Butterfly in my dream

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Butterfly in my dream

Post by gypsydreamer » Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:30 pm

I met up with someone who I knew (as an acquaintance) in the dream, but have no idea who she was or represents in real life.  Anyway, she had a monarch butterfly as a pet.  As we approached one another the butterfly flew down the road to me and landed squarely on my mouth!  The owner came up then and explained the butterfly liked me, and she tried to take it back, but the butterfly, who now was a lovely yellow and cobalt blue, kept crawling up my arm to my shoulder.  It even went on it's back and it's body was very long (7-8 inches).  The owner said it *really* liked me and this was unusual.  I just remember the feeling of the butterfly really needing me, and liking that feeling.  I woke up just after this, as this dream was very vibrant in color and feeling.

Any ideas??  btw, I'm not in a situation where I could get pregnant. ;-)


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:55 am

I must admit that I am still unsure about your suggestion that this dream could possibly indicate that you are either already or about to become pregnant.

I do understand your likely reasons for emphasising the word *really* in your description, but on looking through the general interpretations in the dream dictionaries, other than a butterfly possibly representing a need by the dreamer to settle down and to have a greater degree of consistency and security in her life, the association between dream butterflies and pregnancy in your waking life honestly escapes me.

Butterflies tend to alight on a particular flower for a very short time, and then feel an urgent need to move on to the next and the next. They do not like to stay in one place for very long and the idea of a person being a "social butterfly" means basically the same thing, but in this case the social butterfly does not want to stay with a particular person for too long, and soon gets bored with them no matter how attractive they might have seemed when first they met.


To see a butterfly in your dream, denotes .........................................To see a beautiful colourful butterfly in your dream, denotes.................................
Hoping this is of some relevance and help to you in better understanding your colourful butterfly dream,

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Post by gypsydreamer » Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:47 am

Hi, thanks for your input and ideas.  The 'neediness' of the butterfly and my enjoying it seem to suggest motherhood, hence the pregnancy. (again, that's not an option, so I wanted to rule that out).

I"m quite the opposite of a social butterfly-Definitely a wallflower!  But my life has been chaotic the last few years, certainly not by my conscious choice, and I've been trying to 'settle down' for 3 years straight.

Thanks again!

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re butterflt

Post by kali » Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:42 am

I think the butterfly actually represents the need for transformation in your life, as they are all about transformation ...it seems the changes made will be for the better as the butterfly was comfortable around you ie something you like.. are there any new opportunities to transform your communication and responsibilities (shoulder)? maybe you should be looking for a new career/ job or have just moved from one whatever the opportunities that present themsleves . this is a positive dream .. I think the association with the past also fits here a situation you knew someone else going through is being passed to you... I just can't help thinking promotion ? anyway this is all my opinion hope it has helped Blessings Kalixxx

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Dream interpretation

Post by CaroJ11 » Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:39 am

I think it just means CHANGES are taking place in your life.

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