A Symbolic Dream

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A Symbolic Dream

Post by p3ntacle » Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:00 am

Hey, I'm here to share this strange dream...was very vivid and I haven't yet had results with interpretations.

It is almost 3:32. I am tired. I woke up from the most strange dream. This was sort of confusing, because the dream seemed to have no end. The whole symbolism of it was that the  dream was creating itself...and creating all of reality.

It starts out I am in an open barn outside, having a discussion with a history professor about the idea that whatever I said manifested itself in my perceptions. As I was getting deep into the conversation, a fly buzzed ahead of me. I became the fly.

        I am behind the soccer and football stadium near the highschool. I am talking to this guy who is comical, a comedian or actor. I tell him I can just sense that there is going to be a riot in this stadium if not tomorrow, the next day. I say that there is going to be a rebellion. This is not a good or bad thing, but a sad thing- it shows the state of things in the school.
This may have represented the public school where I live, it looked much like it. Then I began getting into my theory of relativity with him...then of course "IT happens again, and I begin to transform into the subjects I am speaking about. A fly buzzes around him and suddenly he sees the light as his vision becomes the fly's and he says he believes me...before suddenly I become him...

I am waking up from this strange dream in a spacious bedroom. I turn on my computer and there is this program, it's a sound program and all these frequencies are set to what I can only remember as 32:3 hz...and as I scroll everything has it. So it becomes me secret code that I am dreaming, and yet the whole idea is that reality doesn't exist? Odd coincidence is that I woke up from this dream and the clock said 1:32, which may have been stranger if I had woken up at 3:32.

So it was pretty odd because I become more and more convinced, as I discover that there are evil scientists who want to program me to believe this conceptial reality rather than the one that is unraveling before me through dreams.

Then, there is my Chemistry Teacher. We are discussing through the people he discussed with about this case...of me sending a threatening video to the school. Which reminds me that my mom told me I had sent this "letter" to the school in reality. I haven't ever done this and it always seemed very unusual and strange that the Principle accused me of sending the school a hatemail letter. I was never aware of this until a year or two later.

So, this was a video tape that I had sent to the school of this Chemistry Teacher, and it was "Fake" as the Chemistry teacher said" because it would have meant that he had to be there....

'No, but it is not a delusion. Are you supposing that this video is completely manipulated?' The Principal said. The video must have been convincing, then I am there and I see the video. And there is some reason that the video is both real and not real.

But I didn't create it, I merely observe him being watched on this video...and then I see him being dragged on a car through an obstacle course or string of objects- like a washing machine, and so on and so on through household objects and living situations.

Suddenly, I am chased by him off of this string of events and onto a go-cart race-track. I am with Einstein and watching him and a girl, which isn't me...but as they gain on us it IS me...and so I am looking from behind this go-cart and from ahead in another go-cart at the same person through different persectives.

The balance was that I was locating myself with the human heart, and then as I grew closer and closer I saw the defining features of me and the person, but the strange thing was I was wearing my blue sweater- so it was me when I was thirteen or twelve. Then, I wake up again and this time I am aware of this thing going on, I make sure my angry dad doesn't notice me.

Then I am getting fearful the scientists are watching me. Hm, then I am in a train station and watching Tori Amos as I hear her voice singing, she walks down this hill like she's walking down memory lane...which is my memory because she goes straight down and makes a left, on 13th Street where I used to go to.

I heard my grandma read as I watched her writing a note, "I knew there was something special about that girl."

The strange thing was how real it felt. I being in the fly, and being in the person, and everything feeling so connected. and then seeing myself get closer and closer in the go-carts talking to Einstein about relativity. What was the symbolism of 32:3?

The first thing that pops up when I google 32:3 is this http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/32/323.html

It was just what I had been thinking about before going to bed. I also had talked about reincarnation and so I wonder if there is a divine nature to the number correspondence.

The really odd thing about this dream was that the night before I was reading on Wikipedia how Lucifer translates to "light bearer. bringer" and associates with the morning star and Venus...and contemplating the meaning of the Universe and such. I had this idea of it being taken from the Pagan ways. I have been contemplating my spiritual life a lot lately, being brought up in the Catholic faith.

It was just what I had been thinking about before going to bed. I also had talked about rebirth, so I wonder if there is a divine nature to the number correspondence.

Are there many here familiar with numerology?    :smt017
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your dream

Post by yourmuse » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:28 pm

It starts out I am in an open barn outside, having a discussion with a history professor about the idea that whatever I said manifested itself in my perceptions. As I was getting deep into the conversation, a fly buzzed ahead of me. I became the fly.

The first part symbolizes your perceptions of your short comings and the change in perception is literally bugging you as you communicate with your higher self.

The numbers can mean that you are trying to connect with spirit and the universe and have a need to expand your perception in other's views...
In numberology, you ad the numbers together and then the total should be one number, if two numbers, the ad those and you get a single digit to research the meaning for.  I like the 32:3 description you found and it could very well mean that.  But if we were to add 3 + 2 + 3 = 8.  The number 8 in toltec tradition means opening or closing of a cycle, harmonious interaction.  The number 8 also can sybolize infinity when on it's side. Since you woke up at 1:32, we could add those together and get the number 6 which means Having to choose the old or new, guidance within physical life.

Perhaps you ae expanding your awareness of perception and you should probably pay attention to things that happen in your waking life as well. There is an ebook that has toltec dream symbols and gives a description on how to interpret different symbols from your dreams as well as numbers.  You can get if free online, it's called Cry of the Eagle, just google toltec dream symbols and you will find it.  Pretty interesting...
Unsure about the other dreams since they seem to be similar in theme and your perception of you being other people and the fly.
hope this helps

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Post by p3ntacle » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:33 pm

Thanks so much! This is very helpful in interpreting the dream I had. I will look up the book and see what it can offer too. :)

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