this was needed in my case) that this was a first class effort on your part in helping her to better understand the messages contained within this complex dream, as well as assisting her to apply it's positive and health affirming lessons to her daily life.

In summary therefore by all measures, this was in my opinion a master class/stroke dream interpretation.

Credit is given 2U, where credit is more than deserved.

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Post by Rook » Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:31 am

Thanks guys.  Glad it made sense Starbabi - and thanks for posting your dream, they have been few and far between lately.
It's amazing how dreams can give you subtle hints on how to improve your waking life
Welcome to the mystery that pulled me into dream interpretation.  Glad my skills were of assistance.

EoT - my concern about my explanation was when writing this (and I was in a bit of a hurry to get it down) in that last paragraph I confused myself in the explanation of the eating disorder fueling situation, so if I confused myself I wasn't sure if the explanation would make logical sense to someone else, but it appears I used words good.  Thanks for the kudos and credit.

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Post by TheHangedman12 » Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:34 am

The dream seems to have something to do with the fear of modern medicine, me and plenty other friends also got it and with good reason doctors are scary!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:22 am

The dream seems to have something to do with the fear of modern medicine

I entirely agree. There are still other layers of meaning to be explored in the OP's dream.

Added to the fear of modern medicine in the dream's symbols is I believe a fear of uncontrolled pain (understandable) and needles (ouch), and a total lack of any trust in doctors, who often tell you one thing then do the complete opposite.

Strangely, many people think that dentists are scarier than doctors.


Brian  :smt003

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