The Greek houses and the vase

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The Greek houses and the vase

Post by erik » Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:21 pm

I remember that I was living in the castle of the Hare Krishna community in the Belgian Ardennes, the caste is called Radhadesh, they made it into a temple.

One day in the summer of 2007 I had an experience, it was not a dream, because I was awake, but I was taken away out of my body at night and travelled through a tunnel of stars ( a voice guided me that I shouldn't be scared), so I was floating towards a boulevard, I don't know where this was, but I felt the sea at one side and on the other side I saw all ancient Greek white houses, I walked along the boulevard and I saw a lot of tourists with backpacks standing in front of a counter, I don't know what the function of this counter was but it had to do with tourism. I walked further along the boulevard and at the end of it I saw a vase and I changed myself into that vase thinking:

"Now I can change into everything!"

I became myself again (whoever that might be) and I floated towards the other end of the boulevard, I saw a girl standing in white clothes and thought:

"This is my girl, I live with her in one of the white Greek houses."

and I floated from her feet up towards her upper body en she then faded away.

At that moment I opened up my eyes and "woke up".

End of experience.

I always wondered who that girl could be, she is my girl, but who is she? I thought that she could be Diane, my lost soulmate, I don't know, but it was an amazing experience and I am very thankful for that!

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:30 am

Hello again Erik,

There are many altered states of consciousness, between someone being fully asleep and dreaming, and being wide awake.

Most of your experience appears just as real as your waking life (possibly even more vivid than real life), but it includes typical dream like elements such as you merging your consciousness with the vase.

This mixture of life like and dream like elements does not make your experience any less valid, or less easily remembered.

It sounds to me from what you have told us that you were experiencing one of your own past lives.

There was a book called "Windows Of The Mind: The Christos Experience"(1974) written by an Australian novelist named Gerald Glaskin, in which he describes a technique for intentionally inducing an altered state of consciousness, which is very similar to what seems to have happened spontaneously to you.

In the same year (1974) Glaskin published another book this time called "Windows of the Mind; Discovering Your Past and Future Lives Through Massage and Mental Exercise" ... experience

So you can probably see where I am going with this.

The Christos Experience induction technique is being used specifically to allow a person to experience one or more of their past lives.
I always wondered who that girl could be, she is my girl, but who is she? I thought that she could be Diane, my lost soulmate, I don't know, but it was an amazing experience and I am very thankful for that!

There is no way that we can definitely prove one way or the other whether or not the girl you saw was really a past life incarnation of your lost soulmate Diane, but my intuition tells me that you and Diane have shared one or more past lives together, and that this could very well be one of them.


Brian :smt015

PS: Although your experience was not simply a dream whose meaning can be interpreted from exploring symbols (this was more like a psychic dream, mixed with elements of a normal dream), I have moved it to what I feel is a more appropriate forum for its discussion. I hope that you do not mind me doing this.

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by erik » Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:42 pm

Hey Brian,

of course I don't mind you moving the topic to another subforum, and yes, you are right that I shared a few past lives with Diane, but this experience was something different than a past life.

Thank you for "Windows Of The Mind: The Christos Experience"(1974) written by an Australian novelist named Gerald Glaskin, I am trying to buy the book online because I am interested in a technique for intentionally inducing an altered state of consciousness. That sounds very interesting and will enrich my spiritual life and maybe I can contact my brother in this way who passed away 2 months ago.

In my time in the Hare Krishna movement I have learned that only demi gods can change themselves into anything, so for a long time I thought that I was a demi god and that Diane was my demi goddess. I am sure that it was not a past life experience, because I thought that I went to a different dimension through the tunnel of stars.

Cheers and thank you for the book recommendation!

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:46 am

One subject with whom I have just recently begun to work, started her first Christos run with a fairly typical lucid dream, Gradually the characteris­tics of the dream changed as she shifted into a “being identity” state; the SoC becoming more like an OBE as she started to float amongst stars which she felt were bestowed with anthropomorphic properties, and with which she felt love and empathy.

The above quote was taken from the following article. ... rgetic.htm

BTW Alastair Macintosh is now one of the most well known teachers and researchers in the area of the "Christos" ASC Induction Procedure.
The Christos Experiment (or Christos Phenomenon) is an Altered State of Consciousness (ASC) that can produce extraordinarily vivid and realistic Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE), Past-Life Experiences (PLE) and Other-Life Experiences (OLE).

Note especially the words which I have underlined.

The Christos technique is a method for intentionally inducing an Out Of Body Experience (OBE), specifically in order to be able to learn about and revisit one's past life experiences.

One common factor mentioned in many accounts of OBEs is that the person feels themselves passing through a tunnel of light into a different dimension, where space and time as we know them do not exist. In this tunnel of light or stars, the person often becomes aware of other spiritual beings who communicate purely by way of thought a feeling of unconditional love and empathy.

Stars bestowed with "anthropomorphic properties" means that the stars are to be regarded as if they are other human intelligences, who no longer use or need a physical body. They seem to gather in these portals between the physical and non physical dimensions, presumably to provide the traveller with a sense of comfort and familiarity. Their message is frequently welcome home and you are moving to a better place, whether or not the out of body state turns out to be a permanent one (at physical death).

Accordingly yours was both an OBE, as well as being an opportunity for you to be able to view one of your past lives in a non physical dimension, which could only be reached by your consciousness (minus your physical body) having first passed through the tunnel of stars, where each star corresponds to an individual spiritual intelligence or being, who radiates unconditional love and empathy towards all who pass through the portal between dimensions.

Brian :smt045 :smt045

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by erik » Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:22 pm


thank you very much for the information, it helps me a lot!

Cheers! :)

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by erik » Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:19 am

Currently I am reading a book by Jozef Rulof, a famous Dutch healer and medium, a spiritualist, The book has the name 'Een Blik In Het Hiernamaals" which translates as "A Peak Into The Afterlife". The book hasn't been translated into English, as far as I know.

In part II, chapter five of the book he mentions how he was healing a girl who was almost dead and he healed her by a small, but very powerful loving light. I will now translate what his master and guide, Alcar, told him:

"My master had spoken to you; I was the small light. We can assume different forms on our side."

Now that is interesting to read since that book was published in 1936 and he clearly says that shape shifting is possible on the other side, so I could transform myself into that vase.

You wrote:

Most of your experience appears just as real as your waking life (possibly even more vivid than real life), but it includes typical dream like elements such as you merging your consciousness with the vase.

I cannot remember if I turned myself into another vase or that I merged my consciousness with that vase.

Cheers :)

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 22, 2019 3:57 am

Hi Erik, :smt023 :smt023

You have made some valid and interesting points in your latest response.

But the vase could equally be a symbol representing or standing in place of an empty vessel or receptacle, which is ready to be filled (in this case) with a being of higher consciousness than yourself.

On page 102 of the book "How To Reach Out To your Spirit Guides" By Kathryn Ridall Ph.D.1988 [Bantam Books] is a simple visualisation exercise called "Imagining Your Vase"
Now slowly begin to imagine a vase, approximately three feet in front of you. Notice the colours of the vase. Notice its texture........Notice the shape of the vase. Notice the weight of the vase. Notice the strength and sturdiness of the vase......................................................................... When you feel that you know your vase well, slowly bring it closer to your body. Bring it closer and closer until you merge with it. As you merge with the vase, feel fully what it is like to be that vase...............................................
So whether you merged your consciousness with the vase, or whether you were another separate vase may not matter, as they may simply be different stages of the same process (merging with the vase).

First you begin as though you are entirely separate from the vase in front of you.

Gradually you merge with the vase, until you are the same as the vase,

This is one of those many inner experiences which could equally be a symbol in a dream, or alternately a mystical experience of oneness with everything (cosmic consciousness).

Try reliably sorting out one possibility from the other, based upon what necessarily limited memories you have brought back with you into your waking consciousness.

Good luck with that!

Brian :smt002 :smt002 :smt017

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by erik » Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:30 pm

Hey Brian,

interesting matter, I would love to have the experience of being one with the cosmic creation, and if the vase is a starting point, then I will have to do the exercise, thank you for that!

Cheers :)

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:11 am

Here you go. ... Channeling

Note that the stated purpose of the "Imagining Your Vase exercise" is to reach out and make contact with your spirit guides.

And NOT to help you attain cosmic consciousness.

To do that, the following article might be a simple, practical introduction.

"How To Achieve Cosmic Consciousness" ... ciousness/
Cosmic consciousness is a spiritual state that few people ever attain. Very few people are willing to put in the time and effort to achieve cosmic consciousness.
Finally the most well known book on this subject is the classic title "Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind" By Richard Maurice Bucke (1901).

There is a free downloadable copy available using this link (PDF Format).

All 320 pages. :smt015 :smt015 :smt015

I must however warn you that it is written in the language of the late Victorian era, and that therefore anyone who is brave and patient enough to wade through all 320 pages of it, in my opinion deserves a medal.

Recommended insomnia reading material! :smt002 :smt002 :smt003 ... e-text.pdf

Cheers my friend,

Brian :smt059

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Re: The Greek Houses and The Vase

Post by erik » Wed Oct 23, 2019 2:16 pm

Hey Brian,

I downloaded the pdf book, thank you for the link, I read a bit and you're right about people who read this deserve a medal :smt003 but still I will try to read the book, since I think it's very interesting matter.

Cheers :)

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