It's just a dream. A vivid, horrid dream.

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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It's just a dream. A vivid, horrid dream.

Post by lei'ella » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:52 pm

[b]So it begins...[/b]
What I remember of it, is me running in the middle of the night in the darkness. The only light guiding me through the dark village are the stars and the light of the moon. From what I am running from is unknown to me. One thing I know for sure though is that I was not running alone.

Continuing to run from my unseen enemy I could hear them. Gaining on me. I didn't know which direction they were coming from, but they were gaining. My main thought was to head out of the village towards the bridge that crossed the river into the dark, black forest on the other side.

I feel a small grasp within my hand whilst I was running. I look back and it was a small child, a boy, running with me. He must've been about at least 3. I didn't know who's boy he was, but from what I sensed in the dream, he was my own.

We kept on running and there came a passage where there was no way out and I accidentally ran into it. The enemy that were chasing us, did not see us running into there since everything all around them was too dark for them to see. I also was wearing a cloak, which made me more "invisible". I stood there with the boy in silence and waited until they had passed us. Once the coast was clear, I dashed out with him and continued to run. I could see the bridge. I could see the shimmering water right below the structure, but before I could reach, the enemy appeared all around me. It was as if they had ambushed me.

As I was standing there, ready to fight with anything that I had and to protect the boy, I sensed someone else within my dream. He came onto the scene hooded and cloacked and I was unable to see his face, but he fought valiantly. He drove away my enemy and drove them far back, but just enough to give me space and time to run across the bridge and into the forest.
Before I ran, I looked at him, and he seemed to nod at me, as in a gesture for me to flee with the boy. My dark knight stood there with a sword in his grasp and told me to flee and I did. Whilst running, he stood there, only for a short moment, looking as I was running away. It was almost as if he hoped for my well-being to be safe. He then turned around and fought the mob of angry men.

I, continued to run through the forest, never looking back.

My dark knight, however, I sensed that he was related to me in a way that could've been marriage. I knew that I loved him, and it all seems so strange that the dreams we get allow us to feel vivid yet extraordinary feelings.

If anyone can tell me what this dream meant, I would be most grateful. I've been wondering about this dream for a long time now. Thank you to anyone that can contribute to this.


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Post by j » Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:29 am


If this is running or running away dream.

I heard that it could be partially fixed by changing eating habits before going to bed.

Having last meal about 2 to 3 hours before going to bed, prevents most dreams of this type
I just posted this in another thread.
I used to have running away dreams and not having late meal helped, actually stopped it altogether.

Try this trick, might help you too.

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Post by jeffmechler » Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:57 pm

Running away from something in your dream signifies the avoidance of an issue you aren't ready to deal with OR one that you refuse to deal with.

The idea that you were with a little boy (around 3) could also imply that you are afraid to "grow up", becomind an adult and you are running away with your youth, your childhood, your aren't yet ready to overcome, deal with or embrace the things that happened to you previously and therefore aren't ready to take on the tasks that would consider yourself "an adult".

No disrepect is meant.  I am not saying you are a child or that you act like one.  I am just suggesting that the point of the dream may lie in the fact of your not wanting to comply with society (yet).

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