this dream i had was so vivid...

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this dream i had was so vivid...

Post by amee774 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:28 am

I had this dream sometime back ... lemme start at the beginning as i saw it.. maybe it will make sense to someone who can help me through this...

My father and mother had gone out somewhere and returned with  a baby boy... an abandoned baby boy of about 6 months old... I had gone out too and returned to find this baby on the sofa in the living room... when asked as to where he found him i was told that he was found abandoned by a far off relative of ours and dad decided to get him home.
The child has been dressed in a white small shirt made of linen type material and a red kinda small cotton shorts... he's been kept on the sofa in our living room and he's facing away from me... left foot in his right hand and left hand free and playing with small movements.  The child is calm all the while... and when i lift him and hold him to my chest it feels like he's mine... i tell him that i will name him omkar... i think most of us are familiar with the name.... my sis is also there and she does not like the name an says she'll call him om instead... that's where the dream breaks off
what is strange is that i am not particularly fond of that name as such... and the meaning of omkar cannot be defined in a single sentence to mean something... can some1 help me here as to what it could mean?

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How far back exactly was it when you dreamed this?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:11 am

I am not yet certain about the dream's most likely overall meaning, but could I please ask you whether or not in your dream your mother and father appeared exactly as they do in your waking life, around the time you had the dream (and not as they may have once appeared when you were much younger and still living under their roof)?

Were they your parents as you know them now, or were they instead two people who did not look anything like your real parents do, but you somehow knew that these two people were your mother and father within your dream?

Sorry for all these questions, but I need some answers from you first in order to hopefully have a reasonable chance of successfully interpreting your dream to your satisfaction. I suspect that the important message within your dream is (or messages are) contained in the fine details?

God Bless,

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Post by soul2ebl » Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:13 pm


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hi back

Post by amee774 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:52 am

yes eye of the tiger they looked exactly like the way they look now ... it was a current scenario not a past one

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:10 am

Thank you for getting back to me so soon with these details. :smt004

I am therefore immediately ruling out the theory that the dream may have somehow been related to your own insecurity as a child that you would be forced to share your parent's love for you with another child which was not even their's.

I was wondering whether or not the dream was an expression of the common fear amongst many children they they had been adopted and had never been told about it, but again I do not think this is the case here. In my personal opinion it also effectively eliminates the possibility that this was actually one of your own past life experiences.

Omkar is evidently a Sanskrit name associated with the Indian subcontinent, and can potentially mean a whole range of things, including the rhythm of the Universe to the name of God himself. Honestly I do not believe that the name Omkar has any special significance in your dream, other than it possibly suggesting to me that the child was an outsider to the culture and beliefs of it's adopted dream family (which included you).

Please do not take this the wrong way, but could it be that in some manner that you yourself feel insecure and unloved, and basically uncomfortable with people who have beliefs or come from a culture other than your own? It is therefore rather surprising to me that you should then pick up the child and hold him to your chest as if you were his new mother, and not his sister. You wish to feel the love of your new brother as his mother would, but you are not so sure about accepting the responsibility involved at the same time?

Currently it does appear to me that this dream is trying to say something important to you about the ways in which you compete for affection with others from other important people in your life (especially your parents). Most of the rest of your dream is nothing other than there to make it a more credible or interesting story. Our inner dream director often seems to enjoy doing this for the benefit of dramatic effect, in order to more easily get it's messages across to us in a more acceptable form (frequently as a wake up call).

Just some further food for thought. The real reasons behind you dreaming this may have absolutely nothing with what I have suggested above, and in the end you are the best possible interpreter of your own dreams. Does any of this sound either helpful and/or relevant to your own situation and personality?

Still thinking,

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Post by chrisdee » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:02 pm

have you received messages in dream state before that you have under stood because I found it interesting that you were going to call him omkar and your sister changed it to om as The symbol representing Om is called the omkar, representing the four states of human awareness:
it could possible mean your messages will come in dream state so be more aware of your dreams on waking- but that's only a guess

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Undeveloped Male aspect

Post by passionatepainter » Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:38 pm

I think the baby probably represents an undeveloped male aspect of yourself (you immediately claimed it as your child). Probably a part that was repressed early under pressure from your family (relatives abandoned the child as a baby) It's coming up now because that aspect is now needed in your life -- for example if you are female you may have been encouraged to "be nice" and discouraged from being aggressive, but now you need to become more aggressive in your life --thus your Parent aspect to bringing back the abandoned aspect.

Just offering this up as a possibility. You yourself are the best person to figure out what the dream means.

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