Very very odd dreams. What do they mean?

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Very very odd dreams. What do they mean?

Post by MyLife » Sat May 30, 2009 11:27 pm

Hello every 1. I hope this request finds you in good spirits.

Last night I had a very very odd dream...  I was with a friend that I met through my best friend of ten years.

Ok so I'm in a new house the i bought and got a phone call from my friend we'll call her LL. She asked me to come pick her up and give her a ride someplace. So I get to her house and my bestfriend we'll call her KL was screaming @ LL about gas money. She then started screaming @ me about gas money and how I thought I was "ALL THAT" since I got a new car and house. So to avoid conflict LL and I leave. We get to the place and it turns out that the place she wanted to go was a girlfriend of a friends house.

So we're there talking about a lot of deep stuff and then I realize LL was there to buy weed and I got upset and told her to hurry up and come on. So we get outside and my phone rings it was a guy that I really like but i'm not sure how he feels about me. He's telling me to hurry home because he wants to make love<<<<<<<???????...So then i notice LL staring into the sky and I notice the ground is kinda orange like the sun is setting in the sky.

I look up and see nothing but orange and blue smoke and it's like i become hypnotized by the sky and I drop my phone. Then I snap out of it and pick up my phone, grab LL and run to the car when we get to the car we look up again and the sky is crowded with sea animals... Only ones with dark color. They were is groups of six. Five making a circle and one in the middle and they were twirling. It's like their tails were to the sky and their faces were facing earth... They all began to scream and make noise then we notice a huge pack of white birds in the sky flying about like a school of fish. Their wings were not flapping they were straight back.

The types of sea animals were

gigantic cat fish, gruper fish

whales of all kinds baleen, humpback,finbacks,sperm whales


i forgot the name of the other one but it was long and had a long nose with lots of sharp teeth...

Then we got in the car and drove off and we turned on the radio and the new creepy song by kanye west was playing.. I'ts called amazing...Kreepy

But whats most creepy about this dream is that I've had 1 kinda like it before... I was 18 and confused, i prayed to god for a sign and i think i got one in a dream... I was with my mom and we went to a hotel it was like one of those formed like a cludersack &nbsp;with a pool in the center. so we get inside the room and tupac is on the bed. "A dead rapper" anyway something happens i don't remember... Oh yes we needed a place to stay and he said he would help us so we turn to go out of his room and when we get outside it's gets gloomy outside and then we see this tree begin to shake and the wind starts to blow and lets just say every animal you can think of comes flying towards us but they're all in white... and they were all screaming... Birds monkeys,deer,goats, chickens, etc... IDK...

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Post by spiritalk » Sun May 31, 2009 1:08 pm

Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state. &nbsp;The symbols help us define those emotions.

Any vehicle is your life journey. &nbsp;The new car means you have entered into a new focus in your life. &nbsp;Your old friends are doing things (fighting, buying weed,) that do not fit into your current focus. &nbsp;You are temporarily stopped from getting into the car by distractions. &nbsp;This means you are reluctant to release some of the old attachments to go into this new focus in your life.

The sky darkening over with animals and birds represents the end of the world - as they know it. &nbsp;Your new focus is a real ending before the new beginning can take hold. &nbsp;Be free to release the old to embrace the new. &nbsp;You tend to cling to old friends and places as a comfort zone, but they are no longer comfortable and you must move on. &nbsp;Refocus your sights on a progressive future.

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