dreaming of my gemstones becoming defective what does this mean?

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dreaming of my gemstones becoming defective what does this mean?

Post by code » Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:01 pm

It might appear a very strange question to ask, but could anyone enlighten me on whether there is any connection between Dreams and Astrology.
What i mean by that is, through dreams could one intrepret/understand our astrological/destiny changes?

For example say: astrologer has recommended that you wear emerald and opal. You've done that to get the best from the MahaDarsha (MD) you are currently running in.................your recently dream that the emerald has lost all its colour of green to a white/shaddy colourless colour, and the gemstone is cracked with a huge hole in it. The opal srinks down in size hardly noticable. The feruza (tourquise) stone changes to emerald mini stone, and appers around my neck. What would/does this mean?

I awaite for interpretation of the so very ANXIOUSLY pls some1 tell me.

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Post by code » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:21 pm

Please could some1 kindly give me a interpretation on this.

I have just seen another dream, and this time unknown to me when i looked at my hand, the emerald ring was missing from the ring. The emerald stone broke off, and i was looking for it madly and could not find it. As i was looking curiously two female joined me saying that they to had lost their emerald stone, and we all 3 started to look for our stones togetehr, only to be approaced by the two ladies saying that they have found theirs. Leaving me feeling miserable inside, that i have lost all once again.

Please, i am realy anxious now and fear what does this mean for me. I know it is a STRON sign or even a warning, but I can not understand what. PLEASE HELP ME

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Comparing notes concerning defective gemstones in dreams

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:37 pm

Code, Image

I must apologise that I do not feel qualified enough yet to comment intelligently on the possible interpretations of gemstones becoming defective within your dreams, from the viewpoint of astrology itself.

Could I suggest that you should first look at the most likely and most relevant meanings of each specific gemstone first, then work from there as to how the meaning would be changed if it later became defective?

Take the emerald itself as a prime example of what I mean.

See "Gems and the Zodiac"
All gems are said to be in tune with planetary forces; so that anyone wearing a particular gem will be in tune with its respective force or stellar ray. The different zodiac signs are related to different stones and ray colours as follows:

# Cancer (the sun sign, not the disease)
# Emerald, Moonstone
# Green

# Cancer
# Love and life, the magic power of love.
# All green stones, emerald, jade, peridot, agate, green jasper.

For an emerald which becomes clouded, damaged or defective in any manner, I would tend to interpret this to mean that you are in some way unintentionally interfering with the free expression of the love which you feel in your heart for someone else close to you. The heart chakra or psychic energy centre as well as healing is also associated with the colour green.

This dream is consequently I believe telling you something important about the possible ways in which you might be able to most effectively but safely remove the temporary protective wall you have built around your heart.

Hoping this has helped you in at least some small way to better understand the most likely interpretation of your defective gem dreams.

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Post by code » Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:04 am

hello there EOT,

Thank u once again for given me soem peace with your interpretations. I was getting increasinlgy anxious for not getting any reply to this post.

You r very intune with your dream interpretative abilities and skills. U sure do have the gift to point out on the exact emotional struggles......

I think i understand what you are saying, but could i get further explanation on this. R u saying that i have closed my heart, and the dream might be saying to let go of all my fears of the heart and take life/love as it comes. I should allow the person to enter my life and love freely the person without doubts.

In other words the dream is saying i am a closed heart.......to find love i need to open it?

If i am wrong with deducing the meaning of what you posted. Please correct me..........i do feel you are right/on the right track in terms of matters of my heart. But unsure what exactly you mean. Is it me or the other person who needs to be given the benefit of the doubt.

Warm regards & all best
I await your respns with GREAT anticipation

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Only some of the finer details are not yet quite correct in what you are saying

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:47 pm

Hello again Code, Image

I thank you sincerely for your useful feedback, as well as your genuine words of appreciation for the work I do on this forum.
I think i understand what you are saying, but could i get further explanation on this. R u saying that i have closed my heart, and the dream might be saying to let go of all my fears of the heart and take life/love as it comes. I should allow the person to enter my life and love freely the person without doubts. In other words the dream is saying i am a closed heart.......to find love i need to open it?
You have I believe got a fairly good grasp of what I was attempting to say to you, but some of the finer details are not quite the same as I intended them to be. I will therefore try to look at each of these details one at a time, in order to explain the often only slight differences which exist between your interpretations and my own.
R u saying that i have closed my heart
Consciously? NO! But I believe instead that your self has temporarily built a protective wall around your heart or feelings, which is felt to be necessary for your psychological survival in not having your feelings hurt ever again. You did not however intentionally put this wall in place. It is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism, and is therefore by definition normally outside of your conscious control.
the dream might be saying to let go of all my fears of the heart
No this is not exactly what I meant to say. A person who is without any or lets go of all her fears is very unlikely to survive much longer at any level. Just imagine if you lost your necessary fear of being run over by the next passing car before crossing the road. Also imagine what could possibly happen if you did not keep your eyes fully open when entering into a relationship with another person and never expected that your feelings could ever be hurt again, either intentionally or more likely unintentionally, as so often happens in any long term human relationship. No protective defense mechanisms would therefore be felt to be necessary, and when your feelings inevitably get hurt once again, you would be left emotionally devastated, and even more vulnerable than before. The idea is not to let go of all your understandable fears especially if you have had your feelings badly hurt in the past.

It is more a matter of keeping a watch for any signs that your partner is intentionally setting out to hurt or manipulate you, and on the other hand not allowing your fears to get the better of your judgment. The problem with psychological defense mechanisms is that they are not very selective in that they protect you from the good feelings as well as the bad. Also the protective wall works in both directions. Not only does it keep out feelings from outside yourself, but it keeps your own good feelings trapped within you. Another downside is that if a particular defense mechanism works repeatedly for us, it becomes a habit which is then difficult to reverse when it no longer works. Do not allow love to blind you to the very real risks involved in entering into any relationship, but gradually at your own comfortable pace replace your fears with trust, and the wall around your spiritual heart will soon begin to crumble by itself. But please do not feel guilty for putting it there in the first place, as you did not do this but it was felt to be necessary for you to be able to get to this point in your life.
and take life/love as it comes.
While you must take love and life one day at a time, as one day at a time is more than enough for the average person to have to cope with, this does not mean that you need to accept any treatment from your partner, because you might feel you do not deserve any better. It also does not mean that you should not prepare or make plans for the future, but merely to be open to both the challenges and opportunities which each day offers you.
I should allow the person to enter my life and love freely the person without doubts.
This would be foolish behavior to the extreme. There will always be fears and doubts in your mind. To a certain degree this is a healthy sign that your inner mind is working precisely as it was designed to do, in order to maximize your chances of survival in the future. Once again it is a matter of you trying to constantly find the right balance for you between watching out for signs of problems developing within your relationship, but at the same time not becoming so paranoiac that you feel you are always under attack and must consequently never let down any of your natural defenses just in case it ever happens (which at some time it will). You need I feel to give your partner (not yourself) the benefit of the doubt, but only up to a certain point, beyond which you are no longer willing to go.

And finally.......
In other words the dream is saying i am a closed heart.......to find love i need to open it?
You have a partially closed heart, but you are not the one who felt it was necessary. You are much more than your partially closed heart. If your heart was already completely closed to all feelings going in both directions you would by now either probably become clinically depressed, a social hermit, or may have been well on the way to becoming mentally ill. So since you are still with us, your heart is presently not entirely closed, as you are reaching out for help to someone outside of yourself. You would not be doing this if your heart was entirely closed. You would effectively instead be quite unaware that anyone outside yourself even exists!

You need to allow it to open by itself in the proper fullness of time, but never to force it to open before you have enough trust to allow the walls around your heart to begin to weaken and crumble by themselves. There are certain techniques you can use to develop this trust in your partner faster than if you did not use these, but you should see a qualified psychologist or relationship counselor to teach you how to use these properly. Using them properly never involves forcing yourself into anything, before you are adequately prepared to move forwards once again.

Clumsy non selective defense mechanisms such as a protective wall erected around your heart need to be gradually and safely replaced by more updated and selective methods of defense which will unlike this badly outworn one not also stop the good feelings, along with the bad? We can never survive without any defense mechanisms in place, no matter how much the self help gurus tell us that this state of complete openness is either desirable or possible. IMHO

Kindest regards to you and yours, from me and mine,

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Post by code » Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:34 pm

Amazing is your talent EoT, spot on and i understand exactly what it means now. THANK U!!!

One small sentence abt my dream, and you seem to have grasped the real essence of the what is really going on.........

I shall draw on you Dream interpretation skills and abilities in the future....i hope that is cool with u. I will address the post to u as to "EoT.........."in the subject box for you mainly.

With all my sincere regards  :smt006

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:50 pm

Hi Code, Image

While I take this as being a genuine compliment to my abilities as a dream interpreter, I will not promise to be either able or willing to respond to your every individual dream request, as my readings given in the Psychic Reading forum must always be given a higher priority over anything which I do here.

I am sincerely sorry if this sounds to you to be unfriendly or ungrateful, but my available time online each day is severely restricted due to my own chronic health problems (which I do not wish to discuss any further here) and I therefore need to make the most of what time and energy I still have left to me by only giving dream interpretations in the absence of any reading requests to which I feel drawn to reply.

Therefore I would ask that you should be more open to having your dreams interpreted by any of the equally or more gifted volunteers on this forum in my absence. In any case I do not feel that it is a good idea nor is it healthy to depend exclusively on any single person including myself as being the sole interpreter of one's dreams.

Without getting too many different opinions and in so doing becoming even more confused as a result, I feel that having a variety of different interpretations from which the dreamer can choose as being the most relevant or helpful to his situation is definitely the best way to go.

I will get around to responding to some but not all of your requests (God willing), but I will not be offended or feel put out if someone else helps you out instead of always me.

Hoping that you will understand my reasons for having to do this, and it is always my great pleasure to be of help to a true friend such as yourself.

My spirit is always willing, but all too often my mind and body are both decidedly weak or weaker! :smt009


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Post by code » Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:24 pm

i completely understand. It is not a prob.

Hope others do reply to my post too.

All the best & GOOD health, hoping all will go well.

code :smt006

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Post by NAAANEE » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:41 am

code wrote:Please could some1 kindly give me a interpretation on this.

I have just seen another dream, and this time unknown to me when i looked at my hand, the emerald ring was missing from the ring. The emerald stone broke off, and i was looking for it madly and could not find it. As i was looking curiously two female joined me saying that they to had lost their emerald stone, and we all 3 started to look for our stones togetehr, only to be approaced by the two ladies saying that they have found theirs. Leaving me feeling miserable inside, that i have lost all once again.

Please, i am realy anxious now and fear what does this mean for me. I know it is a STRON sign or even a warning, but I can not understand what. PLEASE HELP ME
loosing or getting a ring faded denotes loosing some fortune in their life.it may not denote that we will be loosing of what we have but it denotes loosing an opportunity,thing or person of what we have desired for.here emerald denotes for business too.you three people are checking for your lost fortunes.the two got back their fortunes & you are worried for not being settled yet either in career or in love life.
the remedy is you have to develop confidence in your abilities.slowly your dream changes & you will be getting your lost emerald!(your fortune!).

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Post by code » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:26 pm

hello Naaanee,
thank u for the insightful feedback. Yes i am struggling in such areas of life.
I think i have built on gaining confidence more then what i had, but equally very aware of not wanting to become too confidant that it becomes over barring and a burden to me. Would u say i still need to build more confidence, if so in what way?

I have seen people (friends and colleagues) who have too much confidence, that they are so disliked simply because their confidence manfiests it self into arogance and selfcentred & bullying behaviour towards others.
I don't want to become one of those people, even if it means passing that fase just to find the right equlliburam of confidence for myself - i'm afraid for that!!!!. Hope u understand what i mean.

Warm Regards

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Post by NAAANEE » Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:32 pm

code wrote:hello Naaanee,
thank u for the insightful feedback. Yes i am struggling in such areas of life.
I think i have built on gaining confidence more then what i had, but equally very aware of not wanting to become too confidant that it becomes over barring and a burden to me. Would u say i still need to build more confidence, if so in what way?

I have seen people (friends and colleagues) who have too much confidence, that they are so disliked simply because their confidence manfiests it self into arogance and selfcentred & bullying behaviour towards others.
I don't want to become one of those people, even if it means passing that fase just to find the right equlliburam of confidence for myself - i'm afraid for that!!!!. Hope u understand what i mean.

Warm Regards
hi code,
I knew numerology & a little bit of other occult sciences.If you can provide me with some information about you,I may be able to guess where you are standing and makes me possible to give a clue for your success in a field that suits you more.
The particulars which I need I am providing it below:
Your full name at birth with your initials expansion:
Your present name at present with initials expansion:
Your signing name:
The name with which others call you most:
Your date of birth:
Your time of birth:
Your place of birth(if it is a remote place then please also mention your nearest town or city within 30km range from your place of birth,state):
Your religion,caste,community(this helps me to give remedies according to your faith):
If you want privacy you can mail to my mail id dheendada@yahoo.co.in
It is all free of charge.No amount is needed for me.Otherwise you can put the data in this forum itself.

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Post by code » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:53 pm

hi there Naaanee,

cheers that is so very kind of you to offer.

best wishes

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Post by NAAANEE » Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:34 pm

code wrote:hi there Naaanee,

cheers that is so very kind of you to offer.

best wishes
hi code,
I have replied your private message.Whatever you feel free you tell me.I will try to guess with the little known details which you furnish.

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