Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by Sandy » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:29 pm

I dream quite often and I'm never sure if the dream really means something as specially if it realistic... For example, if I dream about my boyfriend talking with his ex, Thats reality, but I dream about it and things are reveal such as I leave if I don't like it ect...
When do you know when drems mean something or do they all do??

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Post by Vishwas » Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:38 pm

I perosnally think that all dreams do occur for a reason.

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does every dream mean something ?

Post by lem » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:55 am

Dreams are our bodies way to relieve the built up stress that we acquire about a given situation in our lives. It might be your job, friend, lover, etc. Some dreams are informative, others are warnings. They can be insightful or downright unexplainable. Not all dreams have a meaning. If you have a reoccurring dream(s) you might want to take notice, for this could be something that requires attention. Keep a notepad and pen on your night stand so that when you wake you can jot down what you remember. As our conscious mind awakens, details of our dream start fading and we don't always remember details that could put a dream in perspective. I could go on forever but you get the message.

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Post by starryskies » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:40 pm

But sometimes a dream is a reflection of something else. For example, say you are sleeping when the phone rings and someone else in the house answers it and talks low, without waking you. Your subconscious mind might hear the phone and your friend talking in a low voice and make it into part of a dream. So you might dream of alarm bells or fire engine bells or something ringing and people muttering or talking and turn this into pictures because it is outside noise penetrating your subconscious mind.

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does every dream mean something ?

Post by mcclenning1 » Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:52 am

I agree with starryskies, although it would be a dream that you would have difficulty equating with anything unless you ,for example, thought that someone was talking behind your back for whatever reason, and it would most likely be a dream that would not reoccur. Outside influence can have a strange way to alter a dream. Those types of influences usually only happen when we are in that state of subconscious and conscious dream just before rem (rapid eye movement) stage.

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Real or Memorex?

Post by targetjer » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:49 pm

It is my opinion that I dream for a reason .  I may need to look, contemplate, and finally solve an issue that has been bothering this dreamer for awhile.  A dream is a subconscious response to an over stimulus in the conscious state.  During the day I am usually too busy to solve the issues that seem to be able to wait until quiet time.  I may be going through alot in the work force and haveto concentrate harder while letting other things be put on the back burner.  Sleep is that part of the day when the body is allowed to rejuvenate and pigeon hole the days events.  It is here that dreaming gives  me ways to totally answers, or to re experience the fun things of the day.  No dream is too big or too small for it not to be useful in solving situations.  Personally I am thankful that I have dreams as an aid to all the situations that arise in my life.

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