Tornado dream?

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Tornado dream?

Post by Sladejake » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:16 pm

I had a dream that I was on the bus. As the bus was going over an overpass. Everyone started to look out the window to the right. And there was a huge tornado that was coming towards us very, very quickly.

The bus driver felt that we wouldn't have been able to out run the tornado, so he drove the bus off the overpass causing it to crash and the bus rolled a couple times into a ditch. It was a very vivid crash. When the bus rolled, I fell out of my seat and was being flung around the bus. I didn't get hurt, but I crawled out of the bus and tried to run from the tornado. As it was coming towards the crashed bus.

I started to run down the street looking back and saw the tornado was chasing me. I was a little worried. I tried to cling onto a street sign, but the tornado was very strong, and pulled me into it. As I was being pulled into the tornado, I was sort of floating. And I accepted that I was going to die. I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be I just accepted fate. And then I woke up.

Interpretations will be much appreciate. :)

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Post by Rook » Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:00 am

Hi Sladejake

The bus journey is about your path through life, but in a situation where you are not the one in control of where you are going, you are a passenger on a bus.  This is an interesting character.  In the story of the Holy Grail (at least one version of it) the knight on his quest only finds the Grail castle when he leaves the horses reigns loose around the horses neck - that is to say that he is letting nature be his guide, and he lets that guide him.  I see the same symbol here with someone on a bus.

You are crossing a bridge.  That is, you are over coming something, some form of barrier or issue.  But halfway across the bridge there comes a tornado.  That is a sudden and violent change.  I am thinking it represents a change in mindset, only because it is an element of the air, and air represents the sword, the intellect.

So just when you are about to overcome this hurdle there comes a thought, or way of thinking which strikes fear into you.  From this side of the storm you don't want to think that way.  You run from it.  There is a reason for this and that is fear.  You are afraid to think that way, perhaps it puts responsibility on you, perhaps it is a way of being that goes against what you are "supposed" to do in being a good and loyal citizen, perhaps it goes against something in your life that you simply refuse to give up.  Whatever it is this fear makes you run.  But you can't get away from it.

When you do get caught up in what you view as this disaster it doesn't come out as you expect.  A weight is lifted, you are lifted up, fear drops away.

Death.  Death in dreams often represents change (just like the tornado).  In the dream you accept that change is inevitable.  You don't embrace it but it embraces you.  You accept this fate.  That is probably also key to this weight being lifted.

Hope that helps.


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Post by AngoloGomez » Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:42 am

Excellent dream! Actually when a storm attack I feel I am not alive. It's really furious and destroy everything and swept away.

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Post by Sladejake » Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:27 pm

Thank you both for your input.

Rook you had an interesting interpretation, specially about the part of me not wanting to think a certain way. I believe that I am afraid of changing my mindset, maybe it has to do with a self defeating way of thinking. I guess I'm afraid of becoming more confident. I would rather have no confidence at all then to potentially losing that good feeling. Thank you for that input, it shed some light on something I must have been hiding.

With that said, do you have any more insights?

You're post is very much appreciated.

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Post by Rook » Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:10 am

Knowing that it is related to your confidence and self-defeating thought patterns - I think this is changing.  This is the barrier that is being overcome.  Change will come fast, and you will run in fear at first but then I think it will happen DESPITE you fighting / running from  it, and the weight will be lifted.  That seems to fit the dream.  It isn't a given, but a process that is happening subconsciously in my opinion.  It is probably happening now.

My advice - I don't think this will be an instant cure for low self-confidence.  These things in my experience teater back and forth from high confidence, then that gets shattered, and then you slowly build it back up again.  Additionally this is a duality, there is low confidence and high confidence, but you want to be in the middle of that.  Not viewing yourself too harshly, nor being over confident and arrogant.  Finding the balance.  It is not easy, and when you finally find it, well how awesome am I?!  Then there you go, slipping already off into over-confidence and arrogance.  Being a well balanced individual is no mean feat.

The symbol of the wheel of fortune is also a good one here.  The wheel of fortune spins, and we experience the ups, the downward movement, the rock bottoms, then heading back up, until we hit a great height of success then plunge back downwards again.  I have seen this in my own life again and again.  What I have been told is the trick is to be in the centre of the wheel, where there are no highs and lows (that centre of balance again).  To act according to the situation, and know that even though it seems a disaster, life will go on and we will head on up again, and even in our greatest success, we will most likely plunge into another abyss.  Finding the centre - easier said than done.  But ironically I have been led towards the centre after I realised that my character has grown most during the abyss phase, and though the highs are nice, there is little real long term reward there.

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Post by Sladejake » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:32 pm

Okay, well I guess I have to just see what happens in the next coming weeks. But I really like your analogy of the wheel of fortune, I found it very interesting. And I would agree that when you're at your lowest points, you learn the most. The highs are just a reward to keep us going. My input isn't a very deep philosophy but I guess you can understand.

But thank you for the reply and interpretation of my dream. I've had some very wicked dreams lately. They're not nightmares, it's just sort of disturbing. So I feel like my subconscious is preparing me for something. And there is definitely a gut feeling that I have been having for a week a feeling of something impending. I've had this feeling before, and it's typically spot on. So I'm a bit frightened about what's ahead if it is what I think it is. But I will continue to post on this amazing forum when I get the chance.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:39 pm

I've had some very wicked dreams lately.
Do tell.  :smt002  :smt002

Please do not leave us in suspense for any longer than is absolutely necessary about what you feel makes these particular dreams "wicked".

I think that we have all had some dreams at sometime in our lives that we were not proud about having.

Our sleeping mind does not have all the hang ups and inhibitions that our everyday conscious has, but that is the whole point

Dreams allow us to experience and experiment with behaviours and feelings which are not normally regarded as being socially acceptable, without doing any actual harm either to other people or to ourselves.

Dreams (especially the wicked variety) therefore often have their own positive therapeutic value in improving and maintaining our emotional balance, and for the purposes of rehearsing for the real thing.

Fortunately we are only held responsible for what we consciously decide to do or not do.

Dreams are almost entirely unconscious, so please do not feel too bad about or responsible for your "wicked dreams".

Hmmmmm!  :smt017

Most of the wicked dreams I had when I was 16 years of age and under the influence of testosterone were not about something to be feared, but they were frequently about something to be looked forward to.

Do tell.  :smt005  :smt005

EoT  :smt003

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Post by Sladejake » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:32 pm

I guess when I meant wicked, they were just strange. For example, last night I had a dream about being admitted to an insane asylum. Supposedly my depression was really affecting my behavior, which this is sort of the case in my waking life. I have been abusing alcohol more than I really should, I've been trying to get drunk at least 3 times a day, or at least once. It mainly starts when I wake up, around 9 or so, I will have something to drink. But I guess I have a propensity for escapism in general, so this is common behavior, due to being hyper sensitive to environments and people. Blah blah blah.

But in the dream, they're tying to get me to admit myself to the asylum. I asked when I would be able to leave and they said, that it would take time to evaluate when I'm ready to be released. I was feeling very scared and I was crying cause I didn't want to stay there forever. But after walking around the facility and crying, I just walked through the lobby and into the asylum. I remember walking into this room, where there were a bunch of different instruments. Bass guitars, electric guitars, chello, and the room was set up like a class room. With the wooden tables and chairs and such, and a green chalk board. And the next thing I knew i was in a passenger seat and someone was driving a car. We were on this very thin wooden bridge, that was constructed purely from wooden planks. And the driver kept swerving and eventually he drove off the bridge and crashed. The car caught on fire and started burning. I've had quite a few dreams lately of car crashes.

And I'm sorry if this wasn't as wicked as you thought, it was just the vibe and feelings of the dreams which was very odd, it was eery I guess I could say.
(addressing EOT) Also, If you would like me to post this dream as another topic I could do that. I didn't know if you wanted me to reply to you with a weird dream I've had or create another topic. But If you would like I can do one or the other.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:52 pm

Hi Jake,

No problems with your definition of wicked, and since you have already posted your dream here I can see no sensible reason for you having to re-post it as a new topic.

I am confident that Rook will be with you again soon, with his usual deeply insightful dream interpretation.


EoT  :smt038

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Post by Rook » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:03 am

Okay - the dream seems to be acknowledging a mental issue that is in need of healing.  That is pretty clear from the asylum.  You don't want to be in the asylum forever.  That is, you don't want to be in the position of needing healing forever, or you also don't want to be in the process of healing forever.  To do this you need healing, and yet you don't want to go to the asylum out of fear.  Fear of the very process you need to go through to avoid this fear.  Self-defeating on more than one level.

This is also ringing bells for me in relation to the tornado dream.  That being the process that you fear (running away from the tornado/crying and walking around the outside of the asylum) that results in the great weight being lifted off you, but once you are through that door (into the tornado/asylum) you no longer fear it.  Well that is I am assuming the fear dropped away once you entered that room with all the instruments.  What this says to me is that the results of this process is not necessarily going to be the worst case scenario you are probably imagining.

What is the process of healing?  It is a process of learning, because the asylum is a class room.  The board upon which you are taught is green - a colour of fertility and growth.  Your fertility and growth.  There is also the musical instruments.  This is important.  Struggling to put your problems into words?  It is possible the problems are transcendent.  You know there is a problem but words can't express it.  They can not capture the inner most depths of our soul, so how can you explain these problems in words?  I can relate to that in extreme ways.  But perhaps music notes can express these complex feelings and emotions?  Art IS capable of reaching down to those inner most depths that words can not express.  Whether it be drawings, music, or art in any other form.  It is through this you can express and release these things.  It doesn't even matter if other people like the artwork or not.  It is about you, it is what is coming out that is important.

Notice also all the wood?  The room and furniture is wood - the bridge the car drives on is wood.  Wood is the only living material used in construction (life - growth), and has links back to that forest, the inner depths of our being (unconscious) from which the built environment or city (conscious mind) sits on top of.

Here we flick back to that reoccuring symbol of the car crash on the bridge.  Again you are not in control of the car (your life).  If things continue as they are there is going to be a life accident.  A breaking with your current life path, as it attempts to cross this barrier.  You already seem to be making the link between the erratic driving and your alcohol consumption.  This is likely related, and something that will probably need to change if you are to avoid this crash.

Which comes back to what I saw as a crucial aspect of the dream, and a way in which it differs from the tornado dream, as well as the symbols in the car crash dream switch.  The desire to enter the asylum has to come from within you.  "They're trying to get me to admit myself".  No one can make you enter that classroom (also note admit - that may be a clue to the first step into the place of healing, admitting the problem).  They can pressure you, try to influence you, but ultimately it is up to you to cross that threshold.  Otherwise it will continue on that bridge where you are the passenger, with the tornado bearing down on you.  In other words, only you can choose to drink or not drink, remain sober and face what your life has within it or use alcohol to escape reality.  You have to recognise that time when you can go and get the bottle is a moment where you have the choice to heal or not heal.  Continue as you are or to seek change.  It is completely up to you.


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Post by Sladejake » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:06 pm

Thank you so much for the in-depth interpretation. I know I have to change my way when it comes to alcohol and escapism. I have stopped drinking cause I made a girl that I cared about worried. So I don't want to make her feel anything negative when she's talking or hanging out with me. But this sort of worries me, cause what's going to happen when she leaves my life. I need to find motivation within myself. But I guess I don't love myself enough. I put others before me, which I good in a way. But I need to find balance.

I have a lot to work on and I have to heal. But I agree with you when you were talking about healing forever. Like I want to heal, but I don't want to be stuck there forever? I just want my mind to be well. But when I start to heal and move forward it collapses and I fall back into this cycle. I know that there are hard times in life. I understand that very well. But everything is just too intense for me. I will say that I am afraid I won't live that long, at least until I've completed what I feel it is I have to do on this earth. Which is to create and to try to inspire people that are younger than me to create art and music. I know what I'm here for, I just don't believe I can accomplish what I want to. So with all of this said, I know there is a lot to work on internally. And there are very many wounds that need to be healed.

I just can't fall into suicidal impulses or abusing alcohol. Thanks for your interpretation though, It's very much appreciated.

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