My House and an Elevator Ride

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My House and an Elevator Ride

Post by Rook » Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:20 am

I am looking at and admiring my house from the outside with someone from my old ice hockey team.  It is a big, rich, elegant house with wooden floorboards, extravagent furniture, and fantastic elegant stairs.  From the outside it is well finished, with beautiful gardens and is very aesthetically pleasing.

The man from hockey is asking how I managed to get such a great house when he is living in a regular house.  I explain that the house is an entity of its own, it has its own personality and eccentricities.  It has its own desires and wants, and when you give the house what it wants, it gives back to you.

I then go to a university where the student guild is running a special event.  They are testing a new elevator in a tall tower that is under construction.  They are letting people ride the elevator up and down.  It is my turn to ride it but it might be too late.  I have to convince the student guild to let me ride the elevator.  I manage to convince them.

The elevator shoots up the tower to the top and begins dropping again.  I watch the elevator coming down.  The tower is still under construction and I am looking at holes in the walls and iron girders.

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Post by happyme » Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:16 am

Hi Rook!

Hope you are enjoying your holidays so far. I am sorry I took so long to respond.

This seems to be such a beautiful dream, it tells me you are making positive advances in your spiritual journey. I believe the house represents the ideal/goal you are trying to achieve with your soul upon reaching the end of your period of spiritual introspection. I get this based on the fact that the house is shiny and brand new and seems perfect. You are also on the outside of the house looking on at it admiringly.

The member of your old hockey team is that element of yourself that still remains from the past, that questions how to get from there to that new ideal. That aspect of yourself even represents the self doubts you may be having as you proceed with your journey. You doubt if you are trodding the right path, you question and second guess your experiences and if you are worthy of this. You perhaps even question the pace of the entire journey. You responding to the old hockey team member, is you getting the answers/guidance to your doubts and questions as to the right approach for achieving this new ideal from your innerself.

Being in university again shows that you are achieving a new level of awareness and understanding, a lesson or message is being conveyed here that will contribute to your spiritual growth.  The elevator going up and down in a tower that is still in construction, and your need to convince the student guild that allow you to take it for a ride, tells me that in order for you to achieve a higher level of spiritual consciousness and growth your life may go through some up and downs until you convince your guides that you have learned a necessary spiritual lesson. The holes in the walls are good, because it means as you go through the necessary life lessons and gradually acquire this higher level of consciousness the boundaries you put up around others will not crumble but reveal enough cracks to make you connect more, this may be important as such connections may help you to learn the necessary lessons to achieve further spiritual growth.

Another thing, the iron girders, which correct me if I am wrong would be the support structure that serves as a balancing function that aids in pulling the elevator up and down. The iron represents anger and aggression. The fact that this support structure is made of iron suggests that you are repressing a lot of anger and aggression, or passion perhaps. You internalize and suppress these fiery emotions all the time. Perhaps the life lessons coming ahead to be learned involves learning to find the balance between expressing and controling these emotions, before they overpower you.

This is what I think, all the best!

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