dreams which leave me feeling the EMOTION of fear when Im awake in reality......

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dreams which leave me feeling the EMOTION of fear when Im awake in reality......

Post by code » Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:35 pm

Four the last few weeks now I am constantly having dreams related to family.....the theme running through all those dreams is lose or losing someone.

The fear i feel during the dream is what actually wakes me up and through out the day if not immediately after being waken the fear of emotion and element of lose travels with me, It is a VERY uneasy sensation. I often find my self crying in dream then into reality where my pilliow is drench with my tears.

I very often wake up crying and still continue to cry after coming out of sleep mode.

what does this mean?

I used to experience this all the time over the past 20 years or so, but only since last year did it stop (from what i recall) but now it has all started all over again in Mid March of this year to be exact!!! WHY?


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Post by Astynome » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:06 am

Hi code,

I think this is related to hormonal levels within you.  I don't know whether you are male or female but I'm getting female hormones surging.  They are making you highly emotional and I think you might be feeling a bit out of control with them.  I also think it is overwhelming at times and so you are beseeching others on some level to help you feel safe and normal, nurtured and comforted.

I also think part of this is related to perhaps listening to a lot of music that is having an intense effect.  I also feel that you are being revved up by current trends and perhaps you feel you have to try and keep up with them to stay on the cutting edge and feel attractive, likeable etc.

You will come through this.  You could go and see someone and perhaps question your hormone levels but I don't see this as necessary.  This seems to be a stage that is actually solidifying and giving a base to certain aesthetic/creative abilities within you.  Do you play online virtual reality games?  Do you have to design a character that is you in the games? I'm thinking you have Pisces/12th house at play in your life perhaps being triggered by a transit.

So, I think the main thing to keep in mind is 'who you really are' -your family origins, your personality that you were when you were about 12.  Don't forget this person.  What did that twelve yr old aspire too.  They weren't geeky they were idealistic, humane, and thoughtful - they wanted to treat animals and the world properly - do you think this could be a bit of a wakeup call to attend to some unfinished ideals/goals/ways of being that you really wanted to do with your life?  hope this helps, you will be fine I believe.

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Post by code » Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:38 am

Hello Astymore,

Most grateful for your reply, sound judgments made indeed in few areas.

You have touched on quiet a bit here. :smt003

Could I ask you to shed more light on "Piceses" thing you mentioned in your post. What does it mean and what affects it has on a person? so on so forth.

Yes I do listen to music on my way to work, as this puts me to ease & calm ready for work. The journey to work (the rush hour) as you could image is stressful enough let alone, having to work at the office.
So, you advise would be to stop listen to music early morning for a while would that help with my dreams/feelings of fear?

Your last paragraph - so do you mean that the emotional surges I keep getting is related to my "lost" identity and this is a sign that I need to get back to my own self, belief and roots? is that what you mean here. Pls correct me should i have interpreted your comments incorrectlyl

With dear thanks!!!

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Post by Astynome » Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:46 am

Hi code,

Yeah, a couple of things to mention:  

The music, is intense and has quite some volume.  So calm, relaxing stuff does not apply to my interpretation.  If that's all you're listening to then you can basically wipe my reading out as null and void.  Yeah no, it's quite complex music and with full on sensation attached.  This, according to what I picked up, and in conjunction with a drive by you to stay on the cutting edge in terms of popular appeal, is fairly sending some female hormones surging in an attempt to stay one step ahead creatively.  So not related to stress from rush hour traffic.  And I don't advise to stop listening to the music, but I do say to you to understand that you are quite affected by the music.  But that all seems irrelevant by your response - so my advice if any is to disregard my reading!lol!

The Pisces factor comes down to stuff surfacing from a fairly pure place within your 'ideals centre'.  Some kind of purpose that you quite keenly responded to honestly when you were a pre-teen.  What I was saying was that you have set that person and their ideals aside due to an urge to try and keep up with current trends and appealing traits.  You are over extending yourself to project and create an image that is kind of like a holograph of your self and you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.  Kind of like you are trying to overstep 'you' and project a more, what you might think, is a more appealing version.  You could be trying to even lose yourself in the music, meditatively' and then when you debrief yourself during sleep you end up with this fearful feeling and looking somehow for the protective security and comfort of family because you are pushing yourself 'out there' and you're not really up to it.

So maybe, some sobbing and some self acceptance/realization, like most of us, there is fear and insecurity about whether your current version is enough to get what you want social/romantic acceptance wise.

Good luck.  Take it or leave it. :)

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