Dreaming about slavery and people that I dislike

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Dreaming about slavery and people that I dislike

Post by Southern_Sky » Fri May 09, 2008 9:37 am

I was in a setting or place similar to Africa. I was like an observant, hiding into this deep tall grass. Suddenly, I heard voices of a lot of people screaming for help, mourning of pain and yelling all kind of profanities but in a different language that I have no idea of what kind was. When I directed my attention to where the all the commotion was coming from, I saw few black men on foot with rifles on hand, there was a jeep cars in front of the caravan of people. Right behind it, there were people with a log over their shoulders and behind their necks while their hands were tied to it with roads. Among these people there was black and white, men and women. They all were in distress, crying and moaning in pain, like they came marching from a far away place. All this while the guards with rifles were pushing them,spitting at them and calling them all kinds of names. People that were falling they got whip with a leather thin rope, others were kill on the spot with a shot on the head. These black guerrilla were doing all kind of atrocities to the white slaves. I was watching all this in terror, feeling their pain and distress and begging to God that I didn't get found hiding in this tall grass. I woke up and started to clean my chackras to obtain balance, right after I must doze off or something else came while dreaming.

I saw this girl that is the Army with me, which I dislike since she is not only air head most of the time with things that she say, but because anything that comes out of her mouth is a doom story that ended up depressing me. I was talking to her while she was sitting in front of a computer and I was telling her to get out of her lazy ass and start to do her taxes, that I will help her. While I was talking to her, I saw my mother coming at me with a basket full of junk. My mother asked me, what do you want me to do with these? I looked at the basket and started to take rags out of it while telling her to get rid of it, that I don't care for it. However, among the rags, there was this light bulb in its cardboard box. It was not good, burnt but it was of a light purple tint into it. I took it out of the box, inspected it and put it back into the box and into the basket. I told her, this is the only thing I want to keep. She replied to me that the bulb was not working, I replied to her, that I might need it for something else, to keep it and I woke up.

I guessed about these dreams, that one is about a past life since I saw myself young, white with blond hair, for which I  am the totally opposite of it now, while the other showed me people I dislike or I avoid. However, the light bulb deal puzzles me, wonder what it could means and more over, why I dream about my mom, when I never do? Who knows?

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Post by Beowulf » Sat May 10, 2008 10:41 am

seems to me you are hiding from your true self. You want to make the world a better place but you are afraid to show your true self. Maybe you don't want to show weakness (since you are woman lol different meaning here) because of fear that others won't like you anymore or dissaprove.You are afraid to show your feminin side , anima as woman... or in your case prob more afraid of using masculin side this time??You are afraid of misusing your own masculin power too and that it would lead to inner imbalance. Be yourself is good advise to improve your relationships. ... since you are in army you are afraid of showing your feminin side maybe or maybe its the opposite even. You feef very feminin and are afraid of masculin energies in yourself out of fear they make you more manly? (maybe thats why you dislike other girl or the opposite , depends on your perspective I guess). Maybe you don't want to hide and take action and stand up tough against those guerillas, but afraid  again of masculin energies that would portray you as less woman? he he just guessing here...
Last edited by Beowulf on Sun May 11, 2008 8:40 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Southern_Sky » Sun May 11, 2008 12:29 am

Ty Beowulf, the fact is that I am female. However, I do men's job...from Military to police officer. I want somehow to do something different from the jobs I am doing but overall, I am happy with it. I will still wonder about the light bulb but I am very sure someone else will add their two cents. Thanks Beowulf :)

Love and Light,

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Post by Beowulf » Sun May 11, 2008 8:40 am

I edited post. Think I am coming closer now? :-) Now its maybe even more logical
Maybe you think other girl is not acting proper and as tough as you , (more nochalent and not proper to status and function in army?) ... you act more reasoned, more comformative, more uniform like? :D lol so I still think its a wrestling inside yourself and the answer could be the lightbulb you hang on too for when you are ready to be yourself more?

from internet, maybe useful

Light Bulb
To see a light bulb in your dream, suggests that you are ready to accept and/or face reality. It refers to your consciousness. The dream also symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, hope, new ideas and visions. You are approaching a situation in a new direction.

Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, and dignity.

To see junk in your dream, symbolizes your need to get rid of and discard old ways of thinking and old habits.

To dream that you are paying taxes, represents the price you are paying for the way you live. The dream may be stemming from some sort of self-guilt and the debt that you owe to society.

To refuse to pay taxes in your dream, indicates that you are rebelling against society or the government. You are a non-conformist.

To see a box in your dream, signifies your instinctual nature and destructive impulses. Alternatively, you may be trying to preserve and protect some aspect of yourself. The box may also symbolize your limitations and restrictions.

To dream that you are opening a box, denotes that things are being revealed about yourself that were once hidden. Consider your feelings as you open the box. If opening the box fills you will fear, you may be uncovering aspects of yourself that make you feel anxious. Also consider the pun, "being boxed in".

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