Engulfed by massive flames... Everything destroyed

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Engulfed by massive flames... Everything destroyed

Post by pocho » Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:02 am

So i'm in this relatively populated city. My mom and some other person are with me and we decide to part ways. Person turns around, mom goes right, and I go left.

I notice a subway that I need to go under. As I'm about to get to it, I see this massively bright light out the corner of my eye. I'm curious. I step back, and it's the most beautiful light I'd ever seen that's, I'd guess, 50 miles away, and it's getting bigger and bigger.

As soon as I take a closer look I realize that its this massive wave of fire. All the people around me are running in chaos, except me, I feel at complete ease, like I'm awaiting what's coming. Then I see this mushroom cloud, like it's an a-bomb. The closer the wave of flames get, the calmer I seem to be. I can actually feel the heat of the flames starting to come towards me. All of a sudden, the flames engulf me, I can see everything, and I can actually feel the heat in my dream.

Then.... I wake up and my body feels HOT inside! Creepiness!

I woke up from this around 7am. I fell back asleep about 10 minutes later and had the exact same dream, just a little different.

This time, as the flame was coming towards me, again, I'm feeling completely at ease, like I'm one with all, and then as the wave of fire takes over me, I open my arms as if I'm allowing the flames to take me.

As soon as I do this, the flames take me and I'm standing there, completely on fire but I'm not afraid, I'm not in pain, I'm rather fascinated by it. I look around, look at my hands, everything is on fire, the buildings, the trees, everything and I'm just standing there with not a worry in the world.

I'm gonna have to say it was a beautiful feast of fire. I've never had such a vivid dream in my life, so many colors...

So, I haven't the slightest idea what this means.. I've looked up fire, Armageddon, and such things. Fire apparently means good and bad. But when it completely engulfs things it's not necessarily a good thing.

But the wave of fire completely engulfed me! I was astounded in my dream. I was welcoming it. Everything was perfect it felt like. Just, I don't know, EVERYTHING was on fire, everybody was screaming, and there I was, just standing there with arms wide open.


Thanks ya'll!

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Post by Rook » Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:59 am


Fire is a potent symbol of spirit, as well as destruction and rebirth.  What the destruction in this dream is addressing I am not entirely sure.  But I may have a few ideas.

It could be referencing a change in your life, at your age this could be the movement from young adult, to adulthood, where life can suddenly lose some of its direction, as we shift from education to career.  This can send a lot of people into the situation which you witness others experiencing.  Basically running aimlessly not knowing what to do.  It is usually a fear of the unknown future that drives this.  If this is the interp then you are not fearing this change in your life.  Perhaps you have a clear destination, or alternatively you do not fear this unknown challenge but rather look forward to it.  (The destruction would be your life as you knew it, giving birth to a new way of life).

It could also be some kind of spiritual awakening, like a baptism of fire.  A spiritual change that you are anticipating, welcoming.  Effectively you are the Phoenix.  A process of rapid destruction of old beliefs and establishment of a greater wisdom through this experience.

Something I have thus far overlooked, is ironically the beginning of the dream.  You are with your mother.  Parting ways with your mother matches the first interpretation, as you step out from under your mothers wing to take on the world with the responsibilities of a full grown adult.  In the spiritual version the mother archetype could represent the unconscious, intuition, natural instincts.  Following this you are going down into the subway before the fire hits.  In the first interp I would see this as joining the rat race going to 'work'.  In the second, it could be a descent into the unconscious, to embark on a train, a set path to a destination.

Does that make any sense to you at all?

Oh, I forgot to add it could be revolving around your attitude to 2012?  Some people fear it, but perhaps you are of an open minded attitude that it is not the end of the world but a change that will benefit mankind, hence you do not fear it?


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