Dream Divination Tools

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Dream Divination Tools

Post by Saldaba6 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:32 pm

I have been working with my own dreams for several years. Most of my life actually. When I used to speak of a dream to my mother, and then something would happen, she would say "there is your dream broken". I have been aware for a very long time that dreams pertain to our daily lives. Possibly the best book I have found for any type of dreamwork is called The Magical, Mystical, World of Dreams by Wilda B Tanner.  Man And His Symbols by Carl Jung is another extremely good book to read when wanting to learn dream symbology. Keep in mind that dreams work out what we cannot work through easily in our daily lives. Through it's symbology, a dream may be able to help solve a problem one is facing. Dreams can also be warnings of upcoming events. One needs only to keep a dream journal to realize what their dreams are telling them. I would encourage all who wish to find out more about their dreams to keep a journal close by the bed, and write in it as soon as possible after waking. This encourages one to remember their dream in vivid detail. The more work that one does with their dreams, the more the dreams will reveal.

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Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:53 am

You're right

Post by c_akash » Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:22 am

Dear Saldaba,

I second your idea about dreams. Yes, one should at least try to interpret dreams of her/his own, with an aim to manage the future. I've always counted dreams as a magic hint to the future, and at times, however foggy it be, came to realize the common chord of events and dreams.


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