I just had a strange dream.. any thoughts?

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I just had a strange dream.. any thoughts?

Post by Lovelife » Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:49 pm

To describe everything would take forever, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what all these animals mean.  I sometimes have an animal or insect in my dream, but not that often actually and never this many!

In the dream I was re-living someone's memory (another character in my dream), but it was still "me" in it.  I was in a bed in a bedroom and there were animals everywhere.  I wanted to leave the room, but couldn't because of all the animals.  There was some weird insect almost like a really big grasshopper or preying mantis on the wall that I killed with something like an energy burst from my hands (yes very strange).  Then there was a spider on the wall I wanted to kill the same way but now couldn't figure out how to use that "power".  Then there was a tiger just walking around the room (which is the reason why I didn't want to get up and leave.  THen there were birds (two different kinds) walking around on top of me on top of the blanket  playing with eggs.  And then a dog comes up on the bed and curls up next to me and kind of growls when I move too much.  Also the tiger jumps half way on the bed and eats one of the birds.  At the end I was hoping that the tiger would get full and fall asleep from eating the bird so I could get up and walk out the bedroom door.

Thanks for any suggestions.  It was a very strange dream.  :)

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Post by sweetsunray » Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:55 pm

Animals may refer to our inner animalistic drives. You dreamt you were in bed in your bedroom. A bedroom is one of those rooms we keep private and don't allow just everyone to enter. So, dreams happening in bedrooms often indicate that what happens in there is something you prefer to keep private. Both the bedroom and animals have a coinciding implication: sexual nature.

Let's explore what kind of animals you noticed:
Praying Mantis is a destructive animal... it eats its partner after fertilization. Your instinctive reaction is to squash it. Have you recently ended a destructive relationship?
I think it's fortunate you didn't get to kill the spider. We might think of them as creepy crawlies, but spiders keep our homes free of blood sucking mosquitoes and annoying flies that cause our meat to turn bad. There are several possible meanings for spiders, but the fact that you could not kill it suggests to me the spider represents a protective force against self-destructive behaviour. It even had the power to not make you kill it and so prevent you from bringing bad luck onto you. It may also have an extra dimension in that you would like to ensnare someone in your net.
The tiger in the bedroom... may be a pun to "being a tiger in the bedroom" :-) which alludes to female sexuality, aggression and seduction. And it seems your tiger is on the prowl for a fast snack. ;-)
These birds... were they a pair? a couple? Were they weird looking or just plain average birds?
In this dream I would see a dog as representing your loyal and faithful side, but he growls when you "move" too much... Perhaps your faithful side doesn't like you moving on when it comes to relationships?

I'm sure you'll find some more puns yourself with those animals. I hope I've offered several possible ways to find meaning in the animals along this drift :-D

I'd say have fun!

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Post by Madhavacharya » Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:35 am

Is the dream was at the last leg of the night? After awakening did u not sleep again?
If both the replies are affirmative then,can think on the lines suggested by mr sweetsusray, other wise forget it

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Post by pirbid » Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:48 am

:) I loved your interpretations, Sweetsunray, as usual. I learn loads from them for my own dreams. Keep it up, please!  :smt002

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Post by Rook » Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:58 am

Looks like we are getting a bit of a Sweetsunray fan club going.  I am certainly a proud member ;)

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Re: I just had a strange dream.. any thoughts?

Post by Celestial Beginnings » Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:05 pm

Lovelife wrote: In the dream I was re-living someone's memory (another character in my dream), but it was still "me" in it.  I was in a bed in a bedroom and there were animals everywhere.  I wanted to leave the room, but couldn't because of all the animals.  There was some weird insect almost like a really big grasshopper or preying mantis on the wall that I killed with something like an energy burst from my hands (yes very strange).  Then there was a spider on the wall I wanted to kill the same way but now couldn't figure out how to use that "power".  Then there was a tiger just walking around the room (which is the reason why I didn't want to get up and leave.  THen there were birds (two different kinds) walking around on top of me on top of the blanket  playing with eggs.  And then a dog comes up on the bed and curls up next to me and kind of growls when I move too much.  Also the tiger jumps half way on the bed and eats one of the birds.  At the end I was hoping that the tiger would get full and fall asleep from eating the bird so I could get up and walk out the bedroom door.

Thanks for any suggestions.  It was a very strange dream.  :)


-  To dream of being in bed and in a strange room, unexpected friends will visit you.

-  To draw people's attention to a grasshopper in your dream, shows that you are not discreet in dispatching your private business.
(I chose this definition because you drew attention to the grasshopper by destroying it with the energy burst that would be sure to draw attention)

-  To dream of a spider, denotes that you will be careful and energetic in your labors, and fortune will be amassed to pleasing proportions.
(Good thing you didn't kill it huh?)

-  To dream of a tiger advancing toward you, you will be tormented and persecuted by enemies.

-  It is a favorable dream to see birds of beautiful plumage.  A wealthy (financial or emotionally) and happy partner is near.
(I chose the positive definition since you didn't define the bird type.  The flip side of the coin is:  To dream of molting and songless birds, denotes merciless and inhuman treatment of the outcast and fallen by people of wealth.  I.E. - Being "snubbed")

-  To see bird's eggs in a dream, signifies legacies from distant relations, or gain from an unexpected rise in staple products (things you "have" to have in order to live).

-  To feel much fright upon seeing a large dog, denotes that you will experience inconvenience because of efforts to rise above mediocrity.  If a woman dreams this, she will marry a wise and humane man. Alternatively, to hear the growling and snarling of dogs, indicates that you are at the mercy of designing people, and you will be afflicted with unpleasant home surroundings.


You will soon be visited by an estranged friend whom you have not had contact with in some time.  When this happens, be careful not to discuss sensitive matters with this person.  You will have a tendency to want to be, um, less than discreet with this individual as it pertains to your personal life.  You are currently trying to better yourself and have a plan of action in place for the fruition of this goal.  However, there will be others who will seek to drag you down (like a tiger taking down it's prey) and prevent you from achieving your goals.  Most likely out of envy or just sheer meanness.  This "friend" who will soon come into your sphere will probably be one of your biggest detractors.

The birds are a little harder as you did not describe what KIND of birds they were, just that there were two and that they were different. So I can't give you an exact interpretation, just my best guess based on the rest of the dream content.  I am going to assume you had one of each type of bird I described above and I am also going to assume you are not currently romantically involved with anyone since your profile says you are a "Wanderer".  Based on these assumptions, you ideal mate for achieving your goals will soon enter your sphere.  However, you will also be contending with those who have the "power" (money/resources) that you are striving for and you will be oppressed by them.  This is not to say they will prevent you from achieving your goal, only that you will have alot of obstacles and hurdles to overcome because of them.  The up side of this equation is that you will receive and unexpected windfall that will increase your current means and circumstance twofold.

The dog was also hard for me to interpret for you as you did not state what KIND of dog it was.  Was it big, small, clean, dirty, ill, etc?  I made another assumption based on the rest of the dream content and description when I chose the above dream meanings relating to dogs.  In this instance, the dog is just reinforcing the fact that you are in a place in your life that you wish to rise above and are actively working towards that goal.  It also reinforces that your ideal mate is soon to enter your life and matters of matrimony will be possible.  It further warns that you are "under the thumb" of some individual(s)/family members who will try to keep you down once they see you taking active steps to improve your lot in life.  My instincts tell me that this individual/person is a very toxic personality and you need to cut yourself off from them, no matter how it effects you emotionally.  This instinct is bore out by the tiger eating one of the birds (again, you didn't specify WHICH bird was eaten) and I made the assumption that it was the more negative of the two birds.

Overall, it is a very positive dream but it does warn of darkness that you must overcome and challenges you must face.

I hope this helped!


Leslie Crenshaw,  C. Ht.

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I just had a strange dream too... with animals

Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:02 pm

I was dreaming I was at some sort of an event by a river in Germany I used to live close by, and I got a tattoo... it was on my back and it was 2 large fish, apparently, now that I think about it, it almost looked like the image of the zodiac sign Pisces... in the dream it seemed like a good luck sign for money. The tattoo had a lot of red color in it... I thought it was strange in my dream, but still lucky.  I am a Scorpio. This morning I wake up and feel so strongly about taking care of my finances (which don't look great at all right now) that it led me to pretty much destroy my relationship. I am miserable about my relationship now, after all I love him a lot (he's a Leo, but we've been doing pretty good for quite some time)! I do have some hope that money matters will be resolved...barely.

What are your thoughts?

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Post by Lovelife » Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:24 am

Wow I am sorry I haven't commented on these interpretations for some reason I never saw I had any responses...

@Madhavacharya.... the answer is yes and no... I wake quite a bit during the night usually... this dream started then I woke up for a min then rolled over went back to sleep and it continued... that happens a lot with me and my dreams.

@Celestial Beginnings... to clarify I left out the beginning of it as I was interested mostly in the animals and to describe a dream is often difficult and very long winded.  I was chasing a man with someone else who was a "bad" wizard/witch type person with powers.. when I caught up with him he showed me this memory of his as to what happened to him as to why he had powers and why he was the way he was (ie. bad guy)... In the beginning he explained he was some form of sacrifice for someone's spell or something and he died yet came back to life with powers... he didn't stay dead becuz of something that is hard to explain by writing but he had an option of picking through a box with zodiac signs on them and he chose Capricorn... then came back to life with special abilities... anyways.... then he showed me this memory of him in the bedroom.. but since he was showing me in my mind I was him in his bedroom and then you know the rest....  The tiger wasn't aggressive towards me.. it did eat one of the birds on my lap and it was pacing on the floor right next to the bed which is why I didn't get up and leave... the grasshopper thing was very large and a cross between a grasshopper and a preying mantis but made of what looked like bone... I am glad I couldn't kill the spider :)   .... the birds were weird.. there were I think 5 of them (2 of one kind and 3 of another)... I don't know what kind they were almost bright compared to everything else in the room... kind of looked like they had been drawn to be in a disney movie which was strange... one kind was blue tho I can't remember what the other kind was...  the eggs were chicken eggs and the  little birds were playing with them (like kicking them around like soccer balls.. just having fun).  I am single and would like to meet someone but no need for anything serious.. I also don't ever wish to get married tho.  I am definitely trying to raise above where I am now... I am searching somewhat desperately for what career path I should take... I really wish to work for myself and do something where travel is not hindered.  Interesting about the windfall as my grandma just passed and I just found out that I am getting an inheritance that isn't large, but big enough to help me out a lot.  The dog is hard to describe as I never saw much of it... just it jumping on the bed and laying on the side opposite of the tiger next to the wall... basically I was seeing it from the corner of my eye.. I felt like it was a bulldog tho I never saw it to say but for some reason I thought it was in the dream... I didn't feel it would harm me or was mean but just upset if I moved too much... almost like all of the animals didn't want me to leave the room.. like they all were fine unless I thought about or wanted to leave... as I was only afraid of the tiger when I thought about getting up and leaving through the door...  I will have to ponder on the person that may be toxic to me.. I can't remember which bird it ate tho.   Lastly I had a dream about two days after that with another tiger in it.  It was so strange but in this one the tiger seemed to be my pet and I think it changed colors from being a regular gold and black one to a white and black striped one... but I kept trying to give it away to this guy in my dream.. like I kept dropping it in front of his apartment or in his room.. but the tiger would always come back or just be at my place as soon as i walked back home.  I thought it strange that I kept having tiger dreams becuz reading on tigers in dreams I keep reading about female sexuality and power.. but I am not in a relationship or even really have any prospects right now...  Any thoughts on that dream?  Also how soon do dreams usually come to fruition? I also am interested in seeing who the old friend might be.  

Thank you to everyone who has helped.  :)

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