Golden Python

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Golden Python

Post by Tassie » Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:38 pm

I had a dream that a huge Golden Python took up residence in my house.  As it slithered through my house I was not scared but at peace.  I am normally afraid of snakes.  This python crawled into the bed in my extra bedroom and pulled the covers up over it, as if it lives there and was comfortable there.  Can someone please help me interpret this dream? :smt114

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Post by Rook » Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:51 pm

Hi Tassie

Snakes can represent a lot of different things.  They are strong symbol of spiritual energy being associated with the cadeceus, the ouroborus (serpent eating its own tale) as a symbol of eternity and cycles, as well as a potent symbol of sexual energy basically as a living phallus.  It can also represent sneaky and underhanded people.

Because it is such a potent symbol I think only you could figure out exactly what this dream means.  To me there are a few different possibilities.  The golden colour does seem to indicate a spiritual symbol.  Gold can indicate something good and life-enhancing, something of value.  It is also the colour of the 'true-self'.  You also have to look to the symbol of the house.  The house is usually representative of yourself, the different rooms different aspects of yourself.

The snake taking up residence in a bed in your 'extra bedroom' suggests to me the possibility of some area of increased sexuality or exploration.  Maybe even 'getting a bit on the side', or perhaps going over and above previous experiences.  Something that is a better expression of your desires / feelings that will help you express your true-self...  Maybe sacred sexuality?  Pulling the covers up suggests perhaps it is something you want to 'cover up', but something that is very rewarding for you.

There is the other alternatives of snakes not being sexually related, but I am struggling to make the right connections here if that is the case and there is no sexual component.  Starting to get a headache so might go get my breaky and morning coffee to help overcome that.  Let me know if this interp doesn't fit and we can explore more possibilities.

Sweet dreams,

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