The Owl That Taught Me How To Do Magic

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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The Owl That Taught Me How To Do Magic

Post by CJ » Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:53 pm

Since I was 3 years of age I had the same dream over and over, with only a few differences.

I would dream that on the nights when the moon was full that I would walk outside and wait.  In the far distance I would see in the sky a figure and as it draw closer I could see it was an owl.  A very big owl.  I would climb on it's back and flew away with him.  For some reason I knew it was a male.  The owl would take me to a wooden house and inside the house he would teach me how to do magic.  Also in the house was two other children, a girl and a boy.  They would play with toys they got out of a wooden chest.  For me it was hard to concentrate on what the owl was trying to teach me, because I myself was a child and wanted to play also with the toys together with the children.  When the owl saw I did not concentrate he would get rather a bit mad at me.  After each lesson he would take me back to my home.  And once he was gone I would wake up outside my parents house on the porch.  As the time past I felt very close to the owl.  Then one day he took me once more away and when he took me back home I had this feeling that the owl was old and that it would be the last time I would see him.  And it was, as strange as the dream might sound to you it felt very real to me and it still does.  I was very sad after that and when I think of the dreams I had of the owl I still do.  Since then I have been fascinated with the moon.  Espesially when the moon is full!

If there is anyone that can help me understand as to why I had this dream please let me know.

I hope there is someone on the Mystic Board that can help me.  

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Last edited by CJ on Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nicole » Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:02 am

I enjoyed reading your post about your Owl...
I'm sorry I don't know what it means... But the way you said it was an older owl... I'm wondering if it's a grandfather figure~? or great grandfather... Or a teacher of some sort that inspired you and you moved on when you learned what you needed to know~? I think I liked this post so much is, I have really big Owls in my woods where I live.. I mean BIG~!! I love owls....

Gosh I'm sure someone will be able to help you on this..

Good Luck~!!  :)

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Dreaming of an owl

Post by CJ » Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:57 pm

Hi Nicole

I'm glad you enjoyd reading about the dream I had.  It is a dream that have never left my thoughts and to be quite honest with you, because of the dream my favourite species is an owl.  

I have many times thought about what the dreams might have meant.  But the thing that is the strangest to me is that the dreams started while I was so young.  I can't believe that any kid at that age can have such a big imagination.

So I have also thought that maybe it was a spirit or something of that sort that was my teacher.  And why the owl teached me magic, I'm not sure...  Also I want to add that an owl is a creature of the night and for some strange reason I am more a night person than a day person.    

I do hope that there will be someone that can interpret the dream for me.  

The one thing that I forgot to add was that my dreams work in a very strange way.  The dreams I have that is confusing usually doesn't mean much, but the dreams I get that is real and not confusing in anyway and feels like it is really happening like the dream I had of the owl.  What usually happens is that I would wake up and remember every single detail and most of these dreams have a way of coming true.

But I do believe that the owl was my teacher and maybe he thought that teaching me how to do magic might help me someday.

I think it is great that you have so many owl's in your woods, I think that you are blessed to live where you do.  The owl we have here where I live is not very big and one hardly sees one.  Maybe someday you can send me a picture of how the owl's look like that you have there in your woods if you get the chance.

Thanks again

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Post by Nicole » Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:13 am

Hello, CJ.  :smt006

I seen it in the summer time, and about a mouth ago also... It flew a cross the road into the woods.. There are males and females... When they start hooting back and forth.. They end up sounding like baboons getting in to The fem coos with a some what gurgling sound at the Like she's in heat... rofl I don't know.. She hoots back and coos with her hooting and sounds like.. Again I don't know....LOL it's longer then the males hooting... I kid you not~!! LOL

It's cute though...

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Dream Interpretation

Post by CJ » Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:10 am

Hi Nicole

I had a fun reading your reply.  I can imagine how they sound by the way you described it...  It sounds quite  I think that I would enjoy it to hear them go on like that... he he  But after a while it must start becoming annoing.  Your reply really made my day, thank you.

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Dream is more like film

Post by visualillusion » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:26 pm

Sounds like you have watch harry potter more then once before going to bed.

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Post by Malachai » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:36 pm

This owl is your totem, your animal spirit guide. The very fact that it was teaching you of magick, suggests very strongly to me a past-life perhaps as a shaman, or with one who would work closely with nature and had knowledge of the power of animal spirits.

That this owl came to you as a child suggests that the owl still remembered you from the life in which you worked magick with the assitance of the Spirit of Owl.

Charming and cute story.

I do seriuosly believe that this must be your totem creature.

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The title of your post is the answer to your question!

Post by starmoon » Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:41 pm

The title of your post is the answer to your question!

This owl is the embodiment of wisdom/learning > a winged god-spirit passing to you knowledge<magic> in
his very own birdhouse.

And it might still have some influence in your life at the present time. Try to apply the owls virtues to see if one
applies or needs to be implemented. i.e. 'sharp sight'

Also there are many expresions or idioms regarded to birds and see how it applies to you. i.e. 'A bird told me'

There might be something in you that must be developed, a gift that will grow with time since you have the
strong desire to accomplish it.

Also, each one of your dreams represents fullfillment or a cycle.

'I would wake up outside my parents house on the porch' &nbsp;I wont comment on it, even the word astral cometh to me.

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Post by CJ » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:52 pm


Thank you so much for the postings you have made! &nbsp;Even the one about watching Harry Potter too much (it made me smile), if only Harry Potter's movie showed when I was a kid I would have agreed! &nbsp;But No! That's not it! &nbsp;But thanks anyway Visuallilusion!

Malachai, I want to thank you also for your posting. &nbsp;But I have figured out this dream of mine (with the help of a friend) and the owl is not my animal totem.

Starmoon, you are the only one that is close to getting the answer... very close!!! &nbsp;There is something inside me that must be developed and it is of a very high importance!! &nbsp;You must try to look deeper into the dream I described! &nbsp;You have an amazing gift, use it wisely!

All I can say is that the owl, the moon & me are connected!

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Post by starmoon » Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:14 am

&nbsp; Hi CJ, you've got mail.

&nbsp; The porche, the portico or stoa in the agora of ancient Athens, where the &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; Stoic philosopher Zeno of Citium
&nbsp; and his followers met. (The Zeno crater on the Moon is named in his &nbsp;
&nbsp; honour)
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Image


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