A Talk With the Lord

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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A Talk With the Lord

Post by LadySooner » Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:16 am

One night, I dreamed that I was helping with a building project, like construction and stuff. There was a whole group of people all working together, men and women. There was one man in particular who stood out. Although this man was not officially in charge of the group, he seemed to be the most knowledgeable about the project we were working on and would often go around helping others perfect whatever portion of the job they were working on. He had some authority about him that made people want to listen when he spoke. But not everyone took his advice about their part of the project because they wanted to do it a certain way. But he did not get angry, he aloud them to make their own mistakes. Those who took and followed his advice always succeeded.

I knew who this man was. Although he was outfitted in a flannel shirt and tool belt around his waist, I knew this man was Jesus. He must have noticed me watching him help others with a look of awe and respect written on my face. For when the whistle blew that indicated a break time, he came to where I was sitting and sat beside me. At first he said nothing, only opening his meal box and removing a mug with a screw lid that he sipped from. He then turned to me, spoke my name, and simply said "Just trust me." The look on his face was of both sorrow and love for those who did not trust his advice. His eyes were full of kindness and adoration.

I remember nothing else about this dream other than waking up with a tear in my eye as I realized to myself "He really does love me, a nobody, an imperfect girl who screwed up a lot and thought of herself as no one special. He loves me too."

If there is anyone who can give an enlightenment for me about my dream I would like to hear it. Thank you for reading.

Master Po
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Post by Master Po » Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:02 am

Hello Ladysooner,

I am not a expert in dreams but must tell you your dream seemed to be a mystical experience.I have never dreamed with Jesus nor know anyone who has.It would be a wonderful experience as it must have been for you.My opinion of it is you might have been having a bit of low self esteem and needed Jesus to tell you he loved you no matter what.I think Jesus is pure love and the truth is he loves us no matter what

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Post by RevEzra » Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:40 pm

Lady Sooner,

I have never tried to do this for anyone else before, so bear with me as I try to help you with this dream.

In your dream there seemed to be a lot of people working, it also appeared from what you listed there was a Man Who was helping all those that were working.  He was giving them advice and helping them where they needed help with the work they were doing.  As you noticed in your dream when the people would listen to Him and did what He had told them, they were able to perfect the portion of work they were performing.

The one thing about your dream that stands very much in my mind is that when he came over to you, He specifically told you, "trust me."  Which tells me you may have something coming very soon in which you will need to put all of you trust in Jesus, as He will lead you in the right direction.  Even though at the time the direction you may be headed will seem strange or the wrong way, let Jesus guide you and show you the path you will need to take.  In the process of allowing Jesus to lead and guide you, you will be able to perfect something in your life that will become something of gret importance to you and you will find what ever the item in your life is that you need to perfect, will also be a great benefit to someone else.  I believe what ever this item is, it is something only you will be able to do to help the person, but you will have to fully rely on Jesus to help you in perfecting the item.

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Post by TiggerKat » Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:33 am

Only you know what it was. Trust and listen to your heart. Be it the God that you believe in or words/feelings from them,  then that it was.

Remember, God speaks from the heart. He never needs to yell... I feel you heard. :)

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