Strange epic dreams...

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Strange epic dreams...

Post by daffodil93 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:40 am

Hi, I keep having these odd epic dreams at night which are always very vivid and I can remember them very well when morning comes. :/ goes: (sorry, there's a lot of parts to them)

Whenever I dream of my two dogs, its never just the two of them, but there's a third dog as well, which I can't recognize. I really don't get why the third one is thrown in there all the time. My dad, who used to be a dog breeder, would dream of a dog a month or so before he'd go looking for new puppies, and he'd be able to find the dog from his dream, down to exact markings and personality traits. Is this somehow connected?

Okay, and...I dream a lot of these weird settings which are always changing. One time it was this cold, frozen forest with lots of blood in it and open deer carcasses, another time it was this open-fieldsy area where there were all these old victorian houses fenced in nice yards, and there was nothing modern, another time it was a forest with old roman ruins in it, and last night it was a desert-like open area with a lot of cliffs and valleys. Thing is with these, is they rotate, and if a new setting shows up, it suddenly gets pulled into the cycle. In all of these cases, I'm usually escaping something, like bandits who captured me or something like that. Each night kind of continues the last and I'm always trying to ran away from these random people and when I get away from one, another group will show up, and I just run through all the different settings in my dream world again and again trying to get away. These dreams have been around forever, somewhere around the time I started remembering dreams when I was two-years-old or so.

Okay, and lastly, I dream I can fly alot, and I don't know why. Its always incredibly realistic dreams I have when I fly, like the feeling of pumping your arms to swim, the feeling when the wind is blowing so hard in your face you can scarcely breathe, and the feeling you get when you step down and think there's another step but there's not. But I'm always struggling to keep up, but gravity usually doesn't win and I stay in a sort of balance between flying high and falling. From what other people have told me, it's alot like the falling dream, but I never actually let myself fall because I stop it with the flying.

Okay, so I'll stop there. Gosh, I'm so sorry, that's alot to try to interpret, but I'd just kind of like someone's opinions on the things, because I've been dealing with vivid dreams all my life and I can still perfectly remember ones from when I was a toddler they're so vivid. These ones I wrote down were all reoccurring dreams that I had last night, just to keep it current. Thanks to anyone who dares take them on to try and figure out what they mean. :)

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Post by flowwer » Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:44 am

It is my guess that the changing settings may represent you running, or escaping from life to life, possibly evading the wisdom you should be acquiring.

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