Dream having to do with something I was supposed to help my cousin with

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Dream having to do with something I was supposed to help my cousin with

Post by happyme » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:23 am

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
While I was awake, I had committed to help my cousin, Matthew, with something online. He was taking a long time to make a decision, so he eventually decided to check out some offline options. So I left his home and went back next door to mine. He came over not much longer and said the offline options weren’t feasible. I was cranky and sleepy at that time. I was also sensitive to the noise from the tv, and my brother and cousin playing around. So I snapped at them. They apologized, so I apologized and explain to them how I was feeling. I asked my cousin if he made an online decision, and he said yes, and that he would go back over to his home and send the link to me by messenger. When I went on my messenger, he sent multiple links and admitted he still hadn’t made up his mind. I got really upset and started fussing about it to my brother. My cousin then came over to open my links from my messenger. I did a bit of surfing not for long. Then I told him I was going to lie down, and when he finally made a choice he must wake me.

It was around 3:4o-something I went to rest. I noticed a lot of energy was pulsing in me; it became even more noticeable when I connected the fingers of my hands together while I was lying down. It has been like that since that, but it was causing me not to fall asleep ironically. Then when I was in the light stages of sleep my third eye started to get super sensitive. It woke me up and when I close my eye lids I saw indigo patterns flashing.  Then I eventually fell in a deep sleep from there. In my dream, I was sleeping and my cousin came and wake me up to tell me he had made a decision, he then left my room. I tried getting up to follow him, but I was experiencing the paralysis stage of sleep where my mind was awake and my body was asleep in the dream. I tried to fight it for the longest while, but I just couldn’t budge. I then looked down on my phone and also realized it been stuck on the last call and it remained stuck for as long as I was paralyzed in my bed. Then I noticed 6667 flashed out at me in bright red digital fonts from the phone. My cousin came back in my room at this point. I tried telling him that I will soon come but I still couldn’t get up. I wasn’t sure if I was trying to hide that from him. I also told him my phone was stuck on the last call and he said oh that’s Michael. It was so intense and vivid that I thought it really happened. I woke up then and immediately went in my living room to ask my cousin if he had waked me at any point and he said no, he had been out there the entire time.  It was 5:17pm at the time. At that point I could have sworn my cousin said Michael in the dream, but the name was a little foggy. For the night the name Michael popped up in two more scenarios after the dream as well as wings at least twice. Then I started to feel really really hot at 12:02am like a hot flash when the night is cool while I was typing this dream.

I think Archangel Michael visited me today I think he was warning and protecting me from not do something that would take me off track from my spiritual path. I think it may be related to what I was supposed to help my cousin with. I noticed he never asked me about it again, when he was so pressed on it before I went to sleep. I guess I will continue to see what happens where that is concerned.

6667 – I translate that to mean 367; 3 standing for making a spiritual decision; six for material world; 7 for spiritual path – make a decision between both, or rather make a decision that will ensure I overcome the material world and progress on my spiritual path. The bright red and the bold digital fonts of numbers served to express the urgency of this message/warning.

Phone; the phone being stuck on the call – Communication is taking place, it won’t budge from the call until I receive the message, the call being stuck for so long also speaks to the urgency of what is being said to me.

Call coming from Michael – Archangel Michael is the source of this message.

The sleep paralysis – I am being held back or protected from doing something I shouldn’t

The dream closely parallels what I was about to do in my waking life that it had to be in relation to what I was helping my cousin with. I believe I know what aspect of this it is was referring to but I will keep that to myself.

The repetition of Michael and wings for the rest of the evening was probably his way of confirming that he really visited my dream. I think the name Michael is also the answer to a question I had about a person. When I confirm if it is true or not with the person I will come back and say.

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A bit of info on Archangel Michael

Post by happyme » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:42 am

"Michael is also associated with fire, it is a purifying fire that burns away the dross and insures that alchemical reactions within the psyche produce the "gold" that one is seeking, in this case evolution and spiritual enlightenment."

"You'll first sense him as a feeling of peace and safety in your heart. He's got a real warm temperature, and you'll notice that your body starts to heat up. Some people actually begin to perspire when he shows up. I've noticed that in my workshops, when we invoke him, the sweaters come off and some women think they're having a hot flash."


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All I have to say is this

Post by marlena » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:46 am

Be at peace and follow your path. Everything that you are doing is going to serve a higher purpose!!!

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Post by happyme » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:49 am

Thaanks Marlena!! By the way this could aslo explain those super warm/hot sensations you been getting like hot flashes. Archangel Michael may be visiting you a lot. He is associated with career and discovering your life purpose and spiritual path. Protecting you from negative energy, etc. :)

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Post by Rook » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:02 am


I am by no means an expert on angels, signs or Religion for that matter, but the theme seems to be strong in these areas.

What stood out to me was the 666, the devils number by common understanding.  The 7 can be taken in numerous ways.  I have seen it described as both a symbol of the 7 chakras giving it a basic symbol of 'completion' or the complete self energy-wise.  I also learnt at university this is the number of digits that is easiest to recall, so dealing with memory, also the rule of 7 being that after 7 years of doing something the average person will get tired and move on (to a new career for example) hence can  be a symbol of 'time to change'.

Looking at the dream and the lead up to it though, you describe your energy levels and chakras being energised.  And what are the emotions that created that charge?  Anger, frustration, annoyance.  Negative.  The dark side.  The message that you are 'stuck on' is from Michael, the Prince of the Forces of Light.  Also, gathering from your censorship the task you were helping with is also probably something related to the darker natures of human existance?  Perhaps the reason you can't speak on the phone is because of that charge?  Thats  in addition to what you have already stated which is also valid.

Through my understanding hell and the devil are representation of the material world and material desires.  Perhaps what you are doing on the outside is not reflecting what you are wanting to do on the inside in your spiritual path.  As the prayer goes "Thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven."  If you consider heaven your mind, your internal world, and the earth the external, I understand this is precisely what this part of the prayer is alluding too.  Depends upon which spiritual path you are walking though.

Best of luck with it all.

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Post by happyme » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:21 am

Definitelly Rook you did it again! I was feeling negative, cranky and irritated, I had full intention of helping him, but I was feeling impatient eventually probably because of feeling tired I don't know, but it does speak to a lower negative energy in me at tyhe time  and perhaps in relation to the task too and Archangel Michael is very integreal in removing that. Everything else you said I definitely can relate too and rings true in me.

Love and light!

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Uhh guys...

Post by happyme » Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:01 pm

I think this dream may have also been prophetic or warning of something a little (ok maybe not a little( more grandscale than me and my cousin's issues.

I should have added that pyschic clairvoyant came to me that night as well in three random scenarios but at the time I didn't tie it to the dream but to my own question of my abilities being answered or maybe it was answering that too. Then Lucy (shortening for lucinda) and Lucinda came to me up to various random scenarios while I was awake during Tuesday and yesterday. Then the story of Sister Lucia who was clairvoyant nun who revealed certain prophecies given to her by FMary came to me as well. I think I am also being told that the dream was a clairvoyant prophetic dream.

Then last night I was watching a repeat of the show Dexter, and History Channel came up really randomly, funny thing is I don't remember hearing anything about History Channel in that episode when I watched it the first time. I am not saying this to say it wasn't said the first time around, but rather, I found it interesting that it caught my interest this time around and history channel is never something I would have associated with Dexter although I do switch back and forth between them at times.

Then that very same night I went to history channel after watching the repeat of dexter, and saw them aired an episode of Nostradamus Effect - Secrets of the Seven Seals which speaks to the seven sealed scrolls and end of time prophecies over a duration of seven years (make reference to what rook had to say about the number of seven). Which comes in a progression of the 6 minor seals being broken first then leading to the major seventh one. They also made reference to the Creation story of the earth taking 7 days where they spoke on the 6 days and their lead up toto the 7th one. There was just repeated 67 number sequence coming out. 666 being the hard times about to take place in the material world in three waves of natural and man-made destruction. As well as the trinity of the devil, the antichrist and the false prophet. I personally still believe that man/the human race is the antichrist we are our biggest enemy and in my opinion to blame for the devastation that is to come. We gradually run down our world, with war and weoponry, genocides, damaging our environment on low and grandscale levels, years upon years of it too, what did we expect would happen. Why are we suprised that drought, famine, pandemics, global warming and the global economic crisis are hitting us so hard now?

Now I am not really religious or a big bible follower. In my opinion it has a lot of wisdom, and a strong record of historical events and great men and women in the form of healers, spiritual teachers, wise ones, prophets, rulers, and soldiers. It also show some great men and their downfalls and how their weaknesses led to such downfalls, it is obviously easy to make the link to today's world and seek wisdom from this in that sense. Butt for me it also has too many imperfections and is too close to man in the characteristics displayed within it to be considered God's life manual. I think our access to God's life manual was always meant to be accessed from our inner selves as we are ready to know more about our self and our life purpose/spiritual path it is revealed. As we grow or as we become ready to learn more, more is revealed at each of those points, like a gradual build up. However that is just my belief. I just make this point to say I have never really bean into the literal sense of the end of the world and the way ppl grasp the unforgiving attitude of the book of revelations. Yet this dream may have been warning us of the events to come. I still don't think it is as literal as ppl make it, but I do believe it may be warning of all the natural disasters that has been associated and it may be confirming the end of another era/age of the Earth as it enters a new vibration.

On a relatively minor note my cousin Matthew appearing to me in the dream may have another meaning as well, Archangel Michael may have been telling me to refer to scriptures of the book Matthew for a message.

Matthew 6: 6+7= 13
Matthew 6:13 (New International Version)

13And lead us not into temptation,
  but deliver us from the evil one.[a]'
Archangel Michael is supposed to cleanse and protect us from negative energy

Matthew 6:6-13 (King James Version)

6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

8Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

9After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread.

12And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Rook made the point about the reference to Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Could this also be prophetic speaking to the move of the Earth to a higher vibration, from a world of the materrial theme of duality to the spiritual theme of oneness like heaven? Hmm

Matthew 6:19 (6+6+7) (New International Version)

Treasures in Heaven
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I do not have any interest in money or material things, but sometimes I do have concerns about my financial affairs and how they relate to my future and the future of my mom or children if ever ihave any.

Maybe this is a far leap but I thought I would put it out there that perhaps the numbers and Matthew perhaps were pointing me to bible scripture references.

Either way I have come to believe that dreams and numeric or word codes/messages of the waking life often have layered meanings. They often are sending multiple messages to us at the same time. We may also get multiple dreams that conveys the same message.

5 = change hmm

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