Eye - Update

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Eye - Update

Post by happyme » Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:21 pm

I remembered closing my eyes to go to sleep and seeing an outline of an eye in the centre looking right back at me it got more defined and bright and vivid with colour, it was wide open and a nice clear violet colour.
I then dreamed it was morning and I woke up to my mother calling me. I went out of my room door and saw her. She told me to wake up my brother. I remembered sort of wondering why she was asking me to wake my brother when she could wake him? Looking out from my door I saw two windows. They were open with bright light shining in. On the opposite side I saw a hallway with a balcony railing it had openings on either side of the railing that had short staircases leading up to them. I watched my mom go up one set of stairs. I eventually followed her, but used the staircase on the other end. I was going to wake up my brother, but I ended up in a room with a notepad and pen. I started writing but my thoughts were plentiful and all over the place, I eventually managed to write "Hi i,". That was all I was able to jot down.
Last edited by happyme on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rook » Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:27 am

Hi Happyme

That must so be an image of the third eye chakra opening.  Or perhaps your third eye associations becoming stronger?  I mean I am pretty sure the third eye is associated with violet isn't it?

You are going to awaken your brother.  Could that be a dormant masculine aspect of your Self?  Something associated with thoughts, perhaps rationality / logic?  That sounds like an insult...  Or perhaps it could be a creative aspect, ie that you are writing.  Though I thought of that as feminine...

I am a bit frazzled today.  Sorry I am not getting much more insightful than that, at least not at this stage.


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Post by happyme » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:47 am

Rook I am pretty stumped myself, that's why I posted it. I am not offended at all I actually agree it could be that. As for the  writing part. I have been pondering a writing career. I asked for guidance from the angels on that matter, so this insight could be tied in for real. My brother could represent my masculine self, but my mother could also be representing some aspect of my feminine self as well.

As you said seeing the eye in my dream could have been my third eye being activated and the insights coming from that source, as well as a strengthening of it. "Hi I" could be telling me to acknowledge the aspects of my inner self and trust the insights of my third eye to bring more balance to my total, then true creativity will start to happen with my writing and ultimately with a career in writing. I am still trying to piece it all together myself.

There was the literal meaning of a reminder of my responsibilities in my waking life, but I managed to get those done. Thanks Rook that was really helpful.

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Post by Rook » Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:19 am

I too wish to make a career from writing eventually.  Have gone a while without the energy for it, but has been good to reflect on plots and messages to get back into it when life settles down a bit.  If life settles down.

In terms of the dream I guess the other things to consider are the repeated dual symbols.  The two windows with the light streaming in.  The light could be energy or else a positive outlook.  There is also the dual stairs that leads up to the balcony.  Your mother takes one set of stairs, you take the other.  Could that be some analogy regarding a difference between your mother's life or tendencies and your own?  Some way in which you are the opposite / different to your mother...  I still have the feeling that the image of you in the room writing, but you have too many thoughts.  I get the feeling this is how you are awakening the brother.

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Post by happyme » Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:46 pm

Thanks for the further insight. I def have to say excellent point of the repeated theme of duality coming out, definitely something to be explored. The duality theme could also represent too many material things getting in the way of me focusing on my career and ultimately my spiritual goals. Learning to tune more into my inner self will perhaps bring me back on path with my spirituality; it will bring me on a level of oneness and unity with my total self, thus stimulating the creativity, groundedness, and spirituality needed to move forth.

I think you would make an excellent writer. You are so well versed on a number of topics. You have learned a lot and definitely have a lot to share. Why not make such authority official? I wish you all the best in such pursuits! :)

Side note: I would love to write fiction/fantasy based novels. I love writing stories and poems. :)

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Post by sweetsunray » Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:05 am

Images you have as you fall asleep are of a total different nature than dream-sleep imagery. Although meditative consciousness is similar to the falling asleep consciousness, I'm hesitant to regard the actual falling asleep phase a meditative insightful one. And falling asleep phase is hallucinitary in a total different way than normal dreams:
- we think we are still wide awake, in our room falling asleep
- sense some presence, pressure or motion, and yet when we try to move we can't.
It could be seen as a signal to 'watch what's coming'... and it might mean zilch.

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Post by happyme » Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 pm

Ok thanks Sweetsunray that's a good point. :)

Rook, it just hit me what you said about me writing "hi i" on the note pad, and that being how I "wake my brother". Ok I am gone to reflect on that now.


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Post by happyme » Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:46 pm

My brother came to me and asked me about spirituality, psychic abilities and sensitivities, and we compared notes on what we both have been experiencing. "Waking my brother" :)

Our family could be an analogy to God and his relation to the universe in this dream. With my mom representing the Creator. I have been having these sensitivities and a new sense of perception and awareness, and I suspected other family members, particularly my brother, have been going through this too, and thought it was just best that I allowed him to figure it out on his own at his own pace with the aid of the Creator and his own spirit guides. The dream was telling me I needed to reach out to him and help him with his spiritual development too. Writing notes could mean a message needing to be conveyed. This tying into what Rook mentioned about me going to write the note having to do with "waking my brother". :)

Thanks for the help everyone, dream solved. :)

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