Types of dreams

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Types of dreams

Post by Sandy » Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:44 pm

I'll explain very clearly what I mean exactly...
I have dreams that become reality such as: My ex fiance didn't speack much with me and I needed him too since I wanted the couple to work out... We knew each others friends etc... We broke up but I still had hope.
One night, I had this dream that he was on the other side of a street and didn't see me and was calling this girl's name ''Valerie''. I couldn't believe it so the next day I called him up and asked him about it and with hesitation, he said yes: he meat her on a singles line, he needed to talk and her name was Valerie... So you can imagine how I felt...
Some other times I had dreams that were reality...

My question it very simple, how can we know when a dream is for real and not... Or do I just have to wait and see???

Thanks xsandyx

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Post by starryskies » Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:49 pm

I have had predictive dreams like that. I guess you don´t know for sure something is going to happen until does! Write your dreams down upon waking so you can refer back to them.

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Post by TaurusGemini429 » Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:05 am

its often the dreams that are clear as crystal

they wont get out of your head

a lot of people cancelled their trip on the titanic because of the dreams they had before going

some stories of people who dreamt this but went anyway actually came out

of a wife who begged her husband for them not to go but they all went and she had her children bundled up and ready when the iceberg hit

they made it on a lifeboat... her husband did not

its the dreams that rouse you to action - as you called your ex out on valerie...

if a dream is a prediction it is like that

but - not all dreams that are realistic are predictions...

some are spiritual... as if they are a real-time communication with spirits...

you cant know for sure...

dreams are mysterious

the only valid logic is gut intuition here

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Post by lavirgo » Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:59 pm

the more you have them the more aware you are of which dreams are real and which are just dreams.  Most times I just know, but i don't always remember,  for instance... i  dream,  i awake knowing it was real,  then a few days later i will feel like "de ja vu"  then i remember "oh yeah, this isn't deja vu, this is the dream i had".    then again i have i guess their warning dreams, again i know they are when i awake, just a feeling.

i guess keeping a journal of your dreams, or keypoints in your dreams that stood out,  helps you to be more aware of how your real dreams are.

i think you knew your dream was significant and thats why you brought it up with your partner,  so its just a knowing.

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Post by Lorin » Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:29 pm

I think that precognitive dreams are more common than we think, it's just that many of us never make the connection.  The first step is the dream journal, so that the dreams can even be remembered at all.  Even so, I tend to forget the dreams I write down after a day or so.  

About a year ago I received word that my grandmother had fallen off a ladder and cut her leg rather severely.  (She was fine after a few days).  I was looking back over my dream journal about a week later and read a rather innocuous dream I had where I'm standing on top of a parking garage with my grandparents.  They are standing with their backs to the ledge and I have the feeling of worry in the dream that my grandmother may fall.  Yet in the dream, she doesn't.  Still, the mere one week separation between the dream and the event seems to indicate to me precognition.  

Yours was a striking example though.  It would be great if they were all this overt.

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Post by TaurusGemini429 » Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:03 am

very true

its so odd how i like to interpret others dreams but i never write mine down

i know why

its because i dont wake up early enough to write them and then i forget them if i dont do it right away

i wonder if i ever have precognitive dreams

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what would you call this?

Post by Magewyntyr » Mon May 21, 2007 2:32 pm

What about when you're meditating and have a waking dream or vision? I had a whopper a couple of years ago. I'm talking full sight, smell, and feeling. To this day, it still effects me. I know of some people that seem to get chills when I tell them of these visions and mention Colorado.

Do you interpret these visions as dreams? or treat them as something else?


alka pareek
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Post by alka pareek » Tue May 22, 2007 5:00 pm

you can make out whether a dream is false but its when a dream comes true  and u remember it that u realise its come true

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real dreams

Post by adam smith » Wed May 23, 2007 4:09 pm

most of the time we wait to see how real some dreams are and then some of just know with out knowing that they are real

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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 2:40 am

lavirgo wrote:the more you have them the more aware you are of which dreams are real and which are just dreams.  Most times I just know, but i don't always remember,  for instance... i  dream,  i awake knowing it was real,  then a few days later i will feel like "de ja vu"  then i remember "oh yeah, this isn't deja vu, this is the dream i had".    then again i have i guess their warning dreams, again i know they are when i awake, just a feeling.

i guess keeping a journal of your dreams, or keypoints in your dreams that stood out,  helps you to be more aware of how your real dreams are.

i think you knew your dream was significant and thats why you brought it up with your partner,  so its just a knowing.
I wish that I could remember my dreams..I awaken and rarely remember any, if at all.

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