Strawberries, junk, garden dream

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Strawberries, junk, garden dream

Post by ArcticDreams » Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:03 pm

I was walking back towards home. It's a summery warm bright day. The street is full of houses with beautiful pink and yellow, white flowering bushes and trailing plants with lots of fresh green foliage. This bit is a recurring dream. I seem to pass the same figures (could easily consider these actual neighbours and the kind of visitors who are often seen around the streets where I live ie painters, builders, decorators, gardeners). I walk round the corner and enter my street, and it's unbelievably beautiful (as above).

Last night, however the street is absolutely choc-a-block with old antiques and household items. Like walking through old flea markets with beautiful junk & collectors' items for sale. I require to meander through each tall and bulky item - turns out it's a street jumble sale and each house has put out their unwanted items. The bric-a-brac is thick and impossible to walk through, but I manage to arrive at my home. I notice some of our unwanted household items outside.

I then find myself in the garden and there are strawberries everywhere. So many. I pick at them, throw one at my cat who then devours it eagerly, I also eat a huge fat juicy strawberry. I could taste it, smell it clearly in my dream.

A brother-in-law is watching me as I eat away, but I ignore him (in real life I dislike this person and his wife tremendously (my sister).

Any such thoughts? I do have some plans in real life, and wonder if this dreams signifies anything.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:14 pm

Have you recently started to see someone new, this person might have always been a friend, but now it is blossoming into something more. If this has not happened, it soon will. A serious love brings you great joy. An affair is about to happen or already is. If already in a relationship it will change for the better.


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Post by Astynome » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:27 am

Whenever you dream of ripe fruit, it means  a pregnancy.

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Post by ArcticDreams » Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:10 pm

Pregnancy? Whooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :O)

Funnily, I am thinking a lot about someone whom I reconnected with. He plays music, met him as an audience member 20 years ago. Listened to his music for 20 years. Recently out of the blue I contacted him. Been thinking about him a lot. He has no idea he's hooked me very subtle ways. He's totally unaware. Would love to see him play. It's very possible he will play no real part in my life ever, and that this is all in my head. (haha, no pun intended!)  :smt003 But this is all I can think of.

Weirdly I could actually find myself marrying this stranger. Weird feeling to have. This is so unlike me. We havent met, other than 20 years ago as audience/musician.

Anyway - a lovely dream description. I would love to fall in love, as this would precipitate a whole new load of other changes in my life... I'll keep a notebook near me to jot down dreams before I fully awaken. I've found previous dreams very accurate in relation to my real life (hopelessly firing a gun with so much difficulty when I am in danger... the overflowing dirty toilet cubicles). All fascinating. ... We'll see.............. or may not.. I can still taste and recall handling the fruit. Lovely wet juicy. Actually there were half price strawberries on sale today. I spotted but walked straight passed them. D'oh! It's so unlike me to write this dream at all on a forum. No idea what compelled me to write any of this down, it was such a positive feeling dream.. I'm also so keen to relocate. The street furniture could very well be mine.

Thank you kindly for responding. Very much appreciated.

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Post by Rook » Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:25 am

Hi ArcticDreams

This seems like a fantastic dream space you have.  The dream itself seems very positive.

In my honest opinion the dream does seem to be addressing the plans you are making.  Perhaps the plans are 'coming to fruition'.  Does the plan involve getting rid of 'antiquated' aspects in some way?

I would say the jumble sale would be an image of 'antiquated' aspects of yourself that are now 'unwanted' by the psyche, all the psychological "clutter", and from the dream symbols it sounds like there may be a lot of it.

The brother-in-law is interesting.  Does he envy you possibly, or perhaps you want him to envy you and is an expression of your desire to have him see your plans come to success?  Otherwise is he somehow involved in your plans?  Alternatively, there could be some aspect of yourself that you see in him, that is no longer interfering in your plans (ie if he is a slacker, your own personal procrastinations may be sitting aside watching.... Your procrastination procrastinating!  HA!  Sorry, if I had a virtual tie I would cough and adjust it...)

That is basically what I see in the dream.  Good luck with bringing the plans to fruition!

Sweet dreams,

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:28 am

your dream is showing completion of an activity & enjoying its benefits with your dear faithful ones(cat) & success over your enemies(brother-in-law).Probably on the dream day you might have been so happy & everything has worked to your way.The old is thrown away & you are relieved from bad tensions slowly with planned steps & reached your goal(home).

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Post by ArcticDreams » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:37 pm

Rook wrote: I would say the jumble sale would be an image of 'antiquated' aspects of yourself that are now 'unwanted' by the psyche, all the psychological "clutter", and from the dream symbols it sounds like there may be a lot of it.
Absolutely - on several layers. Very recently came to realise the importance of shedding outmoded thinking that has stagnated every corner of my life. Means shedding so much negative, and understanding why bad people are the way they are. It's never been my problem, but I always used to think it was. I've spring cleaned my past and the unbelievable pyschological clutter that I housed for 3 decades. I've moved on so much in my head.
Rook wrote: Re: The brother-in-law is interesting.  Rook
Really hard to say, he's married to a very sad individual - complete polar opposite to me - my sister. She detests me for all the wrong reasons, so BiL is obligated to support her (for all the wrong reasons).

By relocating physically or mentally - either really - it means these 2 people will no longer have a hook on me. I've come so FAR - they have no idea how.

We'll see...
Last edited by ArcticDreams on Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ArcticDreams » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:42 pm

NAAANEE wrote:your dream is showing completion of an activity.
I hope so. 4 years ago and ever since sister & BiL did bad things to me. That's all they seem to do to me!  :smt018 Only very recently I have figured something intrinsically important about my sister that seems to remove the strength of her venom from my psyche - at long last! I've been growing each day and hour that goes past from that knowledge. Very empowering.

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