I think i need help, maybe?

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I think i need help, maybe?

Post by kristyclueless » Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:36 am

So a few nights ago I had a dream about a man, a celebrity. He's not a big time celebrity that you see in gossip magazines, but he's on TV and in movies. Anyway, parts of the dream were sexual in nature, other parts werent. The thing that struck me though was that he would touch me (like his hand on my face, not other parts (get your minds out of the gutter, please hehe)), I could FEEL it. It felt unnaturally real. And the only time that things felt that way was when he would touch me, or vice versa. For example, I remember putting my hand on his neck and I could feel the curve of his jawbone and the stubble on his face/neck.

So here's the part that I'm stuck on. Immediately after waking up, I felt like there was something more to it than it just being a dream. I felt like maybe there was something I was supposed to "get" from it, or ... I dont know. And I haven't been able to shake that feeling either. For whatever reason, also, immediately after that I started to study up on astral projection. My ex tried so hard to get me into it, because he said I seemed to have a natural knack for it, but I was never really into that idea. I just kind of thought of it as ... silly, sort of.

Anyway, I just have this feeling that there's something else I'm missing, or should be doing or getting, or ... something. I feel like it wasn't JUST a dream, there was more to it. Any ideas? Thank you so much in advance.

PS - Dreams about celebrities is nothing new to me at all, by the way. I frequently remember my dreams, and they're usually strange, to put it mildly.

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Post by Angelique » Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:08 pm

Hi Kristy-

It doesn't look like you want an interpretation as much as you want an answer to what really happened. Was it a dream or was it something else? Sometimes dreams can seem very real to us, and I believe there are some that are very real and not a dream at all... but those are far and few between for some. The only thing I can think of at this moment is perhaps if there is indeed a message as opposed to 'did it actually happen?' would be that you long for those feelings again... Generally, when someone delicately touches someone's face, it's usually a demonstration of deep affection and care... Perhaps there is a message that this is what you are looking/longing for?

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