What do these dreams means????

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abb fabb
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What do these dreams means????

Post by abb fabb » Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:57 am

I've been having strange dreams lately and usually I don't dream (well apparently I do but I don't usually remember them like this). Last night I had a dream about the guy I like. In this dream he was sitting in my living room and when I walked in he was overweight and extremely tall. He is actually a nice athletic shape and is an average height. And after seeing him I stopped liking him (in my dream) but he continued to like me and everything. And then he lived in a trailer with his whole family which is not anything like his actual living conditions.

And other than that I've been having repetitive dreams about ghosts that I dream a couple of times a month for the past 2 or 3 months. I have this dream where I'm at my house and I shine a flash light to reveal ghosts and then I kill them. I'm afraid of encountering a ghost but I do not have a constant fear of them.

Does anyone know what these dreams mean?

Usually when I have a dream it represents something that is going to happen or something.

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Post by JelliedJonquil » Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:26 pm

Maybe there are parts of him you don't like and that is manifesting in different ways, him being overweight and taller than he actually is?

The other dreams could be called Toxic Dreams, your body trying to cleanse itself during the night and toxins from what you ate, toxins from pollution, or just stressed out body.  If this is recurring then maybe check the food you eat, activities done prior to going to sleep.  Try to eat lightly and nothing with sugars or carbs for a few days to see if that made any difference.  Including destressing before bed, relaxing bath, meditating etc.

Bad dreams are horrible, thankfully I don't seem to get them much since I eat my last meal at 5pm, and generally wind down properly before bed.


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Post by RevEzra » Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:23 am

As to the guy in your dream.  I have a feeling you may need to look into him some more, as from what I get from your dream about him living in a Trailer with his family can mean 1 of 2 things:  1) he is very close to his family and many times his thoughts are on his family, even when he is away from them.  2) It could mean he is in some way being controlled by his family, especially due to you saying they were living in a trailer.  Most of the time, when I think of someone being in a trailer (especially in dreams) I have usually found when they do not actually live in a trailer, it usually indicates something in their lives is confining them in some way and they want to be away from what ever it is confining them.  For whatever reason, when I dream about someone living or being in a trailer, the trailer is usually very small for some reason.  And this is what I am bases what I have said about the guy in your dream on.  I really do hoever, get this feeling for some reason, there is something about his family in this dream.  I wish right now, I could be more helpful to you about this dream, but I have given you all of the information I can about it right now.

Sometimes (more like most of the time) when I dream of ghost or spirit beings and find myself trying to or killing them in my dreams.  I have learned what I am actually seeing in the dreams are influcences over a person (either myself or someone close to me) and in the dream I am removing the influences over either myself of the other person, by killing the ghost or spirit beings.  The next time you have this dream pay close attention to the house, you mentioned.  See if it is your house or a house you reconize belonging to someone else.  If the house is, start looking around to see if you can find any influences around yourself or the person the house belongs to.  Another thing to look for (IF you can) in the dream is if there is anyone else in the house.  If anyone comes into the house with you or after you go in.  These could be indications as to who the house belongs to or who the person is the influences are affecting.

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