Six Purple Snakes and a Vegitarian

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Six Purple Snakes and a Vegitarian

Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:13 am

I had this dream a while ago.  It was highly disturbing to me.  I was very perturbed when I woke up from this dream.  I was at this play ground-ish area thing.  I was waiting for a ceremony/ orientation thing to start.  In the mean time I was playing (swinging like a monkey) from the monkey bars with the people from my martial arts class.  We were all talking.  For some reason everything was very high up.... we were in the mountains.  Anyway, I was very nimble and did very crazy ninja sort of things.  It was doubly odd because in the dream I was in my martial arts outfit. Also the scenery was very .... it was like I was in a jungle.  It was as if people had come mowed down a few trees and then built a playground.  When I was not hanging out with my Martial Art buddies I was totally alone.  No one else was around me I felt alone like I was in the middle of the universe just staring out into "existence".  At one point I got down from the little slide (which was the apex of the play place) and went to tell my Martial Art buddies that I was leaving and that I would be back.  They said okay.  Well here's the disturbing part.

Next thing I know I'm just running swiftly and soundlessly through the jungle underbrush, and then I'm stalking something.  Then I'm not in my body  anymore and I'm not controlling it.  I can see what I'm doing, but it is as if I've become an active spectator instead of actually inhabiting my body.  I am stalking snakes.  The are purple: a dark mountain purple. They also have some sort of white on them as well like mini two-toned dragons.  But, they are definitely snakes.  So I wait within striking rage then I pounce.  I kill the snakes ripping them apart.  I can feel myself appalled at myself and my behavior.  Some times I float back into my body and I see through my own eyes the carnage of my killing the snakes.  It is very bloody and the snakes don't resist for some reason they just let me rip them open.  At one point as I'm floating back into my body I notice that my hands and mouth are covered with bright red snake blood (I'm not sure if that is accurate ... I don't know if snakes have the same colored blood we do...).  Then, to my utmost horror I realize what I've really been doing.

I had been eating them!
I have been stalking, then pouncing, then brutally and savagely killing, and then eating (RAW!!!!) the eviscerated and mutilated snakes.  I draw away from myself in horror.  I "leave" my body and watch from a distance.  I am crouched over a freshly killed snake and am proceeding to devour it.  While I'm doing this I am growling and roaring like an animal.  Like a crazed wolf.  I get this distinct impression of being wolf like or imitating a wolf. Then my rational self starts to try and remember what I've done.
I recall that I had eaten six snakes and that I was about to find and kill my seventh one.  I was so horrified by this prospect because it was then that I "remembered" that I was a vegetarian near-vegan that cares deeply about all animals.  That I was the girl in biology class that nearly cried when she dissected an earth worm because she felt bad for the pain the worm probably experienced before they pumped formaldehyde into it.  I heard this very primitive like recording almost running through my mind.  It was the only hint as to why I was doing what I was doing. It was this:
"I have to kill them, I have to eat them, I have to destroy, I have to get rid of them, I have to - have to kill them , eat them, must destroy them. After this one I will go to my seventh . I have to kill them destroy them eat them ALL!!!"  That voice didn't sound un-intelligent or savage or ignorant or anything of the sort. Rather it sounded frenzied, like it was running on adrenaline, high strung, logical, methodical, urgent, and hurried.  It, I could tell, was trying to do the right thing , but it looked so bad.  It knew , or rather I knew that it was not at all in line with decorum , but it was necessary needed and of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE.  It seemed very important.  However, I was so outraged appalled and confuzed by my own actions (that I wasn't controlling ... it was like some higher more informed power took over or put me on autopilot for a while) that I refused to let it go on any longer.  I shrieked at my self/ not self.  "STOP!"
"This is disgusting stop. I AM A VEGETARIAN!"
It repeated the same mantra from above, as if in explanation or continuation of thought.  I couldn't tell really which it was.
I started to cry in the dream , and I kept shrieking at myself to stop.
Then I pulled myself completely out of the dream and back to consciousness.  As I pulled the metaphoric plug on my dream I just remember seeing myself/not-self look up at me the instant I stop the dream and it mentally screamed at me "NO!!" as in NOOO! what are you doing why are you stopping me?  I/ it was very annoyed that l/it had been inhibited and prevented from killing all the snakes that I/ it needed to kill.  I / it was mad like a pyscho that's had because his revenge plot has been foiled ; it was the I'm mad because I was doing something to help you and you just stopped me from finishing it, sort of mad.
Another note about the snakes:
I ate six of them ... was about to eat seven .... for some reason seven was an important number. And their coloring They were purple with white.  As I ate more of them it was like I was going up some sort of hierarchical chain like I started at the bottom and was moving up to the big boss or something. As I ate more they got bigger more active and started to move more.  Their coloring started to change too.  They got more white. Not like discoloring or fading but more of their scales were white.  Also their heads looked like someone decorated them with head ornaments or something.  It was natural though. like antlers on a deer or something.  They looked like horned dragons... like as I ate more (and went higher up the hierarchy) the more ornate they got.

... Well after that  lengthy explanation ... can anyone make sense of this dream?
It would be much appreciated! = )
I was very confused by this dream.
The whole dual person inside a person thing and vegetarian eating snakes thing was .... odd . If anyone can proffer up advice ... it would be much appreciated. THANKS!!!  :smt016
Last edited by Suki_no_Aesop on Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:05 am

Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:37 am

Godness, I really don't know how to create a short post.
Sorry if it is unbearably long.... I'm known for making long posts.....

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