dreaming of strangers

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dreaming of strangers

Post by bloom » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:51 am


A month ago, I dreamt about two couples..it was really vivid and I felt what they felt but was a mere spectator.  The guy was so jealous that he accused the girl of cheating but the girl really didn't do it and wanted him to believe her.  He believed her too late, she already punished herself by burning herself into a sack of hay to make him believe her..the guy tried to save her but there was like a glass cover that he only saw her die, her eyes while she was dieing...it was..so sad.  The guy cried and regretted everything..he wanted to join her in death but even if he tried jumping off the cliff, he couldn't die..i think he was bound to suffer alive.   it left an impression on me when i woke up..i didn't have those kind of experiences but I felt every surge of emotion that happened in my dream.

then last night, I dreamt of people I don't know again...it was like a kingdom o f something..there's a guy (who i think is the boss/king)..there are girls everywhere..meaning, he was meant to mate with them..he has powers like a hero and his child would have different powers too like flying, having electricity zaps, anything possible..but he wouldn't know what until the child grows at around 2 yr old.  The girls/ladies loved the guy and wanted always to win his affection.  This guy..i think was just a player.  those ladies would release their child into an open field, those babies wouldn't kill themselves but they would have contests and it will be a survival of the fittest thing. didn't see if anyone died, but i just knew who were better than the others.  This guy had sex with beautiful girls of a tribe or something.  then there's this particular girl (a black african i think), she wasn't part of the royalty but i think she was in love with the guy and she wasn't even pretty but she create a situation to deceive the guy to make love to her.  she got pregnant and bore a child (who has powers too, but i forgot what) then the guy confronted the girl after, he was curious rather than angry for deceiving him..he asked her age, she was just 16!  the guy was shocked by her age..then i saw a book (inside it noted what the girl thought in that situation..) the girl seemed in love with him and was ecstatic he even bothered to talk to her...while the thoughts of the guy was "young..good..for sex" ..i forgot the other details

does this mean anything?
it really weirded me out...

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Hope this helps...looking at a psychological point of view

Post by Beaujolais » Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:20 am

That is a very complex dream, and although I am not going to go into detail it is very interesting how you probably view relationships...do you think that maybe people are looking at other attributes rather than love and this disappoints you?  Do you find that maybe people are looking for some kind of familiarity, like a professional job or maybe something higher than them so that they feel important in that relationship?  Maybe you are questioning yourself and what you look for in a relationship, maybe how jealousy can hurt someone really badly but once that person has suffered because of the jealousy, it is really the one who can't let go who is so much more hurt and unable to live with themselves once they know they have caused injury to the heart of who they loved?  Or did they love at all? Jealousy is sometimes a feeling that someone you like is more powerful than you and that feeling of worthlessness that comes over you when you are with them makes one jealous.  There is even the story of the person who is looking for an inter-racial relationship, not because they want familiarity but because they are looking for the opposite, something unfamiliar?..and that can become important to them also.  It also seems that maybe the men are more dominant for you, they are the rulers of the so called kingdom, and the women will play and behave in a way to enchant them, because they don't feel so powerful? And the children being conceived, is it that their parents are thinking of conceiving them due to what they want and need more than for the sake of love only?  Maybe the demands on their children is questionable, as sometimes our parents expect too much from us, because they couldn't deliver what they wanted themselves?  I guess as humans, we sometimes have to face that our relationships are not built on unconditional love for most of the time...we are looking and searching for things in others that we can't find in ourselves.  Maybe on a subconscious level you are questioning your own values and needs and what you are searching for and these people in your dreams played some kind of role model for you.  I hope this helps!

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Not in the dream yourself

Post by passionatepainter » Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:17 pm

Because you do not appear in your dream as yourself, I would think that the dreams are pointing out some sort of psychological situation in your life in which you are not being fully "in your life" maybe maintaining an inappropriate level of detachment.

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Post by bloom » Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:59 pm

thanks for the insights..

I know I need to get in tune with my own subconscious..i'm just letting all the dreams flow even though i don't get to understand them..because everyday, i get weird dreams that even if it's lucid, i can't make the other person do what i want..(like just this morning, I dreamt of a vendor who won't give me my change back even though i keep trying to prove him that i haven't received my change at all..i knew it was a dream, i was trying so hard for it to go my way, but he wouldn't give in..which i felt has some intention on it)

if you have so many dreams..do you try to remember them and understand them one by one? because each time it would be different but when i wake up, i carry that emotion from dreams..

oh well..

thanks again!

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