Family Who have passed on

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by Evie » Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:35 am

Hi Nicole

     Aw Hun, you are in the midst of grieving and all these feelings are normal.  
PLEASE don't apologise to anyone for your feelings. No one can dictate how long
you should grieve for, or how.  It has not been a year!

One day your dreams will always make you feel good, but for now you are too sad.
And you deserve to be....

All your feelings are valid... hun.  Especially the contrary feelings.

I look at your beautiful artwork and see a little girl shining loud and clear.  
I suspect that you are missing your mother more than any of us could imagine.
She was more than a MOM, and now you feel especially little... and need her
MORE than ever.

Am I right in feeling her passing was sudden?

To relive your experiences again from losing other loved ones  is also VERY
normal.... "Death" is very much a big part of your life right now.  Fair enough that it not so
with your husband and son.  Other than here... do you have a support group where
you can talk out all your feelings?




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Post by Nicole » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:49 am

Evie wrote:Hi Nicole

     Aw Hun, you are in the midst of grieving and all these feelings are normal.  
PLEASE don't apologise to anyone for your feelings. No one can dictate how long
you should grieve for, or how.  It has not been a year!

One day your dreams will always make you feel good, but for now you are too sad.
And you deserve to be....

All your feelings are valid... hun.  Especially the contrary feelings.

I look at your beautiful artwork and see a little girl shining loud and clear.  
I suspect that you are missing your mother more than any of us could imagine.
She was more than a MOM, and now you feel especially little... and need her
MORE than ever.

Am I right in feeling her passing was sudden?

To relive your experiences again from losing other loved ones  is also VERY
normal.... "Death" is very much a big part of your life right now.  Fair enough that it not so
with your husband and son.  Other than here... do you have a support group where
you can talk out all your feelings?



Hello Evie,

Yes her passing was sudden,
I know my dad is next...
I knew she was going to also.
I just didn't know who was going to be first...
And No I have no groups here where I am..
If we do I don't know nothing about it yet..
We just moved here about a year ago today
+ I'm facing my fears..
I stopped smoking 25 days ago..
It will be a month Friday at 9:30am on the
My anxiety will kick in I have G.A.D Disorder and I just keep busy instead of smoking..
+ My husband has been a life saver he stopped smoking almost 4 months ago..
Proud of him and my son...
Our son I'm just proud is all. :-))

Thanks Evie,
From the  post you did in your Aquarians signs about your energy your like my mom a go, go,
You have alot to give~!!  :smt020

Warm welcome to M~B also~!!

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Post by Ldmer » Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:01 pm

So nice to meet you too!  I hope this finds you having a good day!  
Leisa :smt004

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Post by evangeline » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:31 pm

my husband of 7 years died only 8 months ago..on the 8th. immediately, the first several days I was too emotionally upset, I think, to be able to remember any dreams, -what little I did remember were just bad dreams, but I couldn't ever remember enough to remember if he was in them. At night if I could sleep at all I would sleep heavily and then wake up in the morning and remember he is not here and cry again at having to be here without him...  

very soon I started having dreams about him.. almost every night, but don't remember most of those. many of them seemed to be just wishful dreams that didn't make any sense except that I wished he were here......    dreaming that he actually did not die, but rather faked his death because of someone pursuing him.. I argued with him that SOMEone was in that coffin!

I had another dream that he came back to life, right out of his coffin, and was very groggy and wasn't quite sure at first what was happening..  I was so happy.

those, I think, were just wishful dreams...or... I don't know what.

but I have had several that were not. They just felt "different". It was so subtle I couldn't really tell you how they felt different, except for being more realistic (no mob guys chasing him around causing him to fake his death)...      they just felt different, and more real.

The first, I dreamt he was there, standing infront of me, in a house I didn't recognize. There was a girl off to my left, far in the distance.  I was afraid he was leaving me, and he knew this, but I refused to mention it to him, being afraid that saying something would only get me what I was afraid of... but he knew, and I knew it. I still refused.  I was afraid that he was leaving me for this girl. (in real life, shortly before he died, we were having problems and there was a problem with a girl in which he did say that there was nothing left to work on between us, that he was seeing her..). I knew this girl was her.  But he did not pay any attention to her, he never took his eyes from me.  All this time we haven't said a word. He looked at me with eyes full of total love and understanding, .....not like him... he was a loving and sweet person but the understanding and love in his eyes was much more than he possessed here.  I said.. "please don't leave....     I am not going to ask you to stay if you don't want to stay, but please don't go.."    he said "I don't want to" ...then I knew he wasn't leaving me because of this girl.  I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. I said "I love you" and he said "I love you too".....    then I knew something was wrong.. his eyes rolled back in his head, his head jerked three times, something like a seizure. he started to fall to the floor and I laid him there gently and he was gone.  

(in real life, he died of trauma to the head, which I am not sure I knew/completely understood as the cause, at this point)

VERY shortly after that I had another dream, I appeared in this hallway, of a house I don't recognize. There were a couple of doors, nice wooden ones, closed. A few plants. Maybe a little bench to sit on. The walls were painted a sort of peachy/mauvish color... with soft lighting... some sort of wall sconces or very soft recessed lighting or something. It was warm in appearance, comfortable, homey. He was lying on a stretcher in front of me.  My mom and dad were there.

(my mom and dad were getting divorced when my mom died (24 years ago, has it been that long?), my dad remarried. My mom did not know my husband but my dad did, and loved him to death.  My dad died recently- 2 years 9 months ago).....

They were there with him, standing a few feet from the end of the stretcher, on the opposite side.
I just looked at him, and he looked at me. I felt love coming from him.. I just held his head in my arms.... hugging him.. I felt sad for his pain when he died and sad that he was not going to be here with me...when I say this I mean I meant for him to feel this. I wanted him to know I loved him and didn't want to leave him or for him to go. I just held his head in my arms, and then I was taken from the dream.  I knew he was ok and comfortable. And with my mom and dad.

In another dream, about a month ago, I found myself in an old bedroom, us making love, and I know he was with me, because I felt so complete. I have felt so INCOMPLETE, like half of my soul was ripped from me, when he died.. and in that dream I felt that completeness as long as we were there.

I have had a few other dreams and experiences, but the most recent is this...

(I've felt so disconnected to him... where while he was here on earth, even when we were apart (and we spent a good deal of time physically apart), even as much as I missed him, at the same time, I hardly noticed the seperation, ... it was like our souls were always connected. I felt him with me constantly.  I've missed him so much, since this has happened.....)

Recently I haven't had any dreams of him, I felt like he has gone away from me, left me alone..    I miss him so much and need him there.  One night, not being able to sleep again, as pretty much always these days, I cried all night, I was so upset I prayed to God and told him all the things I felt and how much I miss him and need him here... to please ask him to come back to me, to tell me he loves me, to be with me.. never let him leave me,... please tell him to come back. I don't remember all the things I prayed, but I cried myself to sleep, and in my dreams I found myself in a place that was familiar. It was a church, where we both used to work, (although it didn't look the same, I knew where I must be)  I was in a classroom, with some children.. wandering around the room...not sure what I was doing. Things were going on around me and I was randomly helping with them. I looked out a window at the end of the room. just a grassy yard. I walked up to the other end of the room and looked out the window.     !! my husband, sitting there..out in the yard, sitting down watching (being responsible for) a group of kids..  (this is what we both used to do).  I saw him, but he didn't see me. he was busy working..  my sister came to the window and saw him too.  just then, as I was talking to her, he looked over and saw me in the window. He came up to the window, looked at me through it, and through the window, mouthed "I LOVE YOU TOO!" and kissed the window. !!    

several days later, I remembered that back when we worked at this place, about 6 years ago,  though we were both too busy to spend much time together during work, whenever he passed by my room, he would sometimes knock on the window and make silly faces at me or to make my kids laugh, or give me a kiss.  :)

I know it seems like it could just be something I've made up in my mind, from past experiences.. But I think it had more to do with my request.

All I know is that he is sometimes with me, or can communicate with me, somehow.
I just don't want him to go away. .. I miss him very much and feel so torn about so many things. He is the person I want to be with forever.. but now I am alone here. I wonder if I could still be with him (married to him) forever when I get where he is...... or if he will be hurt if I am with someone here.. even though we discussed it before.. what would happen if one of us died. Sometimes I feel like I need someone to be my partner in life here, to be help me out, financially, emotionally, through life.  Even then I would still want to be with him in the end.  I wish I knew what happens there, ... if it is be married after we die.

sometimes I question the reality of these "dreams" since things were not on good terms when he died,... even though I know he wasn't sure about what he was doing, why would he change? I guess he understands a lot of things he didn't understand before... and realizes how very much I have always loved him.

someone else mentioned mouths not moving in their dream....
except for when he mouthed "I love you" through the window, I noticed the same......  all communication was through what we thought. I just knew.

I also have had dreams of my aunt who passed away a couple of years ago... Sometimes I would see her and think it was so strange .... KNOWING she had died, .... so not understanding how she was still here?!  Feeling something was not right, she was not supposed to be here..And being somewhat frustrated, because I noticed that (in the dream) none of my family could see her there- only I knew she was there.

sorry for such a long post, ... just thought I would share my experiences.... to the original poster or anyone else who has had dreams like this, I wouldn't assume they are just dreams..

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Post by Evie » Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:35 pm

Hello Evangeline      :smt006  (((((( H  U G S )))))

Your post  has touched my heart in a big way hun. When I was your age
I lost my soul mate when he tragically drowned a couple of weeks before we were to
be married. Oh gosh that was half my life ago!  I so recall the grieving process, and
'only' Eight months ago isn't very long... Thank you so much for sharing
this sorrow of yours with us.

My dreams went into another direction ... our relationship was only a year long and
all was great with us, but he ignored me in my dreams. He happily announced that he
had faked his death... I argued that I saw him in the casket and he turned away from me,
in favor of his other friends
These dreams were so devastating... he was not treating me like I was special anymore.
I watched from the background while he made nice nice with his friends.
Every dream was the same... the friends changed, but  he barely acknowledged me.
I cried so much over these dreams.... One could remain in my mind for days after.
The drowning was an accident and it was easy to forgive him for stupidly doing this to himself.
But these dreams were something that he was doing to me on purpose and I felt so wounded.

Six years later I received a message via a gifted Medium that helped me to move forward.
He said I would find a marriage partner and he would celebrate that I was not  alone. I really
wanted to be faithful to him, even after his death.  A normal thing, but silly to carry this on
for years. I am sure that my man... 17 years now was helpfully directed to me...

Enjoy your dreams .... I don't think it is wishful thinking at all... no relationship is without
regrets hun. Please don't feel like you have to wait to die to be with him so you will be happy
again. You are so young, It would be a shame for you to think that you will not find true love
again.... You will. I am sure that 'soul-mate' is not exclusive to one person.
One more thing, I personally doubt that "marriage' as we know it here is happening in heaven,
but soul relationships do continue...


I understand your heart ache.... :smt007
If you ever need to chat....PM Me...

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Post by tengypsies » Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:09 am

I dream of my deceased relatives all the time.  I always believed that the reason for dreaming of them are that they still are around me and my family.  It gives me a feeling of comfort.  Just think of your parents as your guardian angels.  They love you dearly and want to be a part of your life.

Brightest Blessings,

Gypsy :smt006

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Post by evangeline » Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:45 am

Evie wrote: Hello Evangeline      :smt006  (((((( H  U G S )))))

Your post  has touched my heart in a big way hun. When I was your age
I lost my soul mate when he tragically drowned a couple of weeks before we were to
be married. Oh gosh that was half my life ago!  I so recall the grieving process, and
'only' Eight months ago isn't very long... Thank you so much for sharing
this sorrow of yours with us.

My dreams went into another direction ... our relationship was only a year long and
all was great with us, but he ignored me in my dreams. He happily announced that he
had faked his death... I argued that I saw him in the casket and he turned away from me,
in favor of his other friends
These dreams were so devastating... he was not treating me like I was special anymore.
I watched from the background while he made nice nice with his friends.
Every dream was the same... the friends changed, but  he barely acknowledged me.
I cried so much over these dreams.... One could remain in my mind for days after.
The drowning was an accident and it was easy to forgive him for stupidly doing this to himself.
But these dreams were something that he was doing to me on purpose and I felt so wounded.

Six years later I received a message via a gifted Medium that helped me to move forward.
He said I would find a marriage partner and he would celebrate that I was not  alone. I really
wanted to be faithful to him, even after his death.  A normal thing, but silly to carry this on
for years. I am sure that my man... 17 years now was helpfully directed to me...

Enjoy your dreams .... I don't think it is wishful thinking at all... no relationship is without
regrets hun. Please don't feel like you have to wait to die to be with him so you will be happy
again. You are so young, It would be a shame for you to think that you will not find true love
again.... You will. I am sure that 'soul-mate' is not exclusive to one person.
One more thing, I personally doubt that "marriage' as we know it here is happening in heaven,
but soul relationships do continue...


I understand your heart ache.... :smt007
If you ever need to chat....PM Me...

Evie, thanks for taking the time to respond to me.
your post really means a lot. Thank you for your kindness and sympathy.
It really does hurt.  On top of it, my in-laws (some of his brothers, and one sister in law) have very much hurt me, being purposely hurtful.. friends of mine (or so I thought) for a long time. 15 years, for most of them.  It really hurts feeling like I've been betrayed by and lost my family as well as feeling like my soul has been ripped apart with his leaving.

It's still unfinished and still makes me sick, and I just miss him so much. At least his mother and one brother are still acting with love.

Today is another holiday.. which always makes me miss him more, if that's even possible. I guess I have an easier time remembering specific things we did.

It's comforting that you were directed here and read my post.. being someone who has been through something similar. And your dreams must have made it so much worse.  I am really sorry for your loss, too. I'm sure it wasn't easy. :(  Especially being so sudden and unexpected.   I just wish I could hear him. I wish I had control over when I could see him in my dreams or talk to him.

I doubt there is "marriage" as we know it there either, but I don't want him to prefer another person over me. Or what if he is somewhere there but I'm not able to find him.. I have so many fears and worries about that.

I just wish I could hear him better.

Of finding love again, yeah, maybe. nothing like this, I don't think, but that's expected, so I'm sure no one would believe it hearing it.
I don't think most people have EVER had as intimate relationship as we had/have?..  One of his aunts, who didn't like me much from what I can tell, said I am young and will get over it. She doesn't think it's such a big thing. I am angry about that.  She has no idea. And maybe it was just careless, but it really seemed literally unlovingly careless. But she had no idea what we had, and she's an unhappy person.

We only had seven years. It seems like the blink of an eye, and at the same time a very long time. But not long enough, not nearly.
Nothing will make me happier (except knowing the people I care for are going to be with God also), than to finally be where he is and hopefully be allowed to always be with him there.

Thanks for listening...  I just wanted to come back and say thank you for your thoughts and love.


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Post by evangeline » Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:51 am

I was trying to recall who all I've seen in my dreams.. My mom, my dad, my great aunt, who was pretty close to me, being that I saw her once a week most of my life, my husband of course, ........ I honestly have known so many people who have died ... but I haven't seen that many of them in my dreams.. I must have had dreams I can't remember but for now these are the only people I remember seeing in my dreams.

I was just thinking on whether it helps more when they are closer to you.  I am guessing it does, although I know a lot of people see or dream of people who they didn't necessarily even know, like great grandparents, or ..complete strangers.  Would you think that those people are just more sensitive?

I wonder what determines who can get through to you---   why does it help (if it does) if they are closer to you?

It seems someone who is just determined might get through just as well.
Maybe they just have a better ability..


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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:18 pm

Having family member who pass on visited me in  my   dream is a blessing because  i know they are  happy  in heaven and they take the time to see  you  , saying that they are all right and are very happy  ....   Heck even my dead pet cat visited me in my dream she died  4 years ago .

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