Can someone please interpet this for me?

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Can someone please interpet this for me?

Post by Snowdaisy » Sun May 27, 2007 2:00 am

Well i had a dream actually it was two dreams in one. My cousin and I were in the car and she was driveing. She crashed two times we died once though the last crash...Could someone please tell me what this means thank you

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Independence needed

Post by Beaujolais » Sun May 27, 2007 3:45 am

I think you are handing over the responsibility of your life to someone else, you are really still very young so it shouldn't be a problem but you are slowly becoming an adult and you need to let go.  You do like your independence but right now you are at the passenger seat.  I think the dream is telling you that you have a second chance and that you may find yourself at a completely different point in life, and that this cousin you speak about will go through exactly the same thing.  I think one day you will find that you might have the opportunity of giving away the responsibility of your life from one person and give it to another.  If you do this it will be a mistake.  You do not want to start completely all over again, because it is going to tax you emotionally, physically and spiritually.  Learn to take hold of your life very slowly and gradually so that you gain full independence.  Then you won't ever blame anyone for anything.

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Post by Congo0624 » Mon May 28, 2007 2:11 pm

Everything ive ever read about dreams says that dreaming of death means a new life, however, in this case it could just be a warning to you both to becareful.Your dream couldve been more of a premonition warning you of the event.

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Dream Interpretation.

Post by vkram » Mon May 28, 2007 2:47 pm

Some psychiatrists say, that for some reason a person has deep in the mind, suicidal tendency. This tendecy is relfected in a dream.  It is better to have such a dream as it helps the tendency to dissipate.  This is a very old therory. but still holding good in some quarters

Superstition says that a person who dies in a dream has a long life. I believe in that.

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dream interpretation

Post by barnjie » Wed May 30, 2007 12:30 am

Everyone has the ability to interpret their own dreams. The first question you need to ask is what does your cousin represent to you? The fact your cousing is driving suggests you should ask yourself what sort of influence your cousin has in your life. Is there a certain path you walk together where your cousin is in control of the situation/s? If so does this particular situation lead to some outcome/result that if not learned once could bring about destruction? Or is it that you two have some brick walls to hit before have a new beginning? The main thing you should be focussing on when asking yourself these questions is the emotion or feeling you experienced during the dream. If you cannot remember you can always meditate on it. Our dreams can be a way to interpret and understand how we are thinking and feeling about life,people,places and ourselves in general, at the core of our true selves.

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Post by Snowdaisy » Thu May 31, 2007 1:34 pm

thank you all ^_^

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