
Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by newbeginnings507 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:25 am

ok so here goes. i had this dream that was very disturbing to me. i am curiousis to what it mean.

i was in the house my mother was killed in which is also the house i grew up in. i was in the front of the house in a little room with crystal(my stepsister whom i dont talk to anymore) and avery( my cousin on my moms side) and he was smoking a crack piipe and asked me to light it for him. so i reached over a picked up a sparker thing for a kerosene heater and was going to when all of a sudden i heard a loud *kaboom*. i walked down the halllway to the back of the house to see what it was. the back bedroom that tony (the man who raised me as his daughter and also the man who murdered my mother) had turned into a getaway for himslr had blown up. i could see outside. i walked to the bathroom and saw that about a foot around the toilet the floor was missing but the toilet was still standing. i walked out side where i saw tony pull up in the driveway. i went over to the car and he said get in we have to pick your mom up from work so i got in the drivers seat and preceeded to back out of the driveway when tony2 and lisa(uncke and his wife i no longer talk to) pulled up. they got out of the car and asked me what was going on cause they heard the noise from their house which was like 20 mile away. so i explained and then we wwalked around the side of the house to look at the damage. the trees were blown down and there were pieces of wood laying everywhere. then we walked inside to assess the damage more. i pointed out that there was a big crack that went all the way down the hallway. then we looked at the back room. i followed them to the bathroom where i pointed out that the toilet could still be used but you had to be careful.

this is where i woke up. i am curious is to what this means.

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Post by newbeginnings507 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:51 am

does anyone wanna guess. i need help to figure out why i had a dream this disturbing. i am sue it meant something i just dont know what.

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Post by Deborah » Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:29 pm

Im going to give you what I think of this ............... not that I know dream meanings ..but the feelings I get from reading it!

1. The toilet - is showing you your life is in the shitter!

You need to make changes - these people are not family nor friends ..........just like the house your life can be destroyed by the actions around you.

Crack- is known for blowing up ........maybe the lab was under your hour or in the bathroom??? I dont know

I think you need to look ahead and get away from the past .....move forward ............your young ..use your energy forsomething good in this life ........

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Post by newbeginnings507 » Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:15 am

well...honestly i know my life is in the shitter.. so now that i said that i have a questiion for you.....what do you mean by the lab? do you mean like a crack lab? that makes sense. a friend told me that she thinks it mean that i have hatred towards him and want him to pay for what he has done yet i feel bad for feeling this way. that also sounds about right to me except for the part about feeling bad. i know he should pay and he will. he is going to jail for the rest of his life. hmmm....

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Post by jstrasi » Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:15 am

Dream Interpretation isnt an easy task .. and can be interpreted in various ways .. not necessarily true.

But from all what you said, its evident that you are still a little traumatised by the incident and havent fully moved on. The indications that you were at the same house, and with perhaps people you considered family or held certain levels of trust being present, would probably mean something close and personal which has resulted you building a wall around you.

The blowing up of the place and the toilet still standing - I dont know exactly what it could mean. But, its evident what ever happened isnt forgotten or forgiven - both are necessaties for going forward.

You may try the Psychic Forum, there are some good points on meditation - try that with some self introspection. (Quote : Where there is a question there also lies the answer. - so its evident you hold the answer to your question as well)

Good Luck

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Re: dreams

Post by starmoon » Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:38 am

     Hi newbeginnings507,

     Don't know if you seen it but Deborah is correct. This dream is a
     reminder that you must see a Physician for a physical examination.


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Post by newbeginnings507 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:24 am

i didnt get that out of what deborah wrote...infact i was alittle confused by it. may i ask what is wrong with me? and do you mean see a reagular family doctor or a psychiatrist.....

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Post by starmoon » Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:43 am

    IMHO and as I said in the previous post, it is a reminder
    that you seek medical advice. A family doctor is ok.

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure




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Disturbing Dream

Post by targetjer » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:01 pm

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that you think your stepfather has ruined your life quite often.  Since you are a meticulous person giving credense to detail it urks you that he just passes everything off as not important.  While you are looking for stability in your life, there are people around you who are leading you in the wrong direction.  Consider this that the people who you associate with in the dream are those people while the ones you no longer talk to are the ones you should be hanging out with.
It is interesting that there is a huge crack in the bathroom floor but the toilet bowl is still entact.  Which you noted in your meticulous observation from the damage.  Shit belongs in the toilet and thank  God that wasn't destroyed in this latest disaster.  It will be difficult but I could still puke there if I am careful.
You must have been young when you lost your Mom.  You have clung to your stepfather because no matter what he was the last person with your Mom.  You need to put away the thoughts of a child and sort out this extra baggage and look at the  situation from an adult standpoint.  If you keep giving this man power   he will be powerful in your life no matter how much you try to change.  Your name says you want change    SOOOOOOO  go for it.  Run if you have to but embrass any and all things that are different from what you have so far experienced.   You can do it.  Just have a little confidence in yourself.

Peace and Love to you!!


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Disturbing Dream

Post by targetjer » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:01 pm

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that you think your stepfather has ruined your life quite often.  Since you are a meticulous person giving credense to detail it urks you that he just passes everything off as not important.  While you are looking for stability in your life, there are people around you who are leading you in the wrong direction.  Consider this that the people who you associate with in the dream are those people while the ones you no longer talk to are the ones you should be hanging out with.
It is interesting that there is a huge crack in the bathroom floor but the toilet bowl is still entact.  Which you noted in your meticulous observation from the damage.  Shit belongs in the toilet and thank  God that wasn't destroyed in this latest disaster.  It will be difficult but I could still puke there if I am careful.
You must have been young when you lost your Mom.  You have clung to your stepfather because no matter what he was the last person with your Mom.  You need to put away the thoughts of a child and sort out this extra baggage and look at the  situation from an adult standpoint.  If you keep giving this man power   he will be powerful in your life no matter how much you try to change.  Your name says you want change    SOOOOOOO  go for it.  Run if you have to but embrass any and all things that are different from what you have so far experienced.   You can do it.  Just have a little confidence in yourself.

Peace and Love to you!!


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Post by newbeginnings507 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:22 am

well actually this just happened october 4th of 2006. i found out october 5th. if you are saying i should hang out with these people i dont talk to...i think you may be wrong...crystal is the one who told me my mom deserved what she got..and tony2 is saying that tony didnt mean to do it and we should forgive him and act like nothing happened. and i have ran. i movd 600 miles away to get away from it all...it does urk me that his passes all things off as not mportant. evemn after he killed my mom he acted like life was normal and didnt seem to care. he still awaiting trial out on a $50,000 bond which also urksme....drug dealer get a larger bond. they said he isnt a treat to society..i dont know...

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Post by luca » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:30 am

~~~forgiveness is indeed a lesson for us all~~~with smile on our face we start* working* on that most desired feeling *love* I have no doubts in that you have to forgive~let go~and love*in order to move further to a different stage~lesson* in that life ;-) what has been can not be changed* still with it* we are today* but if you don*t like what you are today~~you can always make it different~~*cause after all~there is no charge* for smilling :D and that*s a very good beginning~~my opinion is that you should get in contact with the people from that dream and that just because of the lesson you have to pass*~its good to know that we all have individual* lifes*~but quite the same needs*~~be happy that you have that* life~~you and your mam* are always connected at a special*level* so...don*t let the material disturb you too much from the real meanings of life~~~~~That with the toilet I find it very funny**because its exactlly the inner~voice* telling you how to solve your problems~~in the toilet with them~ ;-) be open* and clean*~~and clean* mean without resentiments* not even for the one* who took the life of your mom*~~ for sure they had some* karma* problems...so they lived* their..or if not they will try to get rid of the bad karma in a future~life*, so you see~~~that*s what*s happening now with you also~~you have some things* (which are represented* by karma*) you have to deal with~~~that means~ if you have a bad feeling when you are meating with somebody..there are on work* some past life connections~~~actions~~~things* we*ve done in a past life to that person we deal in the present life ;-) therefor in order for the lesson to be passed in that life, we have to learn to love each~other :) ehh~~not to learn..*cause its in us~~~always~~~love is always in us and through us goes further.  Of course there are a lot of things you should read about for a more clear information ;) forget the doctors~~~you are your best one* check google~~for informations about karma, reincarnation :D you will be pleased surprised~~~~~Wish You the Best******

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Post by djankee » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:50 pm

hope i would be able to give u some idea of interpretation:
- try to find out about which time u had the dream
- analyse each line of ur text n find out clue words, such as house, fire, friend, sister, mother etc.
- try 2 find out the meaning of each term in real life from ur own experience of life ( i see u have 19 yrs old of existence)
- understand that the time the dream occured is essential
- 4 example if the dream was about 4 to 6 in the morning, may be u would experience its direct effect during the same day or the next at the latest.
- so this is some hint on interpreting a dream.

NOTE: U MAY CONTACT ME ON  for further information which i would be happy to share with u

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Re: dreams

Post by TaurusGemini429 » Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:12 am

newbeginnings507 wrote:
ok so here goes. i had this dream that was very disturbing to me. i am curiousis to what it mean.

i was in the house my mother was killed in which is also the house i grew up in. i was in the front of the house in a little room with crystal(my stepsister whom i dont talk to anymore) and avery( my cousin on my moms side) and he was smoking a crack piipe and asked me to light it for him. so i reached over a picked up a sparker thing for a kerosene heater and was going to when all of a sudden i heard a loud *kaboom*. i walked down the halllway to the back of the house to see what it was. the back bedroom that tony (the man who raised me as his daughter and also the man who murdered my mother) had turned into a getaway for himslr had blown up. i could see outside. i walked to the bathroom and saw that about a foot around the toilet the floor was missing but the toilet was still standing. i walked out side where i saw tony pull up in the driveway. i went over to the car and he said get in we have to pick your mom up from work so i got in the drivers seat and preceeded to back out of the driveway when tony2 and lisa(uncke and his wife i no longer talk to) pulled up. they got out of the car and asked me what was going on cause they heard the noise from their house which was like 20 mile away. so i explained and then we wwalked around the side of the house to look at the damage. the trees were blown down and there were pieces of wood laying everywhere. then we walked inside to assess the damage more. i pointed out that there was a big crack that went all the way down the hallway. then we looked at the back room. i followed them to the bathroom where i pointed out that the toilet could still be used but you had to be careful.

this is where i woke up. i am curious is to what this means.
Ok, let us be objective and analyze the images.  You remember this dream in great detail and the story makes sense chronologically - this one is important!

The front of the house is where people can enter.  The house is you.  The front is also your conscious mind.  The back is your subconcious.

In feng shui practices the toilet is an inauspicious part of the home.  Many who practice feng shui even have a mirror as the cover of their toilet and keep it closed.  I keep a mirror on my bathroom door and keep it shut.  It points directly at my roomate's room - I thought it was good for the house and especially her if the bathroom's negative sucking energy were not pointed into her recharging cell (bedroom).

Anyway - your commentary on this "gateway to himslr" made me curious so I googled it.  I thought maybe you were Polish for some reason because of the language and if you are I imagine this is what you meant:
Reference source - Wikipedia:

"The Gleiwitz incident was a staged attack on 31 August 1939 against the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany (since 1945: Gliwice, Republic of Poland) on the eve of World War II in Europe.

This provocation was one of several actions in Operation Himmler, a Nazi Germany project to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, which would be used to justify the subsequent invasion of Poland."

So... we have analyzed these symbols.  Let us now analyze the crack...

You say you found it noteworthy to point out to them the crack led down the hallway... I imagine from back (subconscious - what you are unaware of) to front (conscious - the things you are aware of)

Then you also said - you can use the toilet if you are careful...


Maybe this image is why one interpretation suggested you still communicate with the source of disaster in your life and that you try to salvage that relationship.  I did not feel that this was the case.  I believe you followed in a later post to say you do not talk to any of these people.  That seems more accurate.

Now maybe the toilet represents all you have left from the damage?  Strangely all that you have left and what you are using carefully is this one place you can go to and dispose of the negativity in your life.  

I think this toilet is a mental image of where you go when you encounter any new sadness in life.

Also people say to you to forgive him etc.  Maybe this voice from you was the voices of those who tell you to forgive him and ignore the HUGE GAPING crack in the floor....

I am not sure what life was like with him and I can not even imagine how hard this event must have been.  This was truly a crack in your foundation.  An eruption in your home.  Often I have to consult my dream encyclopedia to gain more understanding of the dream then it dawns on me.  I am going to do this for this dream...

Thank you for sharing this dream with us - I will continue my analysis after I have studied the images more and then do  something else and then it will come to me.   I am very good at this.  I think there are often a few layers as well.  The deeper more probing ones and the ephemeral current events type ones.  I always aim to analyze the deeper ones but the current issues ones usually poke into my mind too.  I will offer my suggestion to what I think maybe triggerred the dream as well when I analyze the deeper issues it might be telling you to confront.

~ Renee

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Post by luca » Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:39 am

~~~~I see no negativity in going to toilet*** :D its a necesity in life~~do it always with pleasure~~~~

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