Please help me with this disturbing dream

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Please help me with this disturbing dream

Post by shlomitsmum » Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:50 pm

This dream has really disturbed me.
I dreamed that I was with this old lady I know (but are not friends just see her ocasionally) at a marketplace shopping for fish.... I was supposed to make her dinner or something.
She pointed to a table that said Fresh Tuna and picked 2 for herself and I picked 2 for myself. the Tuna had big glossy eyes.
We got home and decided to begin cooking my fish wich I had placed in a bag on the counter.
Suddently I heard faint meows comming from the bag ! it had 2 small brown/tortoishell kittens who had been open like fish and were dying .
I started to cry as there was nothing I could do to save them.
I put them on the garage to die... and my two real life cats went in and ate them! once the cats began meowing I did not see the lady around anymore.
I woke up very worried and wondering what this might mean... I'm scared

Please help

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:40 am

Please accept my sincere apologies for almost completely missing your posting, especially as it seems to be worrying you so much. Better late than never?

The good news is that your pet cats are not likely to suddenly become cannibalistic and eat disembowelled kittens, even if one of them was it's father. The bad news however is that your dream is rich in unconscious symbolism (the tuna and the poor kitten in your dream represent something completely different in your waking life), and it is probably going to be difficult for us to be able to help you to fully understand it's true meaning.

I don't believe that tunas in dreams have any special meaning that other varieties of fish do not, so the fact that it is tuna instead of any other type of fish probably only has a meaning related to your current circumstances. It's meaning is likely to be highly personal? A dream of a dead fish is usually thought to be a sign of future disappointment and loss of power or wealth. That image of the lifeless tuna, laying there on the kitchen table with it's once glossy eyes now dull and staring into space suggests to me that the initial excitement you experienced about something which you had been looking forward to with great excitement for so long, unfortunately fell far short of your previous expectations. Not only will you be terribly disappointed by the turn of events, but you may feel seriously cheated, as if a valuable opportunity got way from you (like a fish escaping from a hook).

To see a white kitten in your dream frequently predicts deceit and trouble. To see either non-white or soiled kittens may   indicate trouble ahead for you. I don't feel that the dead or disembowelled kitten being eaten by your much older cats has any specific meaning beyond representing the stronger and larger cats gaining advantage over the smaller, weaker and more vulnerable kitten. Dog-eat-dog describes a world in which people fight for themselves only, and will continue to hurt other people without any feelings of conscience for the pain they are causing.  Perhaps a cat-eat-kitten world has a very similar meaning to your dreaming mind?

Disappointment, loss of power or wealth, losing a valuable opportunity to minimise your losses. Possible deceit and other trouble from someone who you have always trusted, at least up until now. A cat-eat-kitten world is one where physical size and strength always rules. It sounds to me that your problems make you similarly feel that you are an unwilling victim of people who only have their own best interests at heart, and that you are without the necessary strength and power to do anything about it.

The above is what you might believe is true, but in reality it may be far from being so. In other words, the purpose of this rather unpleasant dream I feel is to make you aware that you are giving your personal power over to someone else, simply because they might at first glance appear bigger and stronger than you are on the surface. Actually you probably possess many more inner strengths that you have not even become aware of yet, let alone considered using them in your waking life.

Hoping this has helped you to better understand the possible encouraging messages for you contained within this nightmare,


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Some thoughts....

Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:16 pm

I was reading the above response to your post and I think that it has alot of insight into it, I wanted to add some of my thoughts as well. The cat eat kitten world, may have much more to do with your loved ones turning something you were excited about into something that you could not stand to save or be around. I go that you felt badly for the kittens, though you set them aside to await their own demise, Then after you had done this your cats, which I am assuming that you love dearly. went in and finished of the kittens in a way that was distasteful to you. The abject horror of what was happening in front of you was terrifying and it was a realiztion that just because you love someone or something doesn't mean that it will change how it acts to a situation. Only what you think. The missing woman who you happened to put the thought of her aside my be your way of showing yourself that you are often put aside and thought upon later, or perhaps you are doing this to someone else and the guilt manifested it'self in this way.  I hope that this was helpful.

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