Dream about him?

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Have you ever had a dream about someone you love?

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Dream about him?

Post by DreamyEyes » Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:09 am

Okay, well. First before I say anything, I don't feel like this was just any other dream. I can accept that it may be, but I feel so strongly about getting a detailed meaning for it. I've woken up an hour ago and I'm still talking about it. Anyways.
A little background for it, it's about a guy that I thought liked me, who ended up getting a girlfriend. I told him I just wanted a break, so it's been 2 weeks so far. Yes, I think about him a lot everyday.

The dream starts with me standing in the dark outside of a house. I feel compelled to go inside so I do. I go into the bedroom and (it's not him, I don't know who it is.) I see some guy laying under the blankets. I lay under them with him and go on his phone to text my friends. The dream skips to the next night and I'm outside the house again. I go in and back to the bedroom and surely enough, it's the same guy. I crawl under the blankets and start snuggling the guy, and I feel warmth, peace, love, and happiness. (Since I was believing the dream was real) I began to think about my dad popping in and catching me snuggling this guy, so I let go and scoot away. End of that part. Btw, this guy and I used to always talk about wanting to hold and snuggle each other. Maybe that explains that part?

Anyways, to the last part. There's this girl from my school (that he can't know, he's in a whole state next to me) me, and him. We're just talking and having a conversation. She compliments my dress, and he does the same. Then he quietly says, "Susan would love that dress...I've missed you so much." (I don't know if he knows a Susan. I guess my mind made a name up.) I look up at him to find him looking at me, and he comes closer to hug me. I hug him back, and he leans in to kiss my cheek. Accidentally, I kissed his lips because I was thinking so fast. He sighs and says, "You know I've got mixed feelings..."

So then the dream ends there. Can anyone help put my mind to rest by decoding this dream? (:

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:35 am

Dear DreamyEyes,

I voted YES.

Our resident dream expert interpreter Rook does not visit us very often lately, so there may be a considerable wait before you get any response from him.

But I would like to add my own ideas about what these dreams could mean, while you are still waiting for Rook's more detailed analysis.

If the guy never made an actual commitment to having a closed relationship with you, then technically at least he cannot be unfaithful to you.

Therefore both he and you are free to have a relationship with whoever you choose.

He has clearly chosen somebody else instead of you, and you are understandably feeling both disappointed and hurt.

Since you are also in effect a free agent, you could always choose and sleep with another man, but you would feel terribly guilty about doing it while you obviously still hold out the shrinking hope that the original guy will change his mind, and come back to you.

So your dreams are I believe a mixture of wishful thinking, unresolved and needless feelings of guilt on your part (although still very real) and your ongoing deep feelings for the man who has rejected you for another woman.

They (the dreams) show me that you are still holding onto the faint hope of him coming back to you, begging to be forgiven for ever leaving you in the first place.

I also think that you might be wondering if it was your fault that he chose someone else in preference to yourself.

But he cannot leave you if he was never committed to only being with you, in every sense of the meaning of the word committed.

I do  not see these dreams as predicting anything. Either that they mean that he will change his mind, or that he will not.

But I do interpret these dreams to mean that you are currently unwilling/unable to accept the reality of your situation, and to let go of him with both your mind and heart. Which will if not faced with self honesty and courage hold you back indefinitely from moving forwards again with another man who does want to make the commitment to be in a loving relationship with you.

If the dreams are not enough by themselves to help you to once again be open to future relationships, you may eventually need to get professional help as well to dissolve your blockages.

If a dream theme keeps repeating itself endlessly and seems to be getting nowhere fast, professional help may be your only choice if you do not wish to remain single.

Nobody ever said that doing this will be easy,

Brian   :smt003

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Post by DreamyEyes » Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:19 am

Thank you for your response! You're right, I still am hanging onto the feeling that he'll take me back. I feel as if it's my fault somehow. I forgot to mention that after I accidentally kissed him on the lips, he looked annoyed...

I do miss him, I miss him so much. He's said he's sorry but it didn't mean anything to me and it still doesn't. I want to return to him on Christmas.

Again, thank you for the response. It helps a lot. (:

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Dreams are so often like readings which your sleeping mind gives you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:34 pm

You are very welcome for the advice.

When somebody's apology (if it is genuine) does not mean anything to you, then there is very little foundation for the relationship to be built upon any further.

When trust is lost between you, it often takes a long time for your partner to earn your trust back through his actions, and not just through his words.

In your case it might take longer than you are willing to wait for him to earn it back, if his apology means nothing to you at such an early stage.

According to what your dream seems to be telling me, you will almost certainly need to take the first step towards resolving your issues with him by giving him the benefit of the doubt that his first apology was indeed genuine and sincere. It does not mean however that he still does not have a lot of work ahead of him to regain all of your trust.

Happy New Year,

Brian  Image

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Post by Rook » Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:13 am

😫 keep trying to post and glitching! 😭😭😭

Will try again soon, watch this space. 🤔

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Post by Rook » Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:39 am

Here we go again. I will try and be brief.

What I see is the dream split in two parts. The first is the situation in regards to the man you are to jump in bed with (enter a relationship with). The second part is illustrating the situation with this particular bloke.

In regards to "your" man is the super reinforced symbol of the unknown. You are "in the dark", he is under the covers, you don't see him. It all points to the key sentence "you don't know who he is". I'm my mind this suggests you have not yet met him.

The other important symbols to me might illustrate either motivations towards relationship (social status first - messaging your friends; and second the physical connection - snuggling) or possibly signs that you have met him; 1st the excitement and desire to tell your friends about this stranger you just met (1st night messaging friends from his phone - with no real intimacy) and the second night excitement and intimacy but you leave early due to concern of the father - your inner rational protection system.

The second part of the dream is looking at the bloke who is clearly in a heavily confused state. What really stood out for me as the key message is when he sees you in the dress while he likes what he sees he is thinking of another girl.

Now this doesn't necessarily reflect reality, and I may not be right in what I see. Only you will know, this is just how I see the story.

Best wishes,

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