God, Spiders, in my dreams

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God, Spiders, in my dreams

Post by BboydARX » Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:17 am

As of lately i've been becoming closer and closer to my higher power. Its weird because everytime i get closer to God spiders become apparent. The thing is I'm scared of spiders and have been for the longest. I saw a fairly big spider crawling across my floor. Instead of killing it i caught it and freed it outside. I didn't touch it but balled it up in a paper towel and let it outside. The thing i'm wondering is, is because shortly after that I dozed off and had a quick dream that I did the same thing except the spider made it onto the palm of my hand. After I saw it I flinched my hand shut and woke up. Can anyone speculate?

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Post by sweetsunray » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:24 am

Fear for spiders is not an instinctive one, but a cultural one. Most of us live in cleaned up areas where we have come to regard any insect or something like it as creepy crawlies. If instead you come in an area where there is no way you can keep creepy crawlies out of your home (spiders, ants, scorpions, cocroaches, etc) then they are an everyday animal with no other recourse than accept they are in the house.

If we look at spirituality and spiders, then it's good to look at mythologies. Several times female characters end up being turned into spiders, or the spider does a miraculous thing. It is usually a feminine power, because the spider weaves nets. Athena for example was patroness of the art of weaving, and she turned a haughty and proud woman into a spider after the woman vowed she was the best weaver. So, it's possible that you are identifying more and more with this aspect of feminine power.

Spiders are also protectors both in dreams and mythology: they keep the home safe from blood sucking mosquitoes and egg laying flies. So, it's also possible that they are a warning signal that you may be going too fast in reaching out for God. They might want to slow you down in order to protect you from mental damage if you reach out high too fast.

Another way of looking at it, is that because you fear them, your anxiety increases the higher you go, and they are the expression of that.

You'll know if you fear them in your spiritual path as much as in normal life.

While your nap-dream might not have a meaning at all (nap dreams rarely do), but if you felt you dreamt this to get a message, then this might be the message... To show your palm to others, is declaring yourself openly... it's as if saying to people, "here I am, and I am harmless." But someone who is too open may take in energies of others. The spider made you clutch your hand, which may be a symbolical response of shielding yourself and closing yourself.



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Post by amriteshmadhur » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:26 am

I guess good oppurtunity would come to you.. shortly .

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Post by BboydARX » Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:18 pm

Wow thats a hit if i've ever read one. Thank you so much I appreciate your input from the depths of my heart. =)


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Post by sweetsunray » Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:40 am

Thanks, BboydARX, glad it resonated with you. A day or two after I translated this dream I came across a post of yours in another part of the forum, where you stated you feared you may have been too open. When I read it, it reminded me so much of the dream I had suggested a meaning for that I checked the names again of the poster in both threads, and realized you were the same poster. It's something we all need to learn. Sometimes we know people don't always have the same maturity, but we still hope that they are open enough people to make an exchange with as equals. Sometimes the hope was misplaced and they attempt to hurt us, sometimes it's not. Meanwhile, we learn how to deal with the disappointment, without feeling hurt anymore, or hurt ourselves by our own flaring anger. You will get better at it. :) Good luck with your spiritual development.

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Post by BboydARX » Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:30 pm

Thanks you so much sweetsunray. =)


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