Dreams of schools

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Dreams of schools

Post by wishfulthinking641 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:55 am

I keep having dreams of different designs,interesting arcitecture,VERY BIG,exaggerated high schools,colleges,middle school,elementary anything but there are different teachers, different classmates, and I keep having reoccuring instances where I feel I am a young actress* and I know and remember all of these people I have never seen in real life, like im famous or something. and I normally feel like when im just trying to get to sleep I dont sleep I just go into another plane and feel very drained and exausted the next morning
*I remember having a 9 star.. reading here and It said one of them was the house of Fame coincedence??

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Post by ElizVanZee » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:01 pm

Generally schools of any kind will suggest a learning situation. As the schools you are seeing in your dreams have been described as VERY BIG, it would indicate that a learning situation has acquired much too much importance in your mind. {I suppose we could say that you think you have learned something from the 9 star reading you had which has associated you with the idea of Fame.}  The very large schools illustrates that a learning situation has become a very big deal for you.

Schools can also relate to one’s school of thought – to one’s philosophy being used. When the school involved is the school you went to, the indication is that you are using a philosophy or a learning situation that the True Self ascribes to. In this case, however, as many different schools appear in your dreams, this is not likely to be the case. {Could the philosophy being suggested here relate to the idea that Fame is awaiting you – perhaps as an actress?}  

The main point these dreams of different schools is making, is that there is no focus upon ONE particular school. This implies that the learning situation or the particular philosophy that your dreams are referring to is not clearly a good or positive one. There is no one place, time or appropriateness for the learning situation you are seeing yourself in your dreams.

All the different teachers and students are aspects of yourself that reflect thoughts and ideas which you, yourself, have noted as not belonging in your real life. They represent ideas which the True Self gives no recognition to. These would relate to ideas you may be teaching yourself or attempting to learn.  

{Your dream illustrates the danger in psychic readings. They fill a person’s mind with misleading data addressing their own ego. If the Lord sees fame in your future He will indicate this in dreams when applicable.}

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