Can someone Interpret This Please?

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Muriel Patrisha
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Can someone Interpret This Please?

Post by Muriel Patrisha » Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:25 pm

'Last night I had a black bird in my home. It was large like a crow but it was not a crow. It walked down my hallway but I could not tell how it had got in. It had a large peach coloured beak. The beak was larger than it should have been had it been a crow, but not as big as if it had been a pelican. It looked at me with red, red eyes, like a lazer beam. I wasn't sure if it was here to cause disaster or if it was a portent of good.'

This was told to me by my son (30) this morning. My interpretation was insufficient for him. Can anyone interpret this please?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:15 am

Firstly can I please make the point that attempting to give someone a third party dream interpretation is often much less reliable than if you had been the person whose dream it was?

Blackbirds (not only crows) can either be seen as a bad omen or a portent of good, but I feel that in this case it is the feelings which are associated with seeing the bird which are more important than it's colour in understanding it's possible meaning to your son.

Frequently blackbirds are interpreted as meaning that not much is going to change in the person's life over the coming months and that they could therefore come to feel as though they are in a bit of a rut (although there could still be quite a lot of inner activity and preparation going on behind the scenes of which the dreamer is presently unaware).

Rather than the large blackbird with it's "red eyes, like a lazer beam" necessarily meaning that something evil or sinister is afoot, it could alternately mean that your son needs to look much more deeply within himself with both strength and clarity of vision in order to determine the truth behind a particular life situation which is currently of concern to him.

I do not see anything overly negative for your son's future purely on the basis of this one dream, but if this general theme continues to appear in other dreams of his over the coming weeks it strongly suggests to me that he has not been either able or willing to apply what he has learnt from the dream(s) in his waking life. Look for the deeper truths below the surface, and do not immediately judge a book or person by it's or his/her cover?

In other words, recurrent dreams often mean that the dreamer still hasn't got the message contained within them.  :smt015

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Post by Muriel Patrisha » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:36 am

Eye of Tiger
Thanks for your quick response. My son asked me for an interpretation and when I suggested He ask here he requested I do it for him. The words were his. I typed.

He has just read your response and i asked if it meant anything to him. His reply was in the negative.

With Easter holidays here My house is very full. Both i and my daughter also read your response and found it to be very very appropriate of what is going on in his life at this time. i have no doubts that what you have said in some spots have left an imprint he will mull over and come to understand.

This is his way.

Again, Thank you. muriel

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:01 am

Thanking you for your very welcome feedback Muriel, Image and I understand it completely if he needs to first mull over the contents of my dream interpretation before determining if it is both relevant and useful to him.

These are only insights and suggestions about what his dream could possibly mean, and since it was written in the sometimes unique language of your son's own unconscious mind ultimately he is always the best possible interpreter of what are after all his own dreams.

I do sense just as his mother aka yourself obviously does that he is not yet prepared to accept some of the messages contained within his dreams, and I will continue to respect this and allow him to discover his own truths for himself in his own time.

Whether or not he does not eventually find something useful here, please send him my sincere greetings and let him know that I am in no way offended. It will always be my great pleasure to help you both if you feel that I am able.

God bless u both!  Image

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Post by Mlady Raka » Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:44 am

Dear Muriel Patrisha,

I will attempt to layout this dream for your son....but I need him to delve deep within himself and be completely truthful about what he finds there....

Last night I had a black bird in my home.

Your home represents for me where you "live" mentally and emotionally, the area of thoughts you entertain most constantly, and also the framework of your whole belief system built from early childhood.  It represents where you belong, your base, roots, tradition, security, an dyour usual state of consciousness.  It symbolises the sum-total of all you have been taught to believe.  As you learn and grow, and you accept new teachings and ideas, your consciousness expands.  This is often symbolized by new rooms being added or discovered as long as the new ideas fit within the existing framework of your old belief system.  When the new cannot coexist within the old, a new house to represent the new thinking must be found or built.  This is when we start building or looking at new houses.  we may have several different sets of beliefs and houses in the various areas of our lives.  If you don't own a car your home can represent your physical body and its condition as well.

It was large like a crow but it was not a crow. It walked down my hallway but I could not tell how it had got in.

Birds in general denote joy and spirituality and the ability to "soar", this however was a black bird and you likened the size of it to a crow even if you did not think it was one.  Black is not necessarily a negative omen, it can also mean something that is "as yet undiscovered, hidden or obscure".  

This bird may represent an obscure, hidden or repressed side of yourself that needs to make an "entrance" (the hallway) from your subconscious into your conscious mind.  The reason you could not tell "how it got in", was simply because it was there all the time in YOUR mind.  It is not a symbol of something that "entered" from the outside, but rather something that you have been repressing that now decided enough is enough and it surfaced.

It also has something important to say to you hence your statement that :

"It had a large peach coloured beak. The beak was larger than it should have been had it been a crow, but not as big as if it had been a pelican."

The size and colour of the beak has something to do with the message it wants to convey.  

The colour Peach is a combination of red, yellow and white and these colours represents the following:

Red (energy, anger, sexuality, danger)
Yellow (intelectual prowess and agility, acument, wellbeing)
White (purity, innocence, sincerety)

I do believe you may have surpressed issues concerning the above and it won't be quiet any longer...  That is why the beak is also large....these are big issues and you will have plenty to talk about once you allow yourself to face these issues head on.

It looked at me with red, red eyes, like a lazer beam. I wasn't sure if it was here to cause disaster or if it was a portent of good.'

Eyes are the mirror to the soul and in this case whatever you have been surpressing has actually angered you "into your soul", so whatever issues need to be discussed with whomever you need to discuss them, has to be done soon...

You liken the eyes of the birds with a laser....laser is used to cut things so whatever is affecting you on a soul level, might "be cutting through your soul"  and the outcome of this discussion or discussions about these issues may turn either way.  That is why you did not know if the bird was there to cause disaster or if it was a portent of good.

My feeling is that it potentially could be both.  It would do your own soul good to get these issues out into the open, but depending on how you handle could create a disaster.  That is probably the reason you were surpressing these issues in the first place, since you didn't want to risk dealing with them out in the open.

I hope this clarifies your dream for you....

love and rainbows


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Post by MyAquarianMoon » Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:06 am

Wow, what an amazing dream interpretation Raka :smt041

It has encouraged me to look more closely at my own dreams, and not only rely on my dream dictionary!

Fascinating, gr8 work

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Muriel Patrisha
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Post by Muriel Patrisha » Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:59 pm

It has taken me too much time to get back to this site but the other world calls us out and we need to respond.

This was an exceptionally accurate and pertinant interpretation.  :smt051 Many, Many Thanks for the clarity you have given to the situation.


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Post by Mlady Raka » Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:02 pm

You are most welcome.....

Sweet dreams


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