Dreams about school

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Dreams about school

Post by 4lyfe » Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:55 am

Well I am 19 and dropped out nearly 2 years ago, but as of late.. I've been having dreams of school.

For example, I had a dream where I was in class and my teacher presented me with a folder of all the incompleted or missing work. There is this girl, a red head, pretty little thing actually, that I seem to be attracted to in the dream. I am sitting next to her with the folder in my hands, franticly trying to finish the assignments, but my teacher comes to me and says "You know it's too late Ryan.", I then woke up.

Another one had me in the office for some reason..I think I was just trying to avoid class or something..but I ended up going to the gym where I seen alot of faces of people I do not trust in my real life. But the weird thing is that I was joking around or being sociable with these people..even people in general which was something I did not do in school or even now. I stick with the handfull of people I trust. The rest is very foggy.

I've been thinking these dreams can either be telling me that...

A). I am trying to fix mistakes in life that I am "too late" to fix

B). The school is representing lessons in life that I have failed and I am going through now.

C). Simply maybe school is on my mind deep inside.

The red head girl troubles me. There is a red head I know in my life, we used to be best friends and I used to have feelings for her. But we do not speak much anymore. What could she represent?

I don't know for sure. Well .. not yet anyways. Any insight or opinions is greatly appreciated.

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Post by Beowulf » Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:28 pm

I don't know what the dream means but I can tell you one thing It is never too late for anything. You can go back to school too, 19 is still very young or you can take  evening school if that is better(if you want that). The girl is clearly a positive memory for you about that school. It looks like a melancholic dream. regrets ... red haired girl, school not finished, lack of sociability... Bad people are everywhere, you don't have to trust everyone, but you don't have to close yourself either (just keep alertness and trust yourself I think. I think you can only turn the darkness into light if you make yourself a light, darkness cannot stand light it is the one thing that destroys it. It feeds on bad energy.

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Post by 4lyfe » Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:26 pm

That red head girl called me today. Weird.

Posts: 37
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Post by 4lyfe » Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:26 pm

That red head girl called me today. Weird.

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dreams about school

Post by KimSullivan » Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:00 pm

I have a dream like this from time to time. I am backin high school and trying to get work done. Then I think to myself, wait a minute, I already did all this! Then I usually wake up.

I also have one where I am at my locker struggling to remember the combination to the lock.

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dreams about school

Post by KimSullivan » Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:00 pm

I have a dream like this from time to time. I am backin high school and trying to get work done. Then I think to myself, wait a minute, I already did all this! Then I usually wake up.

I also have one where I am at my locker struggling to remember the combination to the lock.

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Dream Interpretation

Post by Catnip_Tee » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:50 pm

Hi...I am going to give this a try.  Here goes it.....

I think you are having some self-esteem issues over dropping out of school and the red head is a link to your emotions indicating that.  For most men their self-esteem and the emotions of their heart are connected to their feelings of self-worth.

The second part where you are associating with people who you have generally not associated with also indicates that you feel you have compromised your credability by dropping out of school.  

There are different kinds of dreams and this is the type of dream where you are working through personal issues, things that are bothering you sub-consciously.

Sometimes making a major change in our lives such as dropping out of school tends to haunt us, especially if we aren't happy where we are at today.  You can heal some of these sub-conscious feelings by finding a subject or hobby that you really like and doing research and study it and try to turn it into something productive.

I hope this helps
Sweet Dreams ....blessings *!*

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