see ugly things in clouds....

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see ugly things in clouds....

Post by hellopurewool » Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:15 pm

hello, this is not a dream question but I wasn't sure where to post so here it is.  Whenever I look at the sky and see clouds, they turn into images of ugly faces and monsters most of the time.  I've asked spirit guides, angels to help me, that I no longer wish to see these images that I would like to see happy faces or beautiful, pleasant things instead but it has not worked.

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Post by Rook » Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:46 am

Hey Hellopurewool

Could these images be a reflection on your life?  How is your life going at present?

Kind regards,

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:54 am

Hellopurewool, please remember that your guides provide guidance, but they won't make things happen for you, like take away images you maybe need to see. Have you considered that the guides may try to show you a reflection of the demons in your life (not real demons, but rather pitfalls, things that bother you, the monsters in the closet, so to speak), that you might be trying to avoid dealing with? So I kinda agree with Rook there.

Seeing the evil in everything is often a sign of depression, too. You might want to try and get a bit of professional help, either to help talk about the issues in your life or even a low-dose anti-depressant like Wellbutrin, I am not an expert, but there was a time when I was in need of help, just like you (since I know a bit about your story) and both of the above helped a lot to begin with. There is no reason to be ashamed to ask for greater help than what you can expect on this board. Just keep in mind one thing my doctor told me at the time: If the situation doesn't change, the pills won't make much of a difference long-term. I ended up quitting the pills and changing the situation, especially started to love myself again. Only if you love yourself, can you love everything around you and see the positive things again. You can turn things around on your own with the right intention and focus on your goals. I am a living example for that!

Love, light and blessings - AND A BIG HUG!

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Post by happyme » Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:55 pm

It could have been a clairvoyant prediction - horror coming from the skys. Perhaps natural disasters that will lead to lots of devastation. We are certainly not in a time where that seems farfetched or have not already been happening often. How long has this been happening to you? How do you feel when you see these impressions, are the feelings you get intense? What area(s) were you in when you saw that and when did you see it. Do you see it everytime you look, or rather recurring in periods or cycles? If you keep asking your spirit guide(s) to make them go aaway and they won't it may be a message they are trying to send you that you are not receiving or accepting. Open yourself to whatever the message is, whether it is a prediction of danger/horror or something within yourself you need to work on, and once you have started to accept what is being received and act accordingly I am sure it will go away. In fact ask them for more guidance in helping you understand what is being said and asked of you.

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Post by hellopurewool » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:49 pm

I was pondering on all of the replies to the post for the past few days and boy what insight, you guys are amazing!  So much to think about but mostly I felt so much love and caring, people reaching out to another, thanks guys for all the love!
Love and Light!!!

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