A good One, Take your best shot.

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A good One, Take your best shot.

Post by flowwer » Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:20 am

This dream had me worried/ disturbed this morning.

There was a sort of pre-dream which i dont think is necessary and so wont discuss. The main part is, I was in a clothes store at the mall with my bestfriend Ailena (in real life she works @ the mall, not sure if the she is on the clock in the dream) but the hispanics start screaming (we cant understand, they say "arturo"? cant remember) and we see lots of people running. We dont know why, but we start to run as well, before we do I offer to tke some of her bags it seems she is struggling. Once in the parking lot I ascertain that a meteor is in the sky and coming for earth, somehow my bestfriend and I get separated I am running and running (freely, without inhibition; usually, in dreams my flight is inhibited, sort of stiffled or paralyzed bodily) and think to got into the high school or some other structure because it it might be nuclear fall out proof (but this is a meteor, that wldnt work) I am running and running and come to the hills, away from the meteor, i repeatedly jump and land from large hills there are cars below in the valley. In front of me, is the moon. First, the moon and sun are opposed,  it switches from day to night from minute to minute as one out shines the other, then they are one in front of the other switching places. suddenly I become confused as it seems i have change the direction of my running. It seems now that there are two suns when I had been running toward one. I cant tell which way is the meteor and decide to turn around and then realize i have been deceived.  One "sun" reveals itself as the meteor and a turn and run away. I notice when looking for my phone that I have become separated from my personal belongings as well as my friends bags and the only thing in my pocket is my ipod. I recall running into a woman and (daughter)? running as well toward the end but woke up.

Note:  I realized that in the back ground playing was Bright Eyes- "Dont know when but a day is gonna come", the second stanza of which is "They say they dont know when but a day is gonna come... when there wont be a moon and there wont be a sun... it will just go black. it will just go back to the way it was before "

Interesting right???

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Post by FireRose » Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:37 am

Sounds clearly apocalyptic to me! "arturo" is Italian for Arthur ... I know you said hispanics were yelling it. It could be a reference to a person with that name or, the meaning of the name which is "stone". Perhaps referring to the "stone" falling from the sky? This sounds like some dreams I have had. The falling "second sun" and very quickly shifting night and day. I believe these things are metaphor but also "literal" things to come.  The song makes perfect sense with the dream. Do you often have a "sound track" to your dreams? Some people do now and then, it's not uncommon or strange.

Ultimately, I think you are becoming open and aware to the course of events leading up to and including a major shift in the Earth and perhaps the entire Universe, including our own consciousness. I hope others share their similar dreams. I know they are becoming more and more common.

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Post by flowwer » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:29 am

I really appreciate your reply. the weird thing about the song is that line is not really about apocalypse but religion, also i don't usually have soundtracks to my dreams and in this the song only played in the end. I wondered specifically however, as to the meaning of my actions, and my role in the dream. And yes, I have encountered a lot of spiritual growth lately, thankfully./

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Post by Rook » Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:39 am


The dream seems to be speaking of some catastrophic event in your life that has or you anticipate is about to happen.  Now I am not talking about the apocalypse, but something that would have a dramatic effect on you personally.  To help identify whatever this event would be look to the symbols.'

The clothes store, how we dress ourselves.  This has a lot to do with the 'mask' we put on that we present to society (ie we don't appear socially as we might do when alone - the persona is what we let society see of ourselves).  Perhaps you are unconsciously / intuitively anticipating a dramatic change in how you present yourself.  This fits with your age, as you are moving from being a teen to a young adult.  This is quite a dramatic shift in how we present ourselves.

But the rest of the dream speaks to me of fear and confusion regarding this change.  Society is yelling and running for reasons you don't understand.  Could do with the fast pace of adult life, as we don't have as much time as we did in our teen years.  Despite this lack of understanding why they are running you start running too (perhaps living at that faster pace unnecissarily, you don't have a real reason to but  you start living this way anyhow).

The next part speaks to me of big changes in your life, the meteor.  It is coming.  You are confused and fearful, (which is a natural state to be in at this stage of your life btw) you are wondering where to go.  To the high school = education, college?  It gives protection in a higher paying job, better able to succeed?

The next scene speaks to me of a struggle between the 'sun and the moon' being in a state of disagreement.  That is your intellect (sun masculine) and emotion (moon feminine) are at odds with each other as to where to go on the next stage of your lifes journey.   This could be what is creating the confusion.  In the end you run towards the sun, which may turn out to be the meteor that creates the dramatic change in your life.

The result of this confusion?  You have become seperated from your personal belongings?  Perhaps identity, or perhaps in redefining the way you present yourself you have 'changed your wardrobe' so to speak.  You may have lost some friendships in this process, or may do so, which occured in my own personal experience going through this stage of life.

I kind of took up on my intuition and went with it on this interpretation.  I may be way off haha.  Let me know your thoughts.

Sweet dreams,

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Post by flowwer » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:23 am

Mch of what you said applies sort of, while Im pretty secure of myself, I am sort of growing into myself and the period when i had the dream (it lingers until now) was a period of VERY HEAVY, RAPID spiritual growth and evolution,  I was blessed with many realizations. Its interesting that I read this today because I have just recently been debating as to how I live life, what my next moves are. I know the high road is the way but am not sure if i want to adhere strictly to a path of growth which would isolate me from the nonsense associated with worldly things when I long and am determined to dominate the world. I also contemplate the nature of my social interaction- I tend to shun others for their weakness, blindness, aloofness, but seek influence over them. I feel that while I am used to handling things alone and have come to be disgusted with society, I am meant to learn to form a bridge of communication, to teach and benefit them; it is not their fault. I think I need to learn to enlighten or refurbish a broken people. As a scorpio, I am good at creating things but abhor fixing and am inclined to destroy it completely and start again as opposed to cleaning what is already tainted (ending a relationship). One thing im dealing with now is adopted siblings- while if they were my children from the beginning i'm sure they would be fine children. But im having trouble fathoming how to get rid of flaws i did not create, esp. making them not just clean but BE CLEAN when they have been conditioned not with an inaccurate view of what clean is. I digress; people around me are proving themselves faulty, not meeting my standards, disappointing me being unreliable which makes it seem better to continue alone which allows time for reflection, inner cleanliness and ensures that things get done successfully and they get done right. I am aware that what ever I decide I want, I will have but am not sure which path I  am meant to/ it is better for me to take. I am finding that this is not black and white for me as things usually are, just as the nature of the new world order (rise of consciousness vs rise of darkness; Ive been thinking of this dream in those terms all along, it applies as well). I am well established in college and doing well and am doing well, I wouldn't categorize this struggle as one of fear, in fact in the dream, I there wasnt a large sense of fear, but urgence and then uncertainty- also, I was confused as to why the meteor hadnt hit yet lol, i thought I had much less time than i thought... it ws a very profound, striking dream. I thank you for your analysis :D and would like to hear your thoughts again lol. Peace

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