Time of dream

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Time of dream

Post by amriteshmadhur » Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:20 am

I would like to know is the timing of dream significant ?
I have read somewhere that ....
if you dream around 3-4 am the result would be seen in 6-12 months
4-6 am- 3-4 months and after 6 am we get result very soon.

Is it really correct ? or it has no significance ?

few days back only I dreamt about my grand father(he was in some sort of trouble), the timing of the dream was around 7-7.30 am , and when I asked my mother about his well being, it turns out true  someone was troubling him.

So this dream just indicated what's happening right now .

I would really appreciate the valuable inputs of the senior members

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Post by sweetsunray » Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:46 pm

amriteshmadhur, we dream about 4-6 times a night, we just don't remember all dreams because the part of our brain that would otherwise store the dream in our short term experience memory is inactive. Only when we wake while dreaming does it get back to work, and then we have a high chance of remembering the dream. Our first sleep phases involve very deep sleep and the rem-sleep (accompanied with visual dreams), but therefore hard to wake up from. Towards the endof the night, the non rem sleep is not as deep anymore, so we wake up more easily and have a higher chance of remembering.

Dreams don't tend to revolve about issues and events older than a week, and it seems that emotions are the plot drive of the dream stories.

Precognitive, telepathic and clairvoyant dreams have been scientifically researched. Like any other dream they usually are not to be taken literally. They have a symbolical language as any other dream, which makes it hard to distinguish them of a normal dream. The reason why dreams remain symbolic is because the brain parts that correlate with realistic portrayal of the waking world just do not work while we dream sleep. The research findings were that people tend to know their dream was a precognitive dream as soon as they wake up and understand instantly what has been predicted by the dream. The predicted events usually happen between 3 days to a month later. Of those predicive dreams that were incorporated in the studies so far, about 60% of the times the dreamer was able to avoid the prediction.

I've had 2 precognitions from dreams that I'm aware of. The first precognition was not truly portrayed in the dream, it wasn't even in there as a symbolical message. The dream itself was about a past relationship, how and why things happened as they did, and it ended with my decision on how to finally resolve my feelings about it. That's when I woke up and I instantly knew I would be contacted by this man, after we had ended all communications months before (he lived at the other side of the world, so I had no way of knowing consciously what was going on at his end of his life). The dream and me waking up was in the morning, after 6 am. 3 days later I received an email from him.

The second precognitive dream was the first dream of the night. I woke up about 2-3 hours after I had gone to sleep, somewhere between 3 and 4. The dream itself was a symbolical representation of how my relationship would be with a man if I would get involved with him. The evening before the dream, him and I grew to be on friendly terms. He seemed to be showing an attraction to me, which I did not dislike, but nothing out of the ordinary. It seemed no more special an attraction from his side other than the pleasure of conversing and flirting somewhat with a woman he thought attractive. As I walked home I toyed with the idea, "what if," but I didn't think it would be a good idea to allow us to grow closer. Then I had the dream, and I woke up in total shock from it, because not only did it reveal how the relationship would be, but tt ended with him asking me to marry him and be the mother of his child. And my first reaction was that this seemed just plain impossible. 3 days after the dream we did get involved, and a month afterwards he did propose (half drunk though). I never got the feeling the dream was meant to predict beyond that point. What would happen afterwards was up in the air of my own free will. He's now living with me, 3 months after we got to know each other at the other side of the world.

Both times I instantly knew the precognition, was able to voice it very clearly as soon as I woke up. While I may have had feeling of incredulence, at the same time I was unable to doubt the truth of the warning.

I don't know whether the timing of the dream at night reveals something about how much ahead of time the prediction comes. There is just too little verifiable research done to be confident about such a standard. One could hypothize though that our earlier visual dreams in the night tackle the emotional issues that will need time, since we are most likely to forget about the dream anyway, and that we dream about the issues that need to be resolved ASAP by the morning, because we are more likely to wake up and remember the dream by then.

It seems to me that what you experienced was a clairvoyant dream because your dream was telling you what somebody else was experiencing, rather than a precognitive dream. These tend to revolve around a loved one (friend, partner and family). Telepathic dreams tend to pick up a signal but incorporate it as a symbol in the dream, makes use of it, rather than drive the dream plot. Kinda like a phone ringing in the house while asleep tends to become an element in the dream, but the dream does not revolve around the telephone ringing.

That's what I know about such special dreams and I hope it may answer some of your questions, even though I cannot give a precise yes or no on the timing of precognitive dreams

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An Example.

Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:40 pm

Namaskaar Amritesh ji,
The following is a copy paste of a dream interpretation done by a Teacher of Jyotish. I feel this should answer many of your queries relating to dream interpretations.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Dream Analysis
By Sanjay Prabhakaran
Last night, I had an unusual dream which the listmembers can help decipher and interpret. In the dream, I was in personal association with the current American president and his father. I was telling George W to take an enjoyable bike ride by taking a scenic route, which includes a tunnel and a lake, near the White House. Even Laura Bush was amazed that there was such a route nearby.

After this scene, I was conversing with the Older Bush about a tax reduction in personal income. The Older Bush said "I heard that you retired. Is that true?

I replied, "I guess I can't keep any secrets around here. Yes, that's true." During this conversation, I was amazed at how I got involved with such important people in the US.

The Older Bush continued by saying, "You know, they reduced the 'slurp' tax on my personal income."

Without hesitation I responded, "That's because you're retired. Even though I did not know what it was, it appeared that was the right thing to say.

On the next scene, a healthy looking man appeared with a smile to greet the Older Bush and me in a hall which I presumed to be in the Capitol. The man appeared to look like the younger version of Senator Ted Kennedy or Mayor Newsome of San Francisco. After the greeting, he hastily walked ahead of us and bade us to follow.

To which the Older Bush commented, "I wish these senators would slow down for us to follow."

Thus, the dream ended...as far as I can recall. :) Comments anyone? What is the meaning of this dream?


John R.

Dreams which are seen before sun rise can be deciphered to foretell the future.

Can you please tell if this dream was seen before sunrise. And you were not under the influence of some drugs(medication etc), Sickness or thought induced due to a movie,story etc.

If not then also please tell the time of seeing the dream.

I estimate that the dream occurred at about 3 AM. In the San Francisco Bay Area, the sun rises at about 5 AM. I did not take any drugs, for medication or otherwise, before going to sleep. However, I usually take an ayurvedic herbal supplement before sleeping for health reasons. I have noticed that this herbal pill appears to give clear and colorful dreams sometimes. Also, I did not watch any movies or TV programs before sleeping either.

Further, I'm not a vegetarian. I've heard that there maybe negative effects of eating meat and fish, aside from pure physical health aspect is concerned.

Please, tell us what the dream means if you have any ideas.

I Learnt a principle about dream analysis, Havent used them much. But anyway, letme try it on your case.

I casted the chart for San Fransisco for 03:00AM (Sunrise at 5:57AM).

Truth in dream
The Dream chart lagna is not aspected by Sun or Moon. The principle is Sun or moon the luminaries aspecting the dream lagna can make the dream come true. Which is not the case here. But Moon is in trines in the 9th house. To counter, Rahu in Dream lagna makes me doubt whether thereis possibility of truth. So taking this as an indicator as a possibility only let me analyse further.

Dream Bhava is 9th
9th Bhava is where dreams come from. The reason, 12th house is sleeping and the action performed at that time is 10th from 12th, Which is 9th house.

Chart for dream scene.
Assign planets and Bhavas to characters and places repectively in Dream. Using this principle an assumed chart can be cast. For example,
"Saw the ruler of the nation with his wife"-> Sun and Moon.
"The place was the capitol"->10th house.
"You were present with them"->Lagna Lord in 10th with Sun and Moon.

There is conversation about playfullness so either the 10 sign is Gemini or Virgo (3rd is playing and Virgo is also playgrounds) So either Mercury sign or Mercury is playing a role here in the 10th.

Now, Since this chart is of Dream Scene the Lagna here is actually the 9th house from your reality.

So the whole 10th house is dream is actually your 6th house from Actual lagna.

So the portent, if any, is of some Solar or Lunar influence in 6th house. Indicating that your may get govt job or something service related. Sun-Moon in 6th may indicate your parental relation may be in stress.

To time this event please take proportional time of 3AM from last sunset and sunrise for a Years time. As One year is maximum time by which a dream can fructify.

Sunrise: 5:57:32 (May 23)
Sunset: 20:16:09 (May 23)

Night about 9H 45minutes. and this happened three hours or so before sun rise. This even can after about 3.7 months from date of seeing the dream. The proportion is done in reverse as dreams seen right at sunrise have immediate effect.

Please check your natal dasa, and focus on 6th house results, send your birth detail for others to check also

Thank you
Warm Regards
Sanjay P

Hari om tat sat

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Post by amriteshmadhur » Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:12 am

Thanks SweetSunray for your informative inputs.

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Post by amriteshmadhur » Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:26 am

Namaskaar Vivek Sir,
I was amazed by your reply that astrology interprets the dream, I was not knowing that , then again I looked to your reply in my first post, there also you had mentioned  that you try to interpret astrologically.
I didn't understand that time as I was new to the forum and was unware of astrology. Still I don know about it neither I am trying to learn it because of my schedule, but can understand somehow. But, your post just amazed me regarding astrological perspective of dream interpretation.
Lastly, thanks for your Input.


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